
crack down造句

crack down造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:52:05


crack down造句

  • 1、Before I worked in sales, but now my job is tocrack down on counterfeits.(以前我是做銷售工作的,現(xiàn)在我的工作就是打假。)
  • 2、Tencent security team said it resolutelycrack down on the use of QQ group for personal information trafficking violations.(騰訊安全團(tuán)隊表示,堅決打擊利用QQ群進(jìn)行個人信息販賣的違規(guī)違法行為。)
  • 3、He said the security forces would continue tocrack down hard on the protestors.(他說安全部隊將繼續(xù)嚴(yán)厲鎮(zhèn)壓抗議者。)
  • 4、The case 'marks a milestone in China's efforts tocrack down on Internet piracy, ' it said.(它表示,此案是中國打擊互聯(lián)網(wǎng)盜版行動的一個里程碑。)
  • 5、The authorities will introduce a rating system to online games this year tocrack down on vulgar content.(有關(guān)方面會在今年啟用網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲分級制度,打擊游戲中粗俗的內(nèi)容。)
  • 6、New Zealand recently suspended a law under which Internet service providers would have been required tocrack down on illicit copying.(新西蘭最近暫停施行一項法律,根據(jù)該法律,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)服務(wù)提供商將被要求對非法復(fù)制行為采取嚴(yán)厲措施。)
  • 7、There is fortunately no need for new regulations tocrack down on such irresponsible lending practices.(幸運(yùn)的是,不需要用新規(guī)定來制裁這種不負(fù)責(zé)任的貸款行為。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 8、Mr. Olmert charged that the Palestinians have not done enough tocrack down on militant groups, while Mr. Abbas complained about Jewish-settlement expansion.(奧爾默特指責(zé)說,巴勒斯坦人在嚴(yán)厲打擊激進(jìn)組織方面沒有做出足夠的努力;而阿巴斯抱怨猶太人擴(kuò)建定居點。)
  • 9、The police are really beginning tocrack down on drivers who park their cars just where they like.(警察真要對那些隨便停放汽車的司機(jī)采取嚴(yán)厲措施了。)
  • 10、The White House turned to Internet registrars when it convened a meeting in September about how best tocrack down online pharmaceutical fraud.(九月份白宮召開了一次會議,內(nèi)容是關(guān)于如何最好地取締網(wǎng)上的藥品詐騙,會上白宮求助了網(wǎng)絡(luò)注冊商。)
  • 11、The fraud charges filed against Goldman Sachs, over synthetic derivatives, emboldened those looking tocrack down on exotic instruments.(欺詐指控攻擊高盛,在空投期貨,使得他們尋求新奇的金融工具。)
  • 12、Officers willcrack down on lunatic motorists who speed or drive too close to the car in front.(警官們將嚴(yán)懲那些超速行駛或與前面車輛追尾的瘋狂駕車者。)
  • 13、As Mexico and Colombiacrack down on them, drug gangs are finding refuge in Guatemala.(由于墨西哥和哥倫比亞嚴(yán)厲打擊販毒團(tuán)伙,他們逃竄到危地馬拉。)
  • 14、It said it would drum up supply andcrack down on hoarders and speculators.(它說,會力保供應(yīng),打擊投機(jī)分子。)
  • 15、That target will not be easily met, and the looming deadline puts pressure on officials tocrack down on heavy energy users.(這個目標(biāo)并不容易實現(xiàn),最后期限的日益臨近給官員們帶來壓力,要求他們約束能耗大戶。)
  • 16、A sport's governors are also supposed tocrack down on match-fixing.(一項運(yùn)動的管理者還應(yīng)該嚴(yán)厲制裁操作比賽的行為。)
  • 17、The House voted today tocrack down on banks that launder drug money.(下議院今天投票打擊為販毒洗錢的銀行。)
  • 18、I think the real-name system can effectivelycrack down on scalpers.(我認(rèn)為實名制可能有效地打擊黃牛黨。)
  • 19、What is not clear, however, is why Hamas took so long tocrack down on the group after the Nahal Oz attack.(然而現(xiàn)在還不清楚的是,為什么哈馬斯在納哈爾襲擊事件后,花那么長時間才消滅了該組織。)
  • 20、Finally, law enforcement mustcrack down on collusion.(最后,執(zhí)法者必須與勾結(jié)串通決裂。)
  • 21、He pledged tocrack down on rising crime.(他承諾將嚴(yán)厲打擊犯罪上升。)
  • 22、Whycrack down now?(為什么是現(xiàn)在打擊?)
  • 23、They had pushed the agency to designate the bird as "endangered," a status that gives federal officials greater regulatory power tocrack down on threats.(他們敦促該機(jī)構(gòu)將這種鳥列為“瀕?!?,這個地位可以賦予聯(lián)邦官員更大的監(jiān)管權(quán)力來打擊對鳥的威脅。)

crack down基本釋義

crack down

英 [kr?k daun] 美 [kr?k da?n] 
對 ... 采取嚴(yán)厲措施; 鎮(zhèn)壓