there is造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:51:21


there is造句

  • 1、there is ample car parking off site.(外面有個(gè)很大的停車場(chǎng)。)
  • 2、there is no viable alternative.(沒有其他可行的措施。)
  • 3、there is no Table of Contents.(沒有目錄。)
  • 4、there is a local carnival every year.(當(dāng)?shù)孛磕甓寂e行狂歡節(jié)。)
  • 5、there is no cause for concern.(沒有理由擔(dān)憂。)
  • 6、there is no cause for alarm.(不必恐慌。)
  • 7、Musicallythere is a lot to enjoy.(在音樂方面有許多可欣賞。)
  • 8、Clearlythere is a problem here.(顯然這里有問題。)
  • 9、there is no disgrace in being poor.(貧窮不是恥辱。)
  • 10、Okay,there is a slight difference.(好吧,是有稍稍的不同。)
  • 11、there is no airport in the locality.(這個(gè)地區(qū)沒有飛機(jī)場(chǎng)。)
  • 12、there is no truth in this story.(這個(gè)故事不具備真實(shí)性。)
  • 13、there is lots of reading in class.(課上有大量閱讀。)
  • 14、there is an acute shortage of water.(水嚴(yán)重短缺。)
  • 15、there is nothing wrong with the car.(那輛車沒有一點(diǎn)毛病。)
  • 16、there is no vehicular access.(不通車。)
  • 17、there is a pervading sense of menace.(有一種在蔓延的危險(xiǎn)感。)
  • 18、there is a traitor in our midst.(我們中間有個(gè)叛徒。)
  • 19、there is no truth in the rumours.(這些謠言毫無根據(jù)。)
  • 20、there is no risk of contagion.(沒有接觸傳染的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。)
  • 21、I'm afraidthere is worse to come.(恐怕更糟的還在后頭呢。)
  • 22、there is now hope of a cure.(現(xiàn)在有望治愈了。)
  • 23、there is a real threat of war.(確有可能發(fā)生戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)。)
  • 24、there is no sign of John anywhere.(哪兒都沒有約翰的影子。)
  • 25、there is good reason to doubt this.(有正當(dāng)理由懷疑這件事。)
  • 26、there is a bug in the software.(軟件出了故障。)
  • 27、there is more room in first class.(頭等艙更寬敞。)
  • 28、there is no reason to disbelieve him.(沒理由不相信他。)
  • 29、That womanthere is the boss's wife.(那邊那個(gè)女人是老板的太太。)
  • 30、there is no easy answer.(沒有容易的解決辦法。)

there is基本釋義

there is

英 [e?? iz] 美 [e?r ?z] 