
cook dinner造句

cook dinner造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:52:26


cook dinner造句

  • 1、I'llcook dinner for you.(我將為你做晚餐。)
  • 2、I have to get back home soon tocook dinner.(我必須快點回家煮晚餐。)
  • 3、Will you turn it on, please? I can'tcook dinner now.(你能打開它嗎?我現(xiàn)在不能做飯。)
  • 4、M: the bet is — I win, and youcook dinner for the entire family.(賭的是-----要是我贏了,你就給全家人做晚飯。)
  • 5、You have tocook dinner for the entire family.(你今晚得替全家人做晚餐呢。)
  • 6、Then he would prepare something for mom tocook dinner.(然后他會準備一些東西給媽媽做晚飯。)
  • 7、Momma has to run a few errands and then we have to go home andcook dinner for Daddy.(媽媽還有事情要做,做完后還要回家給你爸爸做飯去。)
  • 8、You have to help mecook dinner in the kitchen.(你得在廚房里幫我做晚飯。)
  • 9、We will make a fire andcook dinner.(我們將起火并煮晚餐。)
  • 10、I cancook dinner in no time.(我很快能把飯做好。)
  • 11、I usually wash clothes. Sometimes Icook dinner.(我經(jīng)常洗衣服。有時候我會做晚餐。)
  • 12、It's your turn tocook dinner.(該你做飯了。)
  • 13、Could you help mecook dinner tonight?(你今晚可以幫忙我做晚餐嗎?)
  • 14、Do you have tocook dinner?(你必須做晚飯嗎?)
  • 15、She will go home tocook dinner at six.(她六點將回家做晚飯。)
  • 16、Get him tocook dinner sometimes.(讓他時不時做晚飯。)
  • 17、Will shecook dinner this evening?(她今晚要做晚飯嗎?)
  • 18、How long did it take your mother tocook dinner?(你媽媽煮這頓晚餐花了多久的時間?)
  • 19、It's his turn tocook dinner, but I bet he'll try to duck out of it.(輪到他做晚飯了,但我敢打賭他會想方設(shè)法逃避的。)
  • 20、I have to go andcook dinner.(我要去做飯了。)
  • 21、By the age of eight or nine I could light a fire,cook dinner for a family of 10 and knew how to bake bread on an open fire.(在8、9歲的時候,我會生火,做一頓十口之家的中餐,或是在明火上烤面包了。)
  • 22、Then I go back home andcook dinner.(然后,我回家做飯了。)
  • 23、I helped my mothercook dinner.(我?guī)兔ξ业哪赣H煮晚餐。)
  • 24、Each couple will helpcook dinner consisting of Smoked Salmon, Creme Fraiche and Caviar and more.(每一對情侶將合作完成一頓晚餐的烹飪,其中包括:煙熏三文魚、鮮奶油、魚子醬等等。)
  • 25、Today, my girlfriend's parents wanted tocook dinner for me.(今天我女朋友的父母請我到家吃飯。)
  • 26、But do we really have to simultaneouslycook dinner, talk to Mom, help with homework, and check E-mail?(我們可以同時做飯、和媽媽談話、做家庭作業(yè)和收郵件嗎?)
  • 27、She is back home tocook dinner at six.(六點回家做晚飯。)
  • 28、Mr Vengerov said: 'My mother would get home at 8pm,cook dinner and then teach me the violin until four in the morning.(文格羅夫說,“我的母親每天晚上8點回到家,吃完晚飯之后就教我小提琴直到凌晨4點?!?
  • 29、It's not one of those nice places where it's conducive to go for a walk and then come back andcook dinner.(有些地方出去散個步再回家做飯是有益的,但這里不是。)

cook dinner基本釋義