
count out造句

count out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:52:12


count out造句

  • 1、Don'tcount out the Denver Nuggets just yet tomorrow night on ESPN at 9:00pm.(不要指望在ESPN進(jìn)行的丹佛掘金隊還只是明天晚上九時。)
  • 2、The clergyman had risen, and holding out his hand, he said cordially: "I shall count on you next winter, neighbor."(牧師站起身來,伸出手來,熱誠地說:“明年冬天,我希望你會下山來,鄰居。”)
  • 3、If I asked you tocount out 8.7 million pennies, that would take you a while, even if you had a whole lot of people doing it.(如果我讓你去數(shù)870萬便士的話,那將耗掉你好一會兒的時間——即使是一大幫子人在數(shù)。)
  • 4、Don'tcount out this crazy broad to get in the "middle" of things either.(不要計算出這個瘋狂的博大,在“中間”的東西。)
  • 5、With your eyes closed, try breathing in through your nose to a count of three, and out through your mouth slowly to a count of six.(閉上眼睛,試著從一數(shù)到三用鼻子吸氣,再從四數(shù)到六慢慢吐出來。)
  • 6、But it would be rash to count the big three out.(但是這將草率地將三大巨頭排除在外。)
  • 7、For one of the tests, test subjects were told tocount out a stack of $100 dollarbills and then immerse their hands in hot water.(其中一個測試要求一組受測者數(shù)一沓100美元面額的鈔票,然后將手浸入熱水中。)
  • 8、It's also too early tocount out the longstanding rich countries' club called the Group of Seven.(而且將長期的富國俱樂部七國集團(tuán)排除在外也為時過早。)
  • 9、How would I figure it out? What would count as a positive proof?(我怎么能知道呢?什么能算有力的證據(jù)呢?)
  • 10、Mother wouldcount out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks. She would lift the heavy bag, load it on her narrow shoulders, and carry it the long way home.(每次她來母親都會數(shù)給她一包“攢”了幾個禮拜的臟衣物,而她會用她那窄小的雙肩扛起那包沉沉的衣物走很長一段路。)
  • 11、If you're going out tonight you'll have to count me out.(假如你們今晚要出去,就別把我算在內(nèi)。)
  • 12、Breathe out completely as you silently count from 1 to 8.(完全呼氣,同時從1默數(shù)到8。)
  • 13、And I think to count them out would be a mistake.(我覺得,認(rèn)為他們已經(jīng)被淘汰出局是一個錯誤。)
  • 14、Then I cancount out how long the weather keeps warm here.(那就我能計算出來這里天氣暖和的日子能持續(xù)多久。)
  • 15、Mother wouldcount out to her a bundle of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks.(母親會把積攢了幾個星期的一捆要洗的衣服一件一件數(shù)著交給她。)
  • 16、To examine this, the researchers asked one group of participants tocount out eighty $100 bills and another group to count eighty worthless pieces of paper.(為了檢驗結(jié)論,研究人員讓一群參加者數(shù)80張面值100美元的鈔票,讓另一群人去數(shù)無價值的紙。)
  • 17、For example, you can get acount out of the database for the number of respondents who have stated that their favorite color (question 2) is red by using the following query shown in Listing 10.(例如,使用下面的清單10中的查詢,您可以從數(shù)據(jù)庫中查詢最喜歡的顏色是紅色(問題2)的回答者的數(shù)目。)
  • 18、Don'tcount out Roger Mason Jr. He may prove to be a sleeper for the Spurs this season.(不要計算出小羅杰·梅森,他可能會成為馬刺隊本賽季的臥鋪。)
  • 19、Mother wouldcount out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks.(母親數(shù)給她一袋要洗的衣物,都是幾個星期積下來的。)
  • 20、If institutions perceive that they can count on being bailed out during crises, they will be more willing to risk insolvency in future-creating a so-called moral hazard.(如果金融機(jī)構(gòu)認(rèn)為它們可以成為擺脫危機(jī)的依靠,這樣它們將更愿意冒今后無力償付的風(fēng)險,從而形成所謂的道德風(fēng)險。)
  • 21、If anything, I feel I need to make this time count more, so I go out, I work late, I fill my days and evenings.(如果有的話,我覺得我需要讓時間有更多的指望,所以我出去,我工作到很晚,我填滿了我的日日夜夜。)
  • 22、The doors open for count and all the inmates walk out.(牢房門打開了,開始對囚犯點名,所有犯人走出門來。)
  • 23、For me Icount out the players for four weeks after the World Cup.(對我來說,我得算算在世界杯后的四周,我能有多少名球員在球隊內(nèi)。) haO86.com
  • 24、There are so many stars in the sky that none cancount out.(天空中這么多的星星,沒有人數(shù)得清。)

count out基本釋義

count out

英 [kaunt aut] 美 [ka?nt a?t] 
點數(shù); 不把 ... 計算在內(nèi); 拳擊中判輸