
birthday party造句

birthday party造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:51


birthday party造句

  • 1、The photos in this album are her secondbirthday party.(這個相冊里面的照片是她的第二個生日聚會。)
  • 2、I am very sorry that I didn't attend yourbirthday party and celebrate the precious moment with you last Sunday because the monthly test was round the corner.(很抱歉,因?yàn)樵驴技磳⒌絹?,上周日我沒能參加你的生日聚會,和你一起慶祝這個珍貴的時刻。)
  • 3、Due to the fever, I can't attend Linda'sbirthday party, so please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party.(因?yàn)榘l(fā)燒,我沒辦法參加琳達(dá)的生日派對,所以請你在派對遇到我們的朋友的時候代我送去我的問候。)
  • 4、While you should look clean and tidy, it's also important to dress properly, whether you're going to abirthday party or a sporting event.(無論你是去參加生日聚會還是體育賽事,雖然你應(yīng)該看起來干凈整潔,但穿著得體也很重要。)
  • 5、You can plan a seventhbirthday party.(你可以策劃一個七歲生日派對。)
  • 6、I would have gone to my cousin'sbirthday party last night, but I was not available.(昨天晚上我本想去參加我表哥的生日聚會,但我沒空。)
  • 7、My parents held abirthday party for me on my thirteenth birthday.(在我13歲生日,我的父母為我舉辦了生日宴會。)
  • 8、Jim invited us to hisbirthday party, and it turned out to be a Dutch feast.(吉姆邀請我們參加他的生日聚會,結(jié)果證明這是一場主人先醉的宴請。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 9、We threw a hugebirthday party.(我們舉辦了一次盛大的生日派對。)
  • 10、Do you do abirthday party?(你辦生日會嗎?)
  • 11、We want to give him a surprise, so please keep quiet about thebirthday party.(我們想給他一個驚喜,所以請對生日派對這件事情保密。)
  • 12、He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36thbirthday party for Jerry Hall.(他為杰里?霍耳的36歲生日舉行了該年度娛樂界最盛大的名流派對。)
  • 13、Abirthday party usually have a birthday cake.(生日派對上通常會有生日蛋糕。)
  • 14、I want to know whether it is convenient for you to join mybirthday party on Saturday.(我想知道星期六你是否方便參加我的生日聚會。)
  • 15、Why didn't you invite John to yourbirthday party?(你為什么不邀請約翰去你的生日派對?)
  • 16、Now we have only three days to prepare for thebirthday party this weekend.(現(xiàn)在我們只有三天時間來準(zhǔn)備這個周末的生日聚會。)
  • 17、Would you please come to mybirthday party with me tonight?(你今晚能和我一起過來參加我的生日聚會嗎?)
  • 18、I am planning a 25thbirthday party for my nephew.(我正在為侄子籌劃他25歲的生日聚會。)
  • 19、How can he get an invitation to the girl's upcomingbirthday party?(他怎么才能被邀請去那個小姑娘即將到來的生日派對呢?)
  • 20、Would you like to come to Susan'sbirthday party tomorrow evening?(明天晚上你會來參加蘇珊的生日派對嗎?)
  • 21、All our family came to Grandad's eightiethbirthday party.(我們所有的親屬都來參加了祖父八十壽宴。)
  • 22、She invited him to her 26thbirthday party in New Jersey.(她邀請了他參加她在新澤西舉辦的26歲生日聚會。)
  • 23、There were more than a hundred people at Kate'sbirthday party.(超過一百人參加了凱特的生日聚會。)
  • 24、Why didn't Nick attend Judy'sbirthday party?(尼克為什么沒有參加朱迪的生日聚會?)
  • 25、Please come to my tenthbirthday party.(請來參加我十歲的生日聚餐。)
  • 26、I want to apologize for not coming to yourbirthday party. The reason that I didn't show up was because I had to do some work for my teacher.(我想為沒來參加你的生日聚會而道歉。我沒能到場的原因是我必須幫我的老師做一些事情。)
  • 27、Despite all the hoopla, Palo Alto's 100thbirthday party is actually designed to be a simple, down-to-earth affair.(除了喧鬧外,帕羅奧圖一百歲生日聚會實(shí)際上被設(shè)計為一個簡樸實(shí)惠的活動。)
  • 28、General knowledge of categories of events such as abirthday party or a visit to the doctor's office helps older individuals encode their experiences.(成年人擁有將事件(例如一場生日聚會或去一趟醫(yī)生辦公室)進(jìn)行分類的能力,這可以幫助他們將自己的經(jīng)歷進(jìn)行編碼。)
  • 29、Seventeen civilians were hurt. Most are students who had been attending a twenty-firstbirthday party.(17名平民受了傷,其中大多數(shù)是參加一個21歲生日聚會的學(xué)生。)
  • 30、For whom is thebirthday party held?(生日聚會是為誰舉行的?)

birthday party基本釋義

birthday party

英 [?b?:θdei ?pɑ:ti] 美 [?b?θ?de ?pɑrti] 

