
take out the garbage造句

take out the garbage造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:51:22


take out the garbage造句

  • 1、Don't forget totake out the garbage.(別忘了扔垃圾呀。)
  • 2、Whose turn is it totake out the garbage?(輪到誰出去倒垃圾了?)
  • 3、They still make their spousestake out the garbage, do the dishes and change diapers — no matter how impressive their accomplishments in the field of battle is.(她們會讓自己的突擊隊員丈夫倒垃圾、洗碗和換尿布——不論他們在戰(zhàn)場上取得了多么驕人的戰(zhàn)績。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 4、Youtake out the garbage.(你把垃圾拿出去。)
  • 5、I play with the kids,take out the garbage, get six hours of sleep if I'm lucky, and then it starts all over again!(我哄孩子,倒垃圾,走運的化,睡上六個小時,然后又周而復(fù)始,重頭來過!)
  • 6、I hope you know what you're doing. They'll track water everywhere and have a million water fights, and you won't be able totake out the garbage without stepping in mud up to your neck.(我希望你清楚你在干什么,他們會走來走去,搞的到處是水漬,會打一百萬次水仗,到時候你要是不肯趟過脖子深的泥水,就休想把垃圾倒出去。)
  • 7、What are you talking about? I alwaystake out the garbage.(你在說什么?一直都是我倒垃圾。)
  • 8、For example, the "Clean out the office" job is made up of several next actions (ie, "take out the garbage," "Rearrange the book shelves," "Purge filing cabinet.")(例如,“整理辦公室”是由若干個NextActions,即“扔掉垃圾”、“整理書架”和“整理檔案柜”組成。)
  • 9、Mom: If youtake out the garbage and do the dishes, I'll think about it.(媽媽:假如你把垃圾拿出去,并把碗盤洗一洗,我會考慮。)
  • 10、Whytake out the garbage when your whole apartment is a mess?(當(dāng)你的公寓亂七八糟時,為什么要把垃圾丟掉?)
  • 11、Jake: It is you turn totake out the garbage. hurried up and get dressed.(杰克:這次該你倒垃圾了。趕緊起床換衣服。)
  • 12、What chores do you have to do at home? I have totake out the garbage.(在家你必須做什么家務(wù)?我必須倒垃圾。)
  • 13、take out the garbage. It stinks.(把垃圾拿出去。太臭了。)
  • 14、Clean your desk,take out the garbage, wash the dishes. Just stack a couple of simple actions to create a flow, a momentum.(清理你的桌子,扔掉垃圾,洗洗碗盤,累積一些簡單的工作任務(wù)來制定流程,創(chuàng)造動力。)
  • 15、Can I help youtake out the garbage?(需要我?guī)湍牙鴰С鋈幔?
  • 16、Getting a son totake out the garbage once a week is considered a triumph. Most parents are content if their kids occasionally tidy their rooms.(能夠讓一個孩子每周倒一次垃圾就已經(jīng)是謝天謝地的事情了。如果孩子能夠偶爾清理他們的房間,許多家長都會感到高興。)
  • 17、Did youtake out the garbage?(你倒了垃圾沒有?)
  • 18、take out the garbage.(把垃圾拿出去。)
  • 19、I have totake out the garbage every night.(每個晚上我都必須扔垃圾。)
  • 20、Pleasetake out the garbage.(請把這包垃圾拿出去。)

take out the garbage基本釋義
