
compare notes造句

compare notes造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:53:11


compare notes造句

  • 1、As they speak, take notes and compare with your understanding.(在對(duì)方說話時(shí),記得做記錄,并且與你自己的理解進(jìn)行對(duì)比。)
  • 2、On Saturday night they met tocompare notes.(星期六晚上他們碰頭交換意見。)
  • 3、We oftencompare notes with each other on our work and study.(我們經(jīng)常就工作和學(xué)習(xí)方面互相交換意見。)
  • 4、We meet every so often andcompare notes.(我們時(shí)常碰頭,交換意見。)
  • 5、These two scientists oftencompare notes with each other on their research projects.(這兩位科學(xué)家在研究工作方面常常交換意見。)
  • 6、Chelsea and I oftencompare notes.(切爾西和我經(jīng)?;ハ嘟粨Q意見。)
  • 7、The train was so full we had little chance tocompare notes.(火車是那么擠,我們很少有機(jī)會(huì)在一起交換意見。)
  • 8、Shall wecompare notes now?(我們現(xiàn)在來對(duì)對(duì)筆記好嗎?) hAo86.com
  • 9、We oftencompare notes after class.(下課后我們經(jīng)常對(duì)筆記。)

compare notes基本釋義

compare notes

切磋; 交換意見
