
crash landing造句

crash landing造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:52:03


crash landing造句

  • 1、One of the most recent heroes to visit the NYSE was Pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, who managed to save the lives of all his passengers during a remarkablecrash landing in the Hudson River.(最近來到紐交所的英雄們其中之一就是飛行員切斯利·蘇倫伯格,他設(shè)法出色地將飛機(jī)迫降在哈德遜河上從而挽救了機(jī)上所有乘客的生命。)
  • 2、Because the chances of surviving a first categorycrash landing are so infinitesimal, they're practically nonexistent!(因?yàn)樵诘谝活惼冉礫1]中幸存的幾率是極其微小的,實(shí)際上就是不可能的。)
  • 3、Giovanni Battista Danti tried it with pinions of iron and feathers in15th-century Perugia, hurtling over the piazza and crash-landing on the church.(15世紀(jì)意大利佩魯賈的喬瓦尼·巴蒂斯·但丁用鐵翼和羽毛嘗試飛行,他掠過廣場(chǎng)摔落在教堂頂上。)
  • 4、Some of his greatest achievements include the Kamikaze theft andcrash landing of three airplanes (with no flight training) as well as commandeering a couple boats.(他最大的成就包括神風(fēng)戰(zhàn)斗機(jī)盜竊事件以及三架飛機(jī)的緊急著陸(此前未接受過飛行培訓(xùn)),以及盜取幾艘快艇。)
  • 5、In 1992, the aircraft in which he was flying over north Africa broke in two during acrash landing.(在1992年,這架飛機(jī)在他飛越北非發(fā)生在兩個(gè)在迫降。) Hao86.com
  • 6、Video footage of thecrash landing captured the moments when the plane threw up a spray as it slid across the river.(視頻捕捉到了迫降的危機(jī)瞬間,從畫面可以看到,在飛機(jī)在河面滑行時(shí),它拋出了巨大的水霧。)
  • 7、This made me flurried because it is a dangerous situation in the crosswind which can easily cause acrash landing.(也就是在這個(gè)時(shí)刻,自己有些慌亂。因?yàn)樵趥?cè)風(fēng)在這種情況下對(duì)機(jī)體的影響很大,一點(diǎn)小小的誤差就很容易導(dǎo)致降落墜毀。)
  • 8、After two days recuperating from the nasty hot air ballooncrash landing Ian and Denise are back on the road with the convoy.(討厭的熱氣球迫降后經(jīng)過兩天的休養(yǎng),伊恩和丹尼斯幾天回到了我們的車隊(duì)中。)
  • 9、So, here are some tips to maximize your chances of surviving a failed takeoff, emergency landing,crash landing or runway collision.(所以,這里要給您一些建議,來最大化您在起飛失敗、緊急降落、迫降、跑道相撞中的生存幾率。)
  • 10、But the Amsterdam accident is also the fourth major crash-landing in 13 months in which all or most of the passengers escaped relatively unharmed.(但阿姆斯特丹的這起墜機(jī),也是最近13個(gè)月來第四起大部分或所有乘客相對(duì)安全逃生的重大墜機(jī)事故。)
  • 11、LL: If the company fails, it may be said to have acrash landing.(我明白了。說公司倒閉,就好象是飛機(jī)硬著陸,如果控制不好,最后就只剩一個(gè)大坑了。)
  • 12、He was knocked unconscious during thecrash landing, and when he came to, he was astonished to find a woman leaning over him.(他在飛機(jī)撞擊地面時(shí)震暈了,當(dāng)他蘇醒過來時(shí),他驚異地發(fā)現(xiàn)身邊有名婦女在照料他。)
  • 13、But no one thinks China's policymakers are deliberately engineering acrash landing — inflation is not nearly bad enough to warrant such a drastic response.(不過,沒有人認(rèn)為中國(guó)的決策者們正有意安排一次迫降——通貨膨脹還不到需要作出如此劇烈反應(yīng)的程度。)
  • 14、Stay away from this company. It appears to be heading for acrash landing if it does not receive an injection of capital...(不要碰這家公司,這公司如果沒有資金注入的話就快要徹底破產(chǎn)了。)
  • 15、Let me take a run at that and see if the effort helps settle the crash-versus-soft-landing debate. Or at least moves it along a bit.(就讓我來做這個(gè)工作吧,看看能否有助于平息泡沫破裂和軟著陸的爭(zhēng)論,或者至少讓大家看的更清楚一些。)
  • 16、That may only postpone the problem, but at least it means there is less chance of a nastycrash landing in 2011.(盡管這將推遲問題的解決,但至少意味著,2011年不太可能發(fā)生危險(xiǎn)的硬著陸。)
  • 17、I find it very disconcerting to be told of midair emergency orcrash landing procedures prior to takeoff.(起飛前那場(chǎng)對(duì)空中事故或迫降的安全準(zhǔn)備程序表演實(shí)在讓人糟心。)
  • 18、And passengers interviewed shortly after the incident had seemed unaware of the severity of thecrash landing until they were forced to exit the plane using the emergency slides.(事故發(fā)生后不久接受采訪的乘客看起來并沒有意識(shí)到事情的嚴(yán)重性,直到他們?cè)诓坏貌挥镁o急滑梯離開飛機(jī)的時(shí)候才意識(shí)到有些不妙。)
  • 19、And fasten it quite snugly at landing and takeoff, when crash danger is at a maximum.(在失事危險(xiǎn)最大的起飛與降落階段一定要緊緊地系著它。)
  • 20、If the plane is dark and smoky after acrash landing, you can count and feel your way to the exit.(如果當(dāng)飛機(jī)迫降后一片黑暗并且充滿了煙霧,你能夠數(shù)著并摸索去出口的路。)
  • 21、Memory Foam may have been created by NASA for the astronauts... But it just made acrash landing in your bedroom!(記憶泡棉或許是NASA為了太空人設(shè)計(jì)出來的…不過,它現(xiàn)在更是為了你而設(shè)計(jì)的!)
  • 22、The passengers were told to brace themselves for acrash landing.(乘客被告知要為摔機(jī)著陸做好準(zhǔn)備。)
  • 23、Despite thecrash landing, many return samples remained in good enough condition to analyze and research is ongoing.(雖然經(jīng)歷過高速撞擊,不過許多回送的樣品狀況仍然可供分析之用,而相關(guān)的研究仍在持續(xù)之中。)
  • 24、This year has seen several landing accidents, such as the Embraer crash in China, the 737 crash in Columbia and the Polish military transport crash in western Russia in April.(今年已經(jīng)發(fā)生多起飛機(jī)著陸事故,比如中國(guó)的伊春空難、哥倫比亞的737空難以及4月在俄羅斯西部的波蘭軍用運(yùn)輸機(jī)失事事故。)
  • 25、He proceeded to talk to me about the mechanics of an airplane and what would happen in acrash landing with inoperative wheels.(他進(jìn)而又開始對(duì)我說起飛機(jī)的機(jī)械學(xué)原理,以及在轉(zhuǎn)輪無(wú)法正常運(yùn)作的情況下強(qiáng)行著陸會(huì)發(fā)生什么。)
  • 26、His plane made a crash-landing during a sandstorm yesterday.(昨天他的飛機(jī)在沙塵暴中緊急降落。)

crash landing基本釋義

crash landing

英 [kr?? ?l?nd??] 美 [kr?? ?l?nd??] 
