
contract for purchase造句

contract for purchase造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:52:35


contract for purchase造句

  • 1、New T-Mobile customers can purchase an HTC HD7 for $49.99 with a two-year contract, while existing customers can upgrade for $99.99.(新的T-Mobile用戶可以以49.99美元的購買一部HTCHD7但需要簽訂兩年合約,已在網(wǎng)的用戶可以以99.99美元的價格升級自己的設(shè)備。)
  • 2、Thank you for your letter of 20 May requesting earlier delivery of goods under your purchase contract no. 954.(五月二十日要求提早裝運第954號合約的來信收到。)
  • 3、Please resend us the revised purchase contract , thanks for your letter!(請修改采購合同再發(fā)郵件過來給我們,謝謝你的來信!) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 4、Its contract contains a formula for calculating the price, which is based in part on Sur's profitability in the five years before purchase.(這份合同包含一個公式,能夠根據(jù)蘇爾在收購前五年的盈利能力等因素計算出其價格。)
  • 5、The thesis thinks that agency purchase for lottery belongs to unpaid trust contract and owing to that, this thesis analyses the right and duty of relevance people detailedly.(學(xué)界對代買彩票的基礎(chǔ)關(guān)系存在無償委托合同和好意施惠關(guān)兩種見解。)
  • 6、The contract is for the buyer to purchase 150 breakfast bars, as described in the product specification data, from the seller.(正如產(chǎn)品規(guī)格數(shù)據(jù)的描述,這份合同是為了買方從賣方那里購買150臺早餐耙而訂立的。)
  • 7、Issue purchase contract and place order to factory, follow up with factory on progress of purchased goods production, urge for on-time delivery;(負責(zé)制作合同并向工廠下訂單,負責(zé)跟蹤工廠合同訂單貨物的生產(chǎn)進度,督促按時交貨;)
  • 8、To acquaint you with our purchase terms, we are enclosing a specimen of our contract for your reference.(為使你方熟悉我方交易條款,茲隨函寄上合同格式一份以供參考。)
  • 9、These services aren't truly free; you pay for the songs when you purchase a new cell phone, or for signing a contract for broadband intern.(但這些服務(wù)并非名副其實地“免費”,因為在購買新手機的時候,你同時也就為歌曲或者簽署的寬帶服務(wù)協(xié)議掏了腰包。)
  • 10、To acquaint you with our purchase terms, we are sending you enclosed a specimen contract for your reference.(為了讓您了解我們的采購條件,我們發(fā)給你一份合同樣本供您參考。)
  • 11、We should simultaneously sign two contracts, one sales contract for beef and mutton, and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton.(我們應(yīng)同時簽兩個合同,一個是牛羊肉的銷售合同,另一個是等價的棉花購買合同。)
  • 12、The indispensible practice of organizing a banquet when signing an important contract especially a sale and purchase contract for real estate dates back to the Western Ham Dynasty at least.(至少從西漢時期起,簽訂契約尤其是簽訂田宅買賣契約,往往要舉辦酒席宴請有關(guān)人員。舉辦宴席成為傳統(tǒng)社會人們簽定重要契約不可或缺的儀式。)
  • 13、The deal signed over the weekend calls for Kuwait to purchase China's 155 mm artillery. The amount of the contract was not announced.(這個于周末簽訂的合同是要求為科威特購買中國的155毫米大炮,該合約的金額沒有公布。)
  • 14、Due to our purchase of equipment for the duty-free import of equipment from your company, the spare parts the contract related to are also duty-free import and export declarations.(因為此次在貴公司購買的設(shè)備為免稅進口設(shè)備,因此合同條款中涉及到的備件也屬于免稅報關(guān)的。)

contract for purchase基本釋義

contract for purchase

英 [k?n?tr?kt f?: ?p?:t??s] 美 [?kɑn?tr?kt f?r ?p?t??s] 
