
cook the chicken造句

cook the chicken造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:52:25


cook the chicken造句

  • 1、Chicken is one of the most versatile, healthy and easy to cook meats available.(雞肉是烹調(diào)方式最多樣、最健康也是最容易做的肉類之一。)
  • 2、I have to clean the chicken before I can cook it.(我先要把雞收拾干凈,然后才能燉。)
  • 3、I don't dare go on about my roast chicken, but I know that's the safest thing I can cook.(我不敢一直談?wù)撐业目倦u,但我知道這是我能做的最好吃的食品了。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 4、Return the chicken to the wok and stir sauce and cook until sauce thickens.(把雞肉回鍋,淋上備好的醬汁拌炒讓每塊雞肉均勻上色入味。)
  • 5、Wrap the chicken in foil before you cook it.(烹煮雞前,先用錫箔把它包起來。)
  • 6、Add the chicken, sweetcorn and lentils to the pan and cook for 5-7 mins more or until the chicken is cooked.(加雞肉,甜玉米和扁豆到鍋中,再煮5到7分鐘直到雞肉燒熟。)
  • 7、His wife is the cook in the family and often prepares healthful dinners such as fish or chicken with a vegetable. Mr.(他妻子在家里負(fù)責(zé)做飯,通常會(huì)做健康晚餐,如魚或雞肉搭配一種蔬菜。)
  • 8、cook the chicken and cut it into small pieces.(將雞肉煮熟,然后切成小片。)
  • 9、Soft bread, chicken, bacon, 1 tomato, lettuce, cheese .cook the chicken and cut it into small pieces.(軟面皮,雞肉,火腿,一個(gè)西紅柿,萵苣,奶酪將雞肉煮熟,然后切成小片。)
  • 10、With tongs, place the chicken on the grill and close the lid. Allow it to cook for 5 minutes.(用鉗子,把烤架上的雞合上蓋子,讓它烹飪5分鐘。)
  • 11、With the help of the pressure-cooker, we cook chicken soup with less time and gas.(我們用壓力鍋燉雞湯,節(jié)省了時(shí)間和煤氣。)
  • 12、Boss also told that he does not add in Glutinous Rice wine but hecook the chicken with bak kut teh soup and put in some Shao Hing wine.(特別是老板并沒有加入黃酒,而是采用肉骨茶湯與紹興酒一起敖煮。)
  • 13、The chicken should cook for about 90 minutes, or more.(雞肉應(yīng)該煮大約90分鐘,或者更久。)
  • 14、Did you cook this chicken in the oven?(你用烤箱烤這只雞嗎?)
  • 15、The Chicken needs to cook for approximately 18-20 minutes total.(雞肉大約需要18虲-20分鐘的燒烤時(shí)間。)
  • 16、Add a little salt to boiling water and cook chicken breast in the water until done. Remove and cool, then shred with hands.(沸水中加少許鹽,放入雞胸肉煮熟,取出放涼,用手撕成絲條狀備用;)
  • 17、The cook singed the chicken to remove the fine hairs.(廚師把雞燎一下,以便去掉細(xì)毛。)
  • 18、Add the chicken breasts and cook 2 to 3 minutes per side or until golden brown. Transfer to a plate and set aside.(加入雞胸煎2~3分鐘,直到雞胸的兩面都變成棕黃色。取出裝盤放在一邊。)

cook the chicken基本釋義
