
contract interest造句

contract interest造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:52:33


contract interest造句

  • 1、If the applicant has no insurable interest to the subject matter of insurance, the insurance contract will be null and void.(保險利益決定保險合同的效力問題,投保人對保險標(biāo)的不具有保險利益的,保險合同無效。)
  • 2、Leading investors of the project should not become parties to a contract which might result in major project risks and interest conflicts.(項目的主要投資者不應(yīng)成為可能產(chǎn)生重大項目風(fēng)險和利益沖突的合同參與方。)
  • 3、United cannot make an official move until Cole's contract expires, but their interest has been made known to the player via intermediaries.(曼聯(lián)得在科爾的合同到期之后才能進(jìn)行官方轉(zhuǎn)會,但他們對科爾的興趣早就大家都知道了。)
  • 4、As a market contract, it reveals economic interest relationship between market factor owners and the possible actions they will take in the future.(作為一個市場性契約,它揭示了各要素所有者之間的經(jīng)濟利益關(guān)系和他們將來可能采取的行動。)
  • 5、For example, when banks lend moneyto the firm, they insist on a formal contract stating the rate of interest andrepayment dates, perhaps placing restrictions on dividends or additionalborrowing.(例如,當(dāng)銀行借錢給公司,他們會要求公司提供一份聲明貸款利率和還款期限的正式合同,可能還會在分紅或者額外貸款中附加限制條件。)
  • 6、They lose interest once the contract is signed.(在合約簽好之后他們就失去興趣了。)
  • 7、But a series of financial crises made it clear in credit market non-price terms of contract can also play an important role to the equilibrium of credit market as well as interest rate.(但是,一系列的金融危機使人們逐漸認(rèn)識到,信貸市場上發(fā)揮作用的不僅僅是利率,非價格機制也會對信貸市場的均衡起重要作用。)
  • 8、An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made up it will not be entertained.(沒有可保利益的保險是無效的,而任何根據(jù)這類合同提出索賠都不會被受理。)
  • 9、Claim is an important part of the contract management, project management, especially the contractor save interest loss of the important means.(索賠既是合同管理、項目管理的重要環(huán)節(jié),更是承包商挽回利益損失的重要手段。)
  • 10、Strict definition of collateral obligation contributes to interest protection and charge equality of both parities, assuring them of contract performance.(附隨義務(wù)的界定有利于保護(hù)雙方的利益,均衡雙方負(fù)擔(dān),保證雙方當(dāng)事人實現(xiàn)合同的目的。)
  • 11、The three part is about the relation between the insurable interest and the effect of insurance contract.(第三部分論證海上保險合同中保險利益和保險合同效力的關(guān)系問題。)
  • 12、Then, it makes a brief introduction of the four company deadlock relieve theories in British-American law system:company contract theory, expecting interest failure theory.(其次,介紹了英美法系對公司僵局進(jìn)行救濟的四種理論:公司契約理論、期待利益落空理論、信托義務(wù)理論和公司社會責(zé)任理論。)
  • 13、Arbitrageurs could buy the high-interest currency today, lock in a future sale at the same price and pocket the extra interest from holding the currency until the forward contract is settled.(套利者可以在今天購買高利率的貨幣,并以相同的價格在未來鎖定售出價格,然后在遠(yuǎn)期合同到期前從持有的貨幣中賺得額外的利息。)
  • 14、On the basis of it, there is a dissertation on the redefinition of insurance interest and the realization of abstract insurable interest in the life insurance contract.(在此基礎(chǔ)上,論述了保險利益在人壽保險合同中的重新定位和抽象性保險利益在人壽保險合同中的實現(xiàn)。)
  • 15、The contract also calls for the creation of a lab environment in which to design and test cross-domain solutions and facilitate collaboration to generate interest in those solutions.(該合同要求建立一個實驗室的環(huán)境,來設(shè)計和測試跨網(wǎng)域的解決方案及在解決方案方面促成合作。)
  • 16、The contract binds you to pay the interest.(這個合同約束你去付利息。)
  • 17、If the loan term is shorter than 1 year, thecontract interest rate will be implemented;(在貸款期間如遇利率外匯兌換手續(xù)費時,貸款期限在1年以下的,按合同利率計算;)
  • 18、Loan tenure within a year of, thiscontract interest rate doesn't adjust.(貸款期限在一年內(nèi)(一年),本合同利率不調(diào)整。)
  • 19、Behind the dull-sounding "contract theory" for which the two were recognised lies an important truth: that when people want to work together, individual self-interest must be kept under control.(在兩人因之而得到承認(rèn)的聽上去無趣的“契約理論”背后存在著一個重要的真相:當(dāng)人們想要一塊工作時,個人的自身利益必須處于被控制之下。)
  • 20、A portion of your income payout is interest earned on your contract and a portion is the principal of the contract.(你收入的一部分來自于合同規(guī)定的收益率收益,另一部分來自于你繳納的本金。)
  • 21、The contract binds you to pay interest.(合同要求你要付利息的。)
  • 22、Interest rate forward: (forward rate agreement FRA) : the forward rate agreement is the most basic of the OTC interest rate contract.(—利率遠(yuǎn)期(利率遠(yuǎn)期協(xié)議FRA):遠(yuǎn)期利率協(xié)議是場外交易利率合約中最基本的合約。)
  • 23、Service subscribers should be able to register an interest in a given service by completing a form or contract in the service registry that the service provider offers.(服務(wù)訂閱者可以通過通過完成服務(wù)提供方提供的在服務(wù)注冊中心中的表格或契約在給定的服務(wù)中注冊感興趣的內(nèi)容。)
  • 24、Of which, the buyer's rejection right in the international goods trade has a very important impact on the implementation of the contract, the maintenance of the interest of both parties.(其中國際貨物買賣中買方的拒收權(quán)問題對于雙方合同的履行、利益的維護(hù)具有重要影響。)
  • 25、We understand it to be a real issue that could potentially cover any over-the-counter derivative contract - so swaps, forwards, options, whether interest, FX, credit equity or other.(我們認(rèn)識到這是一個切實的問題,有可能會覆蓋所有場外衍生品合約——掉期、遠(yuǎn)期、期權(quán),無論是利率、外匯、信用資產(chǎn)還是其他。)
  • 26、This way, consumers protect themselves against changes to the parts of the provider contract that don't interest them.(這樣一來,消費者可以保護(hù)自己免受它不關(guān)注部分的變化的影響。)
  • 27、For example, party can agree in the contract, pay tardily when vendee, damage when selling person interest, betray a person to authority removes contract or request pay total cost.(例如,當(dāng)事人可以在合同中約定,當(dāng)買受人遲延付款、損害出賣人利益時,出賣人有權(quán)解除合同或請求支付全部價款。)
  • 28、The method for calculating the interest may be specified in the contract.(計算利息的方法,可以在合同中約定。) hao86.com

contract interest基本釋義

contract interest

英 [k?n?tr?kt ?intrist] 美 [?kɑn?tr?kt ??ntr?st] 
