mark off造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:51:25


mark off造句

  • 1、As you climb the stairs, youmark off the length of the barometer along the wall. You then count the number of marks, and this will give you the height of the building in barometer units.(在爬樓梯的同時,你在墻上依次標出氣壓計的長度,記下計量的總數(shù),就可以得出用氣壓計長度表示的建筑物高度。)
  • 2、That mark won't come off.(那污點去不掉。)
  • 3、But the money had come tomark off his weaving into periods.(但是,金錢卻終于把他的織布活兒分成許多階段。)
  • 4、By analyzing the requirement of software function,mark off respective function model and introduce the method of design of main function model.(通過對軟件功能需求的分析劃分出各個功能模塊,同時介紹主要功能模塊的軟件設計方法。)
  • 5、mark off an area for your garden that gets more than six hours of sunlight per day and has excellent drainage and sandy soil.(選定地點?;哪▓@用地需要每天六小時以上的日照和透水性好的沙質(zhì)土壤。)
  • 6、Analysis system groups and remote sensing images and vector images use the method of superimposition analysis, combine with fieldwork files tomark off system series.(系統(tǒng)組與遙感和矢量圖疊加對應分析,結(jié)合野外調(diào)查資料來劃分土壤-植被系統(tǒng)群系。)
  • 7、Predictions early in 2005 that the year would be the warmest on record turned out to be off the mark.(2005年早些時候曾有人預計,去年將是有觀測記錄以來地球歷史上最暖的一個年頭。)
  • 8、Can you get that dirtymark off the wall?(你能把墻上的斑點擦掉嗎?)
  • 9、Determined to make his fortune in South America, Mark Twain set off from his home for New Orleans in his teens.(馬克·吐溫決心在南美洲發(fā)家致富,十幾歲時便從家鄉(xiāng)出發(fā)前往新奧爾良。)
  • 10、The best way to get the trademark off the bottle is to soak it off.(把商標從瓶子上揭下來的最好辦法是用水泡濕再揭。)
  • 11、Connie and Mark, meanwhile, struggle to pay off the stream of bills in a dual-income household.(而康妮和馬克這個掙兩份薪水的家庭卻只能很勉強地付清大把的賬單。)
  • 12、Read the text through andmark off the sections you find particularly applicable .(通讀全文,畫出你認為最有用的段落。)
  • 13、Mostly Sir Mark asks his interlocutors if they are better off than before.(馬克爵士問采訪對象最多的是是否覺得生活比以前好過了。)
  • 14、I don't really get a lot of information, and if I do I get it off Mark.(我真沒得到很多信息,即便有也是從馬克那里得到的。)
  • 15、Then, use a simple system of symbols tomark off 4 different information types in the column space left in the margin.(然后,在你的第一列空欄中使用不同4符號為4不同的信息類型做標記。)
  • 16、On the base of DCA use the method of DCCA tomark off system group and reflect the relationship between environmental factors and vegetation.(然后在DCA排序分析的基礎上采用DCCA排序分析來反映環(huán)境因子和植被之間的關系來劃分系統(tǒng)組。)
  • 17、Or if the skyscraper has an outside emergency staircase, it would be easier to walk up it andmark off the height of the skyscraper in barometer lengths, then add them up.(或者如果摩天大樓有外置的緊急樓梯,那就更容易了,沿樓梯從下往上走,以氣壓計長度為單位標注摩天大樓有多少個氣壓計長度,然后再把這些數(shù)值加和起來。)
  • 18、Stewart got off the mark with a four.(斯圖爾特以一記四分球開始得分。)
  • 19、Make choices thatmark off different distances so your pickups vary in length from 15 to 90 seconds, and modify your pace to match the distance.(選擇了目標,就可以為自己劃分出不同的距離,從要跑15秒到要跑90秒的距離,并且根據(jù)距離來調(diào)整自己的步伐。)
  • 20、All clocks must have a regular, constant or repetitive process or action tomark off equal increments of time.(所有時鐘都必須有一個均勻、恒定或重復的劃分時間等量增加的過程或動作。)
  • 21、Tomark off or apportion, usually with reference to a given unit of measurement.(量出,稱出;分出:標出或分出,通常參考一給定的測量單位。)
  • 22、He used a rope tomark off the circle.(他用一根繩子把這個圈圍了起來。)
  • 23、A common approach is tomark off a timeline on a wall or whiteboard, and have team members put sticky notes on the timeline for events that occurred.(這條線可以畫在墻上或是白板上,然后每個人在對應的時間點上用貼紙寫上發(fā)生的事件。)
  • 24、No, you're way off the mark.(不行,你根本沒說到重點。)
  • 25、Years ago I remember hearing about a child who’d grown up reading the time from digital clocks so that they’d never learned to read the time on a clock that had hands tomark off the hours.(從前我聽聞孩子們從小用慣了電子表,以至于他們不會讀有分針時針指示的時鐘。)
  • 26、The pages keep turning, I'llmark off each day with a cross.(生活一直過,我會用十字來記錄我的每一天。)

mark off基本釋義

mark off

英 [mɑ:k ?f] 美 [mɑrk ?f] 
劃出; 劃線分隔