
common knowledge造句

common knowledge造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:53:14


common knowledge造句

  • 1、It'scommon knowledge that not everyone in the world formats their Numbers in the same way.(眾所周知,并非每個人都用相同的方式格式化數(shù)字。)
  • 2、It's beencommon knowledge that Skype's investors have been looking for a buyer for some time.(有共識是Skype的投資者尋找買家有一段時間了。)
  • 3、It iscommon knowledge that the earth is round.(地球是圓的是人所共知的事。)
  • 4、Even at the Wall, it wascommon knowledge that Stannis Baratheon had 'shunned his wife for years.(史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩已冷落妻子多年,即便在長城,這也是盡人皆知的。)
  • 5、It iscommon knowledge that WCF is a very powerful technology.(這是眾所周知,WCF是一個非常強大的技術(shù)。)
  • 6、It'scommon knowledge that in a desktop file manager application you can have a folder regardless of whether it is empty.(在桌面文件管理器應(yīng)用程序中,可以有空的文件夾。)
  • 7、The fatal transparency ofcommon knowledge is avoided and your friendship can continue.(這樣就能夠避免共同認(rèn)識致命的透明性,同時保住你們的友誼。)
  • 8、It is alsocommon knowledge that milk containing deleterious organisms is an unsuitable article of food.(乳品中含有有害微生物不適合食用是基本常識。)
  • 9、It is probablycommon knowledge that coffee was discovered in Ethiopia.(這大概也是常識,咖啡發(fā)現(xiàn)于埃塞俄比亞。)
  • 10、It'scommon knowledge that smoking and cancer are closely linked.(眾所周知,吸煙和癌癥是密切相關(guān)的。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 11、His prejudices werecommon knowledge.(他的偏見是眾所周知的。)
  • 12、It iscommon knowledge that Zhang Zoulin was murdered by the Japanese.(盡人皆知,張作霖是被日本人謀殺的。)
  • 13、It'scommon knowledge that the software developer is often crunched for time.(眾所周知,軟件開發(fā)人員在時間方面通常都很緊張。)
  • 14、It iscommon knowledge that the earth moves around the sun.(地球繞著太陽轉(zhuǎn)是常識。)
  • 15、It iscommon knowledge that you can gain a lot of performance benefits by using database connection pools.(眾所周知,使用數(shù)據(jù)庫連接池可以獲得許多性能優(yōu)勢。)
  • 16、When you talk about the bull or the bear, it iscommon knowledge that you are referring to the stock exchange.(當(dāng)你談?wù)摰脚J谢蛘咝苁袝r,盡人皆知這是在指股票市場。)
  • 17、Darwin took the tiniest step beyondcommon knowledge.(達(dá)爾文只比常識進步了一小步。)
  • 18、It iscommon knowledge that swimming is one of the best forms of exercise.(游泳是最好的運動之一是普遍常識。)
  • 19、It iscommon knowledge that he is having an affair with another woman.(他與另外一個女人關(guān)系曖昧是眾所周知的事情。)
  • 20、This iscommon knowledge and there's no disputing it.(這是常識而且沒有任何爭議。)
  • 21、Under the prospect value framework we prove that speculators cannot form any trade if they share thecommon knowledge.(在展望價值框架下,證明了投機者的共同知識分布假設(shè)會使得投機者不能形成交易。)
  • 22、It iscommon knowledge that travel can broaden our horizon and enrich our life.(眾所周知,旅行可以開闊我們的視野,豐富我們的生活。)
  • 23、It'scommon knowledge that most people get their jobs through someone they know.(多數(shù)人都是通過某個認(rèn)識的人獲得工作這一點是常識。)
  • 24、common knowledge suggests that landslides demolish and bury buildings and people.(山坡崩塌摧毀建筑并連人埋葬是常識。)
  • 25、Not only will you learn something, you’ll also be able to relate to people better because you’ll sharecommon knowledge.(通過這么做,你不僅會學(xué)到一些東西,你也能更好的和別人溝通,因為你們擁有共同的知識背景。)

common knowledge基本釋義

common knowledge

英 [?k?m?n ?n?lid?] 美 [?kɑm?n ?nɑl?d?] 
