call in造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:51:00


call in造句

  • 1、I'll take thecall in my office.(我要在辦公室里接這個(gè)電話。)
  • 2、The local tourist office should be your first port ofcall in any town.(當(dāng)?shù)芈糜尉謶?yīng)該是你到任何一個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)的第一站。)
  • 3、Then King David said, 'call in Bathsheba.'(大衛(wèi)王吩咐說,叫拔示巴來。)
  • 4、The number that you choose to rotate your letters by is what wecall in cryptography, a key.(你選擇的旋轉(zhuǎn)字母的數(shù)量就是我們在密碼學(xué)中所說的密匙。)
  • 5、Don't forget tocall in on your way home.(別忘了你回家時(shí)順路來這里玩玩。)
  • 6、I'llcall in at the chemist's on my way home.(我回家時(shí)順便要去藥店一趟。)
  • 7、My first port ofcall in town was the bank.(我進(jìn)城的第一站是銀行。)
  • 8、She reached for the phone tocall in sick.(她伸手拿起話機(jī)打電話請病假。)
  • 9、A methodcall in PHP works as follows.(在php中的方法調(diào)用是這樣工作的。)
  • 10、It was time tocall in the Pakistanis.(在巴基斯坦,這個(gè)時(shí)間就可以給人打電話了。)
  • 11、call in sick.(請病假。)
  • 12、OK, we'll give youcall in the morning.(好的,明早我們會打電話叫您的。)
  • 13、I'll give you acall in the morning.(我明天上午給你打電話。)
  • 14、Don't move, I willcall in the doctor.(別動,我去叫醫(yī)生。)
  • 15、"I'llcall in again later in the afternoon, after he has come in," said Dr. Craven.(“下午晚些時(shí)候,等他回來后,我再來拜訪他?!笨死孜尼t(yī)生說。)
  • 16、We had tocall in a plumber to unblock the drain.(我們只得叫個(gè)管子工來疏通下水道。)
  • 17、She picks up the telephone tocall in.(她抓起話筒打了電話。)
  • 18、Let'scall in sick.(我們打電話請個(gè)病假吧!)
  • 19、I'm going tocall in a plumber this afternoon.(今天下午我會打電話叫一個(gè)管道工。)
  • 20、There was a disputedcall in the second set.(第二盤比賽有一個(gè)有爭議的判決。)
  • 21、Such music I never dreamed of, and thecall in it is stronger even than the music is sweet!(我做夢也沒想過會有這樣的音樂,更想不到它的召喚會比甜美的音樂還要強(qiáng)烈!)
  • 22、If necessary, you mightcall in sick.(必要時(shí)你可以打電話請病假。)
  • 23、We make the staticcall in Listing 7.(我們在清單7中進(jìn)行了靜態(tài)調(diào)用。)
  • 24、'Theycall in absolute shock,' says Corbett.(Cobbet說,“他們在電話中顯得非常吃驚?!?
  • 25、She gave me the phone number for the nearest pharmacy so I could make arrangements with our pediatrician tocall in prescriptions.(她給了我最近的藥店的電話號碼,這樣我就可以和我們的兒科醫(yī)生聯(lián)系并且拿到藥方。)
  • 26、If not we're gonnacall in some help.(如果還沒好,那我們就得找人幫忙了。)
  • 27、Do you mind if Icall in you this evening?(你不介意今晚我們?nèi)グ菰L你吧?)
  • 28、We went to pay a new yearcall in the New Year.(新年,我們?nèi)页鋈グ菽辍?

call in基本釋義

call in

英 [k?:l in] 美 [k?l ?n] 
召集; 召來; 邀請; 拜訪; 叫 ... 進(jìn)來; 打電話; 要求歸還; 收回