by heart造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:50:57


by heart造句

  • 1、The view of repetitively boring lessons and learning the factsby heart, which is sometimes quoted in relation to Japanese classes, may be unfair and unjustified.(有時(shí)課程重復(fù)枯燥和學(xué)生死記硬背的現(xiàn)象會(huì)和日本的課堂聯(lián)系在一起,這可能是不公平、不合理的。)
  • 2、"It's awfully puzzling," said Tootles, who knew the storyby heart.(“這太令人費(fèi)解了。”圖圖說(shuō),他已經(jīng)把這個(gè)故事熟記于心了。)
  • 3、Not by brain,by heart; the expression is vital.(不是用頭腦,而是用心;表達(dá)是至關(guān)重要的。)
  • 4、For a long time I didn't dare to read poetry, but eventually I really enjoyed it, and I learned many of the poems I readby heart.(好長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間我都不敢去朗讀詩(shī)歌,但最終我喜歡上了詩(shī)歌,我可以背誦許多首詩(shī)歌。)
  • 5、I also like poetry and I know many poemsby heart.(我還喜歡詩(shī)歌,并能夠背誦其中許多。)
  • 6、Learnby heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words.(請(qǐng)背記包含生詞的句子或詞組,這樣我們才真正能運(yùn)用這些詞匯,而且印象更深。)
  • 7、The actor knows his linesby heart.(那位演員能夠背誦自己的臺(tái)詞。)
  • 8、This would mean diets with less saturated fat and fewer premature deaths causedby heart disease, they write.(他們指出這樣就降低了飲食中的飽和脂肪酸和由心臟疾病導(dǎo)致的嬰幼兒夭折。)
  • 9、Next, learningby heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important.(其次,盡可能多背熟一些好文章也十分重要。)
  • 10、If you are burning cash, you need to know this numberby heart as well.(如果你在燒錢(qián),你就要好好記住這個(gè)數(shù)字。)
  • 11、And I could only call the handful of Numbers that I knowby heart.(而且我只能撥打我記得住的為數(shù)不多的一些電話(huà)。)
  • 12、All the programme is perfectly worked out and learntby heart.(所有的節(jié)目都被演員完美的表演并銘記在心。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 13、I've listened to it dozens of times.I don't understand it but I know itby heart.(這個(gè)講座我已經(jīng)聽(tīng)過(guò)很多次了。雖然我不明白是什么意思,但是心里卻記下了它的內(nèi)容。)
  • 14、She's learnt the whole speech offby heart.(她把整篇講話(huà)都背熟了。)
  • 15、You are likely to have been thinking about the situation in exactly the same way for a very long time. You know the storyby heart.(很可能你會(huì)一直用同一種方式看待這件事,而它也早爛熟于心。)
  • 16、I've dialled the number so many times I know itby heart.(這個(gè)號(hào)碼我撥了很多次,都記住了。)
  • 17、Peter knew theseby heart, for having very little else to carry in his head he had no difficulty in remembering them.(彼得對(duì)山羊的名字記得非常清楚,因?yàn)樗哪X子里除了這些別的東西非常少,所以記起來(lái)沒(méi)什么難的。)
  • 18、I only knew one Stones song, "Satisfaction" - but I knew itby heart.(盡管我只知道《滿(mǎn)足》這一首歌——但是我是用心去體會(huì)的。)
  • 19、Li Xin likes to learn wordsby heart.(李信喜歡背單詞。)
  • 20、Any mother knows this oneby heart, even if she never got around to potato-printing.(即使她從未抽空玩過(guò)“復(fù)印馬鈴薯”,任何一位母親牢記這一點(diǎn),很多做父親的也是如此。)
  • 21、Know the specificationsby heart and deviate from them only after careful consideration.(要將規(guī)范熟記于心,如果要背離規(guī)范,需經(jīng)過(guò)慎密的考慮后才可以這樣做。)
  • 22、All children were required to learn the Green Book, and some could recite passagesby heart.(全國(guó)所有孩子都被要求學(xué)習(xí)綠皮書(shū),有些章節(jié)甚至需要身心投入地背誦下來(lái)。)
  • 23、In several studies, this test alerted doctors to over 90 percent of people with atrial fibrillation, as confirmedby heart monitoring.(在幾項(xiàng)研究中,經(jīng)心臟監(jiān)測(cè)證實(shí),這個(gè)測(cè)試讓醫(yī)生注意到,超過(guò)90%的人患有房顫。)
  • 24、If you know the actual definitionsby heart, feel free to use them, but try to put them in your own words rather than cheating!(如果你心中已經(jīng)有準(zhǔn)確的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),請(qǐng)隨意說(shuō)一說(shuō),不過(guò)請(qǐng)用你自己的方式來(lái)說(shuō),別騙我們哦!)
  • 25、Mack knew this passageby heart.(麥克會(huì)背這一段。)

by heart基本釋義

by heart

英 [bai hɑ:t] 美 [ba? hɑrt] 
牢記; 憑記憶; 熟記