
beyond doubt造句

beyond doubt造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:50


beyond doubt造句

  • 1、The virtuosity of Mr Weiss and his fellow musicians isbeyond doubt.(韋斯及其樂師的音樂鑒賞力是不容置疑的。)
  • 2、The authenticity of the manuscript isbeyond doubt.(手稿的真實性是毋庸置疑的。)
  • 3、But the top court said that the circumstantial evidence provesbeyond doubt that Hayashi is guilty.(但是最高法庭說,一系列旁證毫無疑問的證明Hayashi是兇手。)
  • 4、This isbeyond doubt the truth.(無疑這是真相。)
  • 5、We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficientbeyond doubt can we be certainbeyond doubt that they will never be employed.(我們不敢以示弱去誘惑他們。因為只有當我們的武力無可臵疑地壯大時,我們才能毫無疑問地確信永遠不會使用武力。) haO86.com
  • 6、It isbeyond doubt that China has made brilliant achievements in aviation and space industry in the past decades.(毋庸置疑,中國的航空航天事業(yè)在過去的幾十年里已經(jīng)取得了輝煌的成就。)
  • 7、The truth of the story isbeyond doubt.(這個故事的真實性毫無疑問。)
  • 8、beyond doubt he will give you some advice on your study.(毫無疑問,他會給你的學(xué)習(xí)作一些指導(dǎo)的。)
  • 9、For only when our arms are sufficientbeyond doubt can we be certainbeyond doubt that they will never be employed.(因為只有當我們的武力無可置疑地壯大時,我們才能毫無疑問地確信永遠不會使用武力。)
  • 10、The popularity of the igloo isbeyond doubt.(圓頂屋受歡迎,這一點是毫無疑問的。)
  • 11、She knewbeyond doubt that her husband loved her.(她深信,丈夫是愛她的。)
  • 12、Flexography is used in the industry's advantage, it isbeyond doubt.(柔印用在標簽行業(yè)的優(yōu)勢,現(xiàn)在是毋庸置疑的了。)
  • 13、I must say his honesty isbeyond doubt.(我必須說他的誠實不容懷疑。)
  • 14、His honesty isbeyond doubt.(他的誠實毫無疑問。)
  • 15、A referendum showedbeyond doubt that voters wanted independence.(全民公決毫無疑問地顯示,選民要求獨立。)
  • 16、The research showedbeyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease.(這項研究確實表明吸煙會導(dǎo)致心臟疾病。)
  • 17、After all, how can one provebeyond doubt that a water filter prevented a child from falling sick?(畢竟,誰能證明一個濾水器可以使一個孩子免于生病呢?)
  • 18、We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence and guilt has been provedbeyond doubt.(我們也許會說正義得到了伸張,當一個人的純真和內(nèi)疚一直被證明是毋庸置疑的。)
  • 19、It isbeyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century.(毫無疑問,愛因斯坦是20世紀最偉大的科學(xué)家。)
  • 20、We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence or guilt has been provedbeyond doubt.(當某人被證據(jù)確鑿地證明無罪或有罪的時候,我們也許會說正義得到了伸張。)
  • 21、It isbeyond doubt that China has made brilliant achievements in aviation and space industry in the last forty years.(無庸置疑,中國的航空航天工業(yè)在過去的四十年中已取得了輝煌的成就。)
  • 22、When it comes to demonstrating thatbeyond doubt, however, the state's own security machine has intervened.(然而,每當?shù)搅诵枰麄兠鞔_表態(tài)時,國家的安全機器就會介入干涉。)
  • 23、Financial dealers' greed isbeyond doubt and beyond reproach since it is their nature.(金融商人的貪婪毋庸置疑、也無可厚非,這是他們的本性。)
  • 24、It isbeyond doubt that China has made brilliant achievements in economy in the last few years.(勿庸置疑,中國的經(jīng)濟在過去的幾年里已經(jīng)取得了輝煌的成就。)
  • 25、English has become a means to acquire and exchange information, the importance of which isbeyond doubt.(英語已成為獲取和交流信息的必不可少的手段,其地位的重要性亦是毋庸置疑的。)

beyond doubt基本釋義

beyond doubt

英 [bi?j?nd daut] 美 [bi?ɑnd da?t] 
無疑地; 確實地