
beyond measure造句

beyond measure造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:49


beyond measure造句

  • 1、Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerfulbeyond measure.(我們并不是因為自己不夠好而感到害怕,而是因為我們無法知道自己到底有多大的本事。)
  • 2、They love youbeyond measure, yet they can't say a thing or make themselves known.(他們喜歡不可估量你,但他們不能說的事,或使自己知道。)
  • 3、I think James' prospect isbeyond measure.(我想詹姆斯的前途不可限量。)
  • 4、Our deepest fear is that we are powerfulbeyond measure.(我們最深的恐懼,是我們不可估量的力量;)
  • 5、Mankind's knowledge of the universe has increasedbeyond measure.(人類關于宇宙的知識已經極大增加。)
  • 6、When I turned seven, my parents made a decision that delighted mebeyond measure: they chose to adopt.(我7歲那年,父母做出了一個讓我喜出望外的決定:他們要領養(yǎng)了。)
  • 7、The good they have done for me isbeyond measure.(他們對我所做的好事簡直無可估量。)
  • 8、The prospect of this young team isbeyond measure.(這支年輕隊伍前途不可限量。)
  • 9、I miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them isbeyond measure.(今晚,我想念他們,我知道自己欠他們的無可計量。)
  • 10、The truth is that each person is powerfulbeyond measure.(真相是,每個人都有無窮的能量。)
  • 11、Her joy wasbeyond measure.(她無比喜悅。)
  • 12、And, dear Lord, thank you for bringing these women to me. They have helped mebeyond measure.(還有,親愛的主,感謝你給我?guī)磉@些女士們,她們給了我無可估量的幫助。)
  • 13、It is a giftbeyond measure.(這是無法衡量的天賦。)
  • 14、His contributions to his country isbeyond measure.(他對祖國的貢獻是無法估量的。)
  • 15、You have worthbeyond measure, for you are a child of God.(你的價值無可限量,你是大自然的兒女。)
  • 16、Consider even the simplest action you take, for your lives matterbeyond measure... and they matter forever.(考慮最簡單的動作,甚至你把你的生命難以衡量的問題,…永遠和他們的問題。)
  • 17、Our greatest fear is that we are powerfulbeyond measure.(最令我們的恐懼的是我們所擁有的巨大力量。)
  • 18、The value of one's health isbeyond measure.(一個人的健康價值是無可估量的。)
  • 19、His passing is a lossbeyond measure to us.(他的離開對我們是不可估量的損失。)
  • 20、What Ben Weatherstaff did Mary thought queerbeyond measure.(本·威瑟斯塔夫接下來的舉動讓瑪麗覺得非常奇怪。)
  • 21、He irritated mebeyond measure.(他使我非常生氣。)
  • 22、You have enriched my lifebeyond measure, and I cherish you so much.(你給我的生活帶來了無價的財富,而我也是如此的珍視你。)
  • 23、Release yourself, and experience freedombeyond measure!(解脫自己,感受無以衡量的自由。)
  • 24、You are bravebeyond measure and anything I own is yours.(你的勇氣難以衡量,我擁有的一切都是你的了。)
  • 25、I know that my debt to them isbeyond measure.(我知道我的債務是不可衡量。)

beyond measure基本釋義

beyond measure

英 [bi?j?nd ?me??] 美 [bi?ɑnd ?m???] 
無可估量; 極度; 過分