bring on造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:55


bring on造句

  • 1、Overnight delivery and luggage forwarding services are also an option if you have a lot of materials or samples tobring on a business trip.(如果你的差旅途中必須攜帶大量物品,隔夜交貨和行李轉(zhuǎn)寄服務(wù)不失為一個選擇。)
  • 2、The first is to start small,bring on early adopters, demonstrate the application's value, and move gradually towards global deployment.(第一種方式是小規(guī)模啟動,引進(jìn)給早期的采用者(譯者:接受這種方式的員工),向他們展示該應(yīng)用的價值,然后有層次地向全局部署推進(jìn)。)
  • 3、They'dbring on several hundred employees to what would become PayPal.(他們雇了幾百個員工成立了后來的Paypal。)
  • 4、bring on the sovereign wealth funds!(還有你們的主權(quán)財(cái)富基金!)
  • 5、Macy's (M) plans tobring on 78, 000 people for the holidays, a 4% increase over last year's holiday hiring.(梅西百貨(Macy's)則計(jì)劃為圣誕節(jié)招聘78,000名新員工,這一數(shù)字比去年增長了4%。)
  • 6、Even seeing an act of kindness canbring on more ACTS of kindness.(甚至看到一個善舉就能帶來更多的善舉。)
  • 7、Don't let the digestion of these factsbring on a stomach ache, though.(但是不要因?yàn)橄@些事實(shí)而讓你肚子疼,雖然事實(shí)如此。)
  • 8、Way back when Rogue Amoeba was nearing its third birthday, we were excited tobring on our first employee – Mike Ash.(回想羅格-阿米巴快過3歲生日的時候,我們異常興奮,因?yàn)橐瓉砦覀兊牡谝粋€員工——麥克——阿什。)
  • 9、Focusing on relationships rather than material items willbring on a feeling of warmth and closeness, so you benefit both ways.(關(guān)注人際關(guān)系,而不是那些物質(zhì)的,這會給你帶來溫暖親密的關(guān)系,所以你會多重受益。)
  • 10、Anything canbring on that special moment — music, smells, photos.(任何事物都會帶來特別的時刻——音樂,氣味和照片。)
  • 11、So despite what you read from me here or on Zen Family Habits I'm not perfect, I don't live in a "bring on a photo shoot" ready home.(無論你是從這篇文章或禪居里讀到過我寫的東西,我都并不完美。我的家不是“隨時準(zhǔn)備上鏡”般整齊。)
  • 12、But believe me, free enterprise and sound money did notbring on this problem.(相信我,我們的麻煩并不是自由市場和健全的貨幣帶來的。)
  • 13、It's much more flexible than a traditional laptop case, and has enough room for everything I'd hoped tobring on my six month trip.(它比傳統(tǒng)的手提電腦的包更加柔韌,而且有足夠的空間讓我存放六個月的旅行中我想帶的物品。)
  • 14、Times of ease and plenty canbring on the same longing.(安逸富足的時期也會出現(xiàn)相同的渴望。)
  • 15、The evils webring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.(自己作的孽最難熬。)
  • 16、That incident will surelybring on a crisis.(那個事件肯定會導(dǎo)致一場危機(jī)。)
  • 17、It can consume our assets,bring on mental stress and even hurt our relationships.(它銷蝕我們的財(cái)產(chǎn),帶來精神上的壓力,甚至?xí)p害家庭關(guān)系。)
  • 18、bring on awesome people is probably the biggest challenge of any early-stage startup.(培養(yǎng)優(yōu)秀的人才對于早期階段的初創(chuàng)企業(yè)來說可能是最大的挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 19、Your eyes will not see all the disaster I am going tobring on this place.(我要降與這地的一切災(zāi)禍,你也不至親眼看見。)
  • 20、To find the reason why a drill mightbring on a racing heart, Karibe divided the volunteers into low fear and high fear groups based on how much they feared a trip to the dentist.(為了找出鉆頭可能導(dǎo)致心跳加速的原因,Karibe根據(jù)志愿者對看牙醫(yī)的恐懼程度,將他們分為低恐懼組和高恐懼組。)
  • 21、The Blackberry sports a great game simply called Chuck Norris:bring on the Pain.(黑莓炫耀它的一個游戲就簡簡單單稱為“查克·諾理斯:引起煩惱的家伙”。)
  • 22、Taking a hot shower or bath before bed helpsbring on sleep because they can relax tense muscles.(臨睡前沖個熱水澡或淋浴也能助你好眠,因?yàn)闊崴杩梢宰尵o張的肌肉得到放松。)
  • 23、These eye drops canbring on asthma symptoms, including cough.(這類眼藥水可誘發(fā)包括咳嗽在內(nèi)的哮喘癥狀。)
  • 24、bring on the Bling: in the custom auto industry, the word dub conjures up images of tricked-out cars, big wheels and celebrities.(走上閃耀的舞臺:在汽車定制行業(yè)中,DUB這個詞會讓人立刻聯(lián)想到裝飾豪華的車子、大號輪胎、還有大明星。)
  • 25、bring on the Gold Coast!(去參加我的黃金海岸比賽吧!)
  • 26、Aquarius:bring on the compliments Your friends love to get your approval.(水瓶座:不要吝惜贊美他人你的好友渴望得到你的肯定。)

bring on基本釋義

bring on

英 [bri? ?n] 美 [br?? ɑn] 
引起; 使發(fā)展; 使出現(xiàn); 提出