
Chinese tea造句

Chinese tea造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:51:06


Chinese tea造句

  • 1、Chinese teaChinese tea culture, tea culture.(中國茶,茶文化,茶文化。)
  • 2、Do you think it's proper to unload theChinese tea at London?(你認為把倫敦作為中國茶葉的卸貨港合適嗎?)
  • 3、I likeChinese tea.(我喜歡喝中國茶。)
  • 4、Is there any special English tea ceremony like we have withChinese tea?(喝中國茶有特別的講究,英國茶是不是也有?)
  • 5、Can I have someChinese tea?(請給我來點中國茶。)
  • 6、We don’t think its proper to unload theChinese tea at London.(我們認為把倫敦作為中國茶葉的卸貨港,很難讓人接受。)
  • 7、Chinese tea is world-famous. Thank you for this wonderful gift!(中國的茶葉世界聞名。謝謝你送我這么好的禮物!)
  • 8、TheChinese tea ceremony emphasizes the tea, rather than the ceremony.(中國茶道注重的是茶質(zhì)而不是禮節(jié)。)
  • 9、Chinese tea culture has the same long history as Chinese culture.(中國的茶文化同她的歷史一樣悠久。)
  • 10、I likeChinese tea without anything in it.(我喜歡里面什么都不加的中國茶。)
  • 11、We'd treat our guests with typicalChinese tea.(我們要用地道的神州茶招待客人。)
  • 12、A Do you know where I can find a good shop forChinese tea?(A你知道我在哪里可以找到賣中國茶的好商店嗎?)
  • 13、Chinese tea to the western three thousand years.(中國茶是三千多年前傳入西方國家的。)
  • 14、Today,Chinese tea must compete against foreign teas from many other places in the world.(現(xiàn)在中國的茶葉必須和來自世界其他地區(qū)的外國茶葉競爭。)
  • 15、Whose friends like to drinkChinese tea in the morning?(誰的朋友喜歡早上喝中國茶?)
  • 16、Summary:Chinese teaChinese tea culture, tea culture.(中國茶文化是中國制茶、飲茶的文化。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 17、We have got someChinese tea.(我們有一些中國產(chǎn)的茶。)
  • 18、What about going toChinese tea House this weekends?(這個周末去中國茶屋怎么樣?)
  • 19、We want to purchaseChinese tea.(我們欲購中國茶。)
  • 20、Lili:Chinese tea may be classified into five categories.(麗麗:中國的茶通常分為五種。)
  • 21、knows the history of English andChinese tea roses and has a favorite David Austin rose?(哪個CEO知道道英文和中文香水月季的歷史?又有誰喜歡大衛(wèi)奧斯汀玫瑰?)
  • 22、At last, I hope you can enjoyChinese tea.(最后,我希望你能喜歡中國的茶。)
  • 23、Yes, can I have someChinese tea?(是的,請給我來點中國茶。)
  • 24、Regions famous forChinese tea in the south have produced much of the world's tea.(因中國茶葉而聞名的中國南部生產(chǎn)出了世界上大部分的茶葉。)
  • 25、Lili: So do I. We can chat while enjoyingChinese tea culture here.(麗麗:我也是。在這里可以邊聊天邊欣賞茶文化。)
  • 26、Both at home and abroad,Chinese tea brands struggle to compete with foreign competitors.(無論是在國內(nèi)還是在國外,中國的茶葉品牌都難以與國外競爭者相抗衡。)

Chinese tea基本釋義