
contract for service造句

contract for service造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:52:34


contract for service造句

  • 1、Following delivery of the CH147F training suite in early 2014, phase two of the contract will commence with CAE leading the in-service support for the CH147F aircrew training program.(在于2014年初交付CH147F訓(xùn)練單元以后,合同的第二階段將從CAE對CH147F機組人員訓(xùn)練項目的支撐服務(wù)開始。)
  • 2、A service contract is binding on all participants in the interaction, including the service itself and the element that provides it for the particular interaction in question.(在交互過程中,服務(wù)契約與所有參與者進行綁定,包括服務(wù)本身和為特定的交互活動提供服務(wù)的元素。)
  • 3、Rather than buy a product outright, or sign a long-term service contract, sensors can track actual usage, enabling customers to pay only for what they consume or even the value they receive.(不同于一次性購買或簽訂長期服務(wù)合同,傳感器可以跟蹤實際使用情況,允許顧客根據(jù)自己的消費內(nèi)容甚至得到的價值進行支付。)
  • 4、Even if the contract specifies some type of remediation for service failure, you can apply leverage to negotiate better terms.(即使是合同上已經(jīng)規(guī)定了服務(wù)故障時候的補救措施,您還是可以與對方重新談判以獲得更有利的條款。)
  • 5、Service is a relationship to the service concept for which this contract is specified.(service是與為其指定此契約的服務(wù)概念的關(guān)系。)
  • 6、Figure 10 shows the requirements for the OrderProcessor service provider, using a service contract that provides a role-centered view of the business processes created by a business analyst.(圖10使用一個服務(wù)契約顯示了OrderProcessor服務(wù)提供者的需求,該服務(wù)契約提供了一張由業(yè)務(wù)分析師創(chuàng)建的業(yè)務(wù)過程的角色中心視圖。)
  • 7、This might involve using their forums for support or establishing an external service contract.(這也許涉及使用他們的論壇獲取支持,或者建立一個外部服務(wù)合同。)
  • 8、A service Contract is used to help specify a service for which service Interfaces alone cannot capture some kinds of more complex constraints or responsibilities.(ServiceContract用于幫助指定服務(wù)接口本身無法為其捕捉某些更為復(fù)雜的約束或責(zé)任的服務(wù)。)
  • 9、Even the evil-looking bird perched on a rod in the bar had stopped screeching out the names and addresses of local contract killers, which was a service it provided for free.(即使是棲息在酒吧橫桿上的、那只看起來很邪惡的鳥兒,也不再尖叫著報出當(dāng)?shù)睾贤瑲⑹謧兊男彰偷刂贰@是它平時提供的一項免費服務(wù)。)
  • 10、Although this Web service has been valuable for various assessment purposes, once architects take a closer look at the actual Web service contract code, they detect some content that raises concerns.(盡管該Web服務(wù)對很多評估需求價值很大,可是一旦架構(gòu)師們仔細檢查其實際的契約代碼,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些應(yīng)被關(guān)注的內(nèi)容。)
  • 11、Users will need to sign up for a two-year service contract with a data plan and pay $199.99 for the first device.(顧客需要為自己購買的第一臺設(shè)備簽一個為期兩年的數(shù)據(jù)服務(wù)合同并支付199.99美元。)
  • 12、Consider the example in Figure 7, which depicts a contract verification for the Customer Order Handling business process and the associated service model.(考慮圖7中的實例,哪一個描述了CustomerOrderHandling業(yè)務(wù)過程和相關(guān)的服務(wù)模型的約定驗證。)
  • 13、Today in court, Ceglia's attorney, Terrence Connors, produced a copy of the two-page "work for hire" contract that his client said entitles him to control of the social-networking service.(今天在法庭上,塞格里亞的律師,特倫斯·康納斯出示了一份兩頁的“雇傭工作”合同副本,也就是他的客戶所謂的使他有權(quán)控制這個社交網(wǎng)站的合同。)
  • 14、This first is called "start-from-WSDL", or "contract first", and involves building a WSDL service description and associated XML schema for data exchange directly.(第一種被稱為“由wsdl開始(start-from-WSDL)”,或是“契約優(yōu)先(contractfirst)”,牽涉構(gòu)建一個WSDL服務(wù)描述,并直接關(guān)聯(lián)用于數(shù)據(jù)交換的XML模式。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 15、This ensures a consistent governance path for each service, thereby preserving contract standardization and intra-inventory compatibility and interoperability.(這樣才能保證對每一個服務(wù)有統(tǒng)一的治理路徑,進而保持契約標準化以及目錄內(nèi)的兼容性以及互操作性。)
