
cutting edge造句

cutting edge造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:51:39


cutting edge造句

  • 1、But the realcutting edge has shifted to a new form: short Web videos.(但是真正的喜劇前沿已經(jīng)變換為新形式:網(wǎng)絡(luò)短劇。)
  • 2、He used the word too with itscutting edge.(他也使用過這個容易傷人的單詞。)
  • 3、Being equipped with one of the most recent cutting-edge IT products could just help a college or university foster a cutting-edge reputation.(配備最新的尖端IT產(chǎn)品之一就可以幫助學(xué)院或大學(xué)樹立尖端聲譽(yù)。)
  • 4、The external part of the alloy will be transformed into acutting edge.(合金的外延部分將被打造為刃口。)
  • 5、Both of these applications demonstrate many cutting-edge UI features specifically targeted at small-screen devices.(這兩個應(yīng)用程序演示了許多專門針對小屏幕設(shè)備的尖端ui特性。)
  • 6、Clearly, this research rides thecutting edge of both theory and application.(很明顯,該研究停留在理論和應(yīng)用之上。)
  • 7、It's a new digital age in information services, and academic libraries are on thecutting edge.(如今的信息服務(wù)已經(jīng)進(jìn)入數(shù)字時代,一些學(xué)術(shù)圖書館占據(jù)了領(lǐng)先地位。)
  • 8、But the most cutting-edge tool under development is the "teachable agent"— a computerized character who learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions just like a real-world pupil.(但最先進(jìn)的開發(fā)工具是“可教的代理”——一個計(jì)算機(jī)化的會學(xué)習(xí)、嘗試、犯錯和提問的角色,就像一個真實(shí)世界的學(xué)生。)
  • 9、My company, Kaggle, operates on thecutting edge of machine learning.(我的公司Kaggle在機(jī)器學(xué)習(xí)領(lǐng)域處于領(lǐng)先地位。)
  • 10、This shipyard is at thecutting edge of world shipbuilding technology.(這家造船廠位于世界造船技術(shù)的前沿。)
  • 11、Deontic logic, now this iscutting edge stuff.(道義邏輯,這是個前沿問題。)
  • 12、A lot of companies could implement morecutting edge stuff than they do.(有很多公司實(shí)際上應(yīng)該采用更多更前沿的技術(shù)。)
  • 13、Like any sensible scientist working at thecutting edge, he acknowledged there was some way to go.(如同任何致力于最新科技的明智科學(xué)家一樣,他承認(rèn)離目標(biāo)尚有一段路要走。)
  • 14、The couple run a toy company, working at thecutting edge of robot technology for 30 years.(艾里斯夫婦擁有一家玩具公司,研究尖端機(jī)器人技術(shù)已達(dá)30年。)
  • 15、What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before.(我們正在籌劃的是澳大利亞前所未見的尖端技術(shù)。)
  • 16、These are the folks on thecutting edge.(這些家伙站在前沿。)
  • 17、But like all things green andcutting edge, the situation is more complex than it first appears.(但是就像所有的綠色、前沿技術(shù)一樣,事實(shí)比從它最初的表面看起來要復(fù)雜得多。)
  • 18、New programming languages, regardless of theircutting edge features and capabilities, always require time to mature.(無論其特性和功能如何先進(jìn),新編程語言總是需要一定的時間才能成熟。)
  • 19、We're relying on him to give the team acutting edge.(我們指望他給這個隊(duì)帶來優(yōu)勢。)
  • 20、Professors might take less pay if it means being at thecutting edge of research.(而如果可以在科研前沿工作的話,就算少點(diǎn)薪酬教授們也是可以接受的。)
  • 21、At the most cutting-edge retail stores—Victoria Beckham on Dover Street, for instance—you don't go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay.(在最先進(jìn)的零售商店里,比如多佛街的維多利亞·貝克漢姆,當(dāng)你決定付款時,你不用去站在任何種類的收銀機(jī)前。)
  • 22、"It seems crazy to me," says Gumbley, who is English, "that a cutting-edge-technology country is depending on a 40-year-old technology."(“在我看來這似乎很瘋狂,”身為英國人的Gumbley說,“一個尖端技術(shù)的國家依賴于一項(xiàng)有40年歷史的技術(shù)?!?
  • 23、They've been a part ofcutting edge research that nobody else really knows about.(他們參與了沒有其他人知道的前沿研究。)
  • 24、The Italian economy isn't reallycutting edge - how many Italian tech firms can you name?(意大利經(jīng)濟(jì)并不是很有競爭力——你能說出多少家意大利科技公司的名稱?)
  • 25、The station needs to attract cutting-edge research, yet many scientists seem to have little idea what goes on aboard it.(這個空間站需要吸引前沿研究(的技術(shù)支持),但許多科學(xué)家似乎對空間站上發(fā)生的事情知之甚少。) Hao86.com
  • 26、We can find a morecutting edge example of smart CARDS in, where else, Japan.(在其它地方我們可以找到一種更加高端的智能卡,比如日本。)
  • 27、Many believe an entirely new approach to indoor farming is required, employing cutting-edge technologies.(許多人認(rèn)為,有必要采用一種全新的方法、使用最先進(jìn)的技術(shù)來進(jìn)行室內(nèi)種植。)

cutting edge基本釋義

cutting edge

英 [?k?t?? ed?] 美 [?k?t?? ?d?] 
