
in good condition造句

in good condition造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:51:26


in good condition造句

  • 1、Cold storage in a freezer, however, can keep foodsin good condition for months after the growing season.(但是,冷凍在冰箱中,可以使食物在生長季節(jié)后幾個(gè)月中保持良好。) hao86.com
  • 2、At present, they are safe andin good condition and also have contacted with their families.(目前他們是安全的,身體狀況良好,也向家人報(bào)了平安。)
  • 3、This room was stillin good condition and had dark wood panelling on the four firm walls.(這個(gè)房間仍然很好,四面墻都鑲著深色的護(hù)墻板。)
  • 4、So I went back to my cabin and I took the bill that I cared most about: a two Canadian dollars billin good condition.(所以我回到我的車廂,取來了我最在意的鈔票:一張成色很新的加拿大兩元鈔票。)
  • 5、The Lessee agrees to maintain the leased buildingin good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate.(承租人同意將所租建筑保持良好狀態(tài),并不得任其損壞。)
  • 6、If your walls arein good condition then this work could be done with the help of a stencil and pencil.(如果你的墻壁還不錯(cuò)的話,我們用蠟筆或者鉛筆就能完成上述工作。)
  • 7、In 1990, Argentina had the lowest share of paved roadsin good condition among upper-middle-income countries.(1990年,阿根廷路況良好的硬化公路所占比重在中高收入國家中的排名最低。)
  • 8、"But it's a forty-dollar wheel,in good condition," Martin had argued. "And you've only let me have seven dollars on it.(“可那是一部狀況良好的自行車,值四十元呢,”馬丁爭(zhēng)辯過,“你才當(dāng)給了我七塊錢,不,還不到七塊錢。)
  • 9、Stonebridge is one of the shorter tracks, but very steep as it takes you up to the waterfall and you do need to bein good condition to manage it.(石橋是較短的路線之一,但是非常陡峭,因?yàn)樗鼘边_(dá)瀑布,而且您確實(shí)需要在良好狀態(tài)下才能應(yīng)對(duì)。)
  • 10、The two-bedroom chalet isin good condition.(這個(gè)有兩間臥室的小屋狀況良好。)
  • 11、In 1999, only 28 percent of rural households in Peru had access to a roadin good condition.(1999年,僅有28%的農(nóng)村家庭能夠用上路況較好的道路。)
  • 12、It is described in the estate agents guide as a 'unique homein good condition overall and has been well maintained'.(房產(chǎn)代理商在銷售指南中這樣介紹:設(shè)施齊全、保養(yǎng)完好且風(fēng)格獨(dú)特。)
  • 13、The doctor said Liu isin good condition now and will fully recover.(根據(jù)醫(yī)生介紹,共從劉翔的右腳跟腱處取出了4塊小骨頭,劉翔目前狀況良好,將完全康復(fù)。)
  • 14、Keep it neat and clean — Make sure your pants, shirts and other clothes are ironed, stain-free andin good condition.(保持整潔——褲子、襯衫和其它衣物一定要熨燙過、沒有污點(diǎn)、良好無損。)
  • 15、“We inspected many components of it, and generally found it to bein good condition and clean, ” Ms. Clark said.(“我們檢查了里面的許多組分,發(fā)現(xiàn)他們都保持良好狀態(tài),并且清潔?!盋lark女士說道。)
  • 16、Giving your cat a strip of raw meat everyday to chew on will keep his gums and teethin good condition.(每天給你的貓咪一塊生肉去咀嚼吧,這樣能使它的牙齦和牙齒保持健康。)
  • 17、As long as your suit isin good condition and not outdated, you don't have to buy a new one.(只要你的西裝狀況良好,并且沒過時(shí),那你就沒必要重新去買了。)
  • 18、A wooden door is stillin good condition. It is pretty small and one has to bow when entering.(一扇木門依舊完好。門太小,人必須彎腰才能進(jìn)去。)
  • 19、In general, exhibits arein good condition, although almost all of them need small repairs and the painting.(總體來說,展覽品狀態(tài)良好,盡管這些展覽品幾乎都需要進(jìn)行小維修和噴漆。)
  • 20、Safety is still an issue, but treated subjects arein good condition and a specific treatment effect is expected.(安全性仍然是個(gè)問題,但受試者的狀況良好,特定的治療效果是意料中事。)
  • 21、The three remaining patients are allin good condition.(其余3名患者目前狀況良好。)
  • 22、This is what happened to the famous Beresovka mammoth which was found preserved andin good condition.(著名的那林索夫卡長毛象就是這樣被保存下來的,而且保存得很好。)
  • 23、Is your database itselfin good condition?(你的數(shù)據(jù)庫本身處于很好的狀態(tài)么?)
  • 24、Tests, however, have shown that structuresin good condition have been undamaged by overpressures of up to 11 pounds.(然而測(cè)試顯示狀況良好的建筑可以在11磅的超壓情況下不受損壞。)
  • 25、The piano wasin good condition.(這臺(tái)鋼琴狀況良好。)
  • 26、I don't care about the price, so long as the car isin good condition.(我不計(jì)較價(jià)錢,只要車很好用就行了。)
  • 27、Is your database server responding properly? Is your database itselfin good condition?(你的數(shù)據(jù)庫服務(wù)器可否正常響應(yīng)?你的數(shù)據(jù)庫本身處于很好的狀態(tài)么?)

in good condition基本釋義

in good condition

英 [in ɡud k?n?di??n] 美 [?n ɡ?d k?n?d???n] 

情況良好; 完好; 完好無缺