  • 16、The contract is for the public service of drinking water from Jan. 1, 2011.(這個公共自來水服務(wù)合同起始日期為2011年1月1日。)
  • 17、This is why customers are reluctant to buy when someone asks them to prepay for a service or product or sign a long-term contract.(這也是顧客不愿意對某項服務(wù)或產(chǎn)品做出預(yù)付或是簽訂長期合約的原因。)
  • 18、Service location transparency provides for mobility of such resources as well which means that the grid can expand or contract based on availability and move when necessary.(服務(wù)位置透明性也對資源的移動提供了支持,這意味著網(wǎng)格可以基于可用性擴展或收縮,必要時還可以移動。)
  • 19、A service-level agreement (SLA for short) is a formal contract between a service provider and a client guaranteeing quantifiable network performance at defined levels.(服務(wù)水平協(xié)議(SLA)是服務(wù)提供商和客戶之間達成的一個正式約定,確保網(wǎng)絡(luò)性能可以被量化并維持在一個指定的水平。)
  • 20、Note the distinction between reuse and reusability; don’t try to do speculative contract design for a broad range of potential future consumers that may (re)use the service.(要記住重用和可重用性的區(qū)別;避免針對未來才使用(重用)服務(wù)的廣泛的潛在消費者進行投機性契約設(shè)計。)
  • 21、This is to be expected, because you are defining the specification in a Service Requirements contract for how a service consumer and provider interact.(您將在涉及服務(wù)消費者和提供者如何進行交互的ServiceRequirements契約中定義該規(guī)范。)
  • 22、The contract lays the foundation for metering the services to be used, by covering all the attributes of the service customs and how they shall be employed by provider and requestor.(合同涵蓋了服務(wù)慣例的所有屬性以及提供者和請求者如何對其進行使用,它的訂立為計量服務(wù)的使用建立了基礎(chǔ)。)
  • 23、These requirements are viewed as a service contract, indicating the roles that participate in the business process, the tasks that they are expected to perform, and the rules for how they interact.(這些需求被視作一個服務(wù)契約,指出參與到業(yè)務(wù)過程中的角色,希望它們這行的任務(wù),以及它們之間相互作用的規(guī)則。)
  • 24、The contract declares neither how many nor what kind of data sources are available for invocation of the service.(協(xié)議既沒有說明調(diào)用服務(wù)有多少數(shù)據(jù)源,也沒有說明有哪種數(shù)據(jù)源。)
  • 25、You will find that as your SOA systems grow and change, you will need to have versioning polices for all contract artifacts: service interfaces, messages and data schemas, policies, etc.(你會發(fā)現(xiàn),隨著你SOA系統(tǒng)的成長和變更,你會需要針對所有契約制品的版本管理策略:服務(wù)接口、消息和數(shù)據(jù)的模式、策略等。)
  • 26、Provides the tools needed to view the Business Contract model and develop service realization models that can be used to generate implementation code for different architectural styles.(提供了觀察BusinessContractModel所需的工具,以及開發(fā)可以用于為不同的架構(gòu)風(fēng)格生成實現(xiàn)代碼的服務(wù)實現(xiàn)模型所需的工具。)
  • 27、You must identify the elements that should be represented in the service contract for your SOA initiative, as different SOA initiatives need different attributes to ensure success.(您必須確定應(yīng)該在SOA活動的服務(wù)契約中加以表示的元素,因為不同的SOA活動需要不同的特征來確保成功。)
  • 28、For instance, they wanted to maintain multiple versions of a service contract, or handle the incoming XML directly, without it being converted to an object first.(例如,他們想要維護一個Service契約的多個版本,或者直接處理得到的XML,而不用先轉(zhuǎn)化成對象。)
  • 29、Answer queries if user id is allowed for requested Service id (contract element).(如果用戶標識得到使用所請求的服務(wù)標識(合同元素)的許可,則對查詢作出答復(fù)。)

contract for service基本釋義

contract for service

英 [k?n?tr?kt f?: ?s??v?s] 美 [?kɑn?tr?kt f?r 's?v?s] 

[經(jīng)] 勞務(wù)合同