
corner kick造句

corner kick造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:52:20


corner kick造句

  • 1、Sneijder's goal followed acorner kick from Robben.(斯內(nèi)德的得分來自魯本的一記角球。)
  • 2、Striker Abby Wambach gave her team a two to one lead with a header off Lauren Cheney'scorner kick in the seventy-ninth minute.(在第79分鐘里,前鋒阿比·瓦姆巴赫(AbbyWambach)接隊(duì)友勞倫·切尼(LaurenCheney)開出的角球頭球破門,為本隊(duì)取得2:1領(lǐng)先。)
  • 3、The game 6 minutes, Qinhuangdao won a corner, starts out thecorner kick, Qinhuangdao team 15 players point a perilous shot Shijiazhuang team goalkeeper.(比賽第6分鐘,秦皇島隊(duì)獲得角球,角球開出后,秦皇島隊(duì)15號球員后點(diǎn)一次極具威脅的射門被石家莊隊(duì)門將撲出。)
  • 4、He threw a quick leg kick and clinched his opponent to the corner.(他迅速踢出一腳,將對手鉗住并扭到角落里。)
  • 5、As I walked towards the spot I had already decided in what corner I would kick the ball.(在我走向點(diǎn)球點(diǎn)的時候我已經(jīng)決定好了將球踢向那個角。)
  • 6、Zidane, world player-of-the-year in 1998, confidently put the spot-kick into the top left corner, giving Vitor Baia no chance.(1998年的世界足球先生齊達(dá)內(nèi)操刀主罰,他信心十足的將球踢進(jìn)球門左上角,令葡萄牙門將拜亞毫無辦法。)
  • 7、Soon later the Dutchman was a protagonist again, with a fantastic volley from outside the area after Pyatov punched away anothercorner kick by Pirlo. That goal made it 4-1 and made the stadium erupt.(沒一會,荷蘭人再次創(chuàng)造出,通過神奇的禁區(qū)外射門,在帕托夫?qū)⑵柭宓慕乔驌舫龊?,將比分變?yōu)?:1。全場沸騰了。)
  • 8、Shorrock took the penalty kick making the ball swerve into the top right-hand corner of the net.(罰點(diǎn)球時,肖羅克一個弧線球?qū)⑶蛱哌M(jìn)右上角。) haO86.com
  • 9、Also be aware that, at everycorner kick, the change back can only take place during a stoppage in the game.(同時要認(rèn)識到的是,在每個角球,變動的回歸只能在比賽中止時發(fā)生。)
  • 10、This is usually attempted on acorner kick to curve the ball from the corner directly into the goal.(常常有球員試圖在角球點(diǎn)開出弧線球直接吊門。)
  • 11、However, a solution seems to have been found in Uruguay with the Serie a kick-off around the corner.(然而現(xiàn)在看來在聯(lián)賽開始前球隊(duì)已經(jīng)在烏拉圭找到了一個解決方案。)
  • 12、Therefore, the attacking tactics of free kick in the opposing half andcorner kick appear very important.(以創(chuàng)造、利用空間為核心的前場任意球、角球進(jìn)攻戰(zhàn)術(shù)顯得至關(guān)重要。)
  • 13、The linesmen tell the referee which team should be awarded a throw-in acorner kick or a goal kick.(巡邊員告訴主裁判哪個隊(duì)該擲界外球、角球或球門球。)
  • 14、Regardless of position, there is no offside offense if a player receives the ball directly from a goal kick,corner kick, or throw-in.(不管在任何位置,一名隊(duì)員接到球門區(qū),角球,或邊線球,不越位。)
  • 15、When there's no answer, they kick open door and file into the apartment. They round the corner and move to the living room where they find Sara.(沒有聽到回應(yīng),所以他們踢門而入,依次走進(jìn)了公寓中,轉(zhuǎn)過拐角,來到起居室,發(fā)現(xiàn)了Sara。)
  • 16、The goal from thecorner kick was a bit of bad marking on our part, but we never gave in.(從角球來的進(jìn)球?qū)ξ覀儊碚f很糟糕,我們從不放棄。)
  • 17、However Stoke are good on set-pieces generally so I wouldn't instruct my players to kick it out for a corner rather than a throw-in.(然而,斯托克在定位球上通常也很優(yōu)秀,所以我不會教導(dǎo)我的球員給他們一個角球而不是一個邊線球。)
  • 18、At the same time we had acorner kick.(同時,我們獲得了一個角球。)
  • 19、The lead only lasted five minutes, though, as Smith, who had missed Arsenal's European triumph through suspension, flighted a superb free-kick into the top corner of the net.(不過,這一領(lǐng)先僅僅持續(xù)了五分鐘,因?yàn)榻愬e過阿森納歐洲登頂之戰(zhàn)的史密斯,罰出一記超級任意球直掛球網(wǎng)上沿死角。)
  • 20、Chinese Super League teams often get midfield free kick due to the tactic fouls to delay the rival's attack and are weaker in scoring ability ofcorner kick comparing with European and Korean teams.(中超俱樂部球隊(duì)獲得中場任意球數(shù)量比重最多,原因?yàn)樵诒荣愔信c日本、韓國俱樂部球隊(duì)經(jīng)常采用戰(zhàn)術(shù)犯規(guī)來延緩對方進(jìn)攻有關(guān)。)
  • 21、The 66th minute, Hohai University on the left for thecorner kick opportunity, issued after the ball turned toward the goal, Jiangsu normal defender of an own goal the ball to the goal, 5-0.(第66分鐘,河海大學(xué)在左路獲得角球機(jī)會,發(fā)出后球拐向球門,江蘇師大球員后衛(wèi)自擺烏龍將球讓進(jìn)球門,5-0。)
  • 22、Let me take thecorner kick .(讓我來發(fā)角球吧。)
  • 23、The 80, 000 people in the Signal Iduna Park had just watched Ribéry score Bayern Munich's third goal with a deft free-kick into the top corner.(多特蒙德西格納爾-伊杜納公園球場的8萬觀眾剛剛目睹了里貝里為拜仁踢進(jìn)的第三球,一個靈巧的任意球打進(jìn)了球門上角。)
  • 24、The Newtown school team has acorner kick.(新鎮(zhèn)校隊(duì)有一次角球。)
  • 25、This is particularly helpful for placing your keeper on a corner or free-kick, as they needn't stand uselessly in the middle of the goal any longer.(在主罰角球或任意球時,能夠調(diào)用你的門將,這一點(diǎn)非凡有用,因?yàn)殚T將可以不必一直待在球門中心,無所作為。)

corner kick基本釋義

corner kick

英 [?k?:n? kik] 美 [?k?rn? k?k] 
