close by造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:51:08


close by造句

  • 1、Is the bus stationclose by?(車站近嗎?)
  • 2、I'm sure he'sclose by.(我確定他就在附近。)
  • 3、I wasclose by as Lester was stretchered into the ambulance.(萊斯特被用擔架送進那輛救護車時我在旁邊。)
  • 4、Injun Joe's bowie-knife layclose by, its blade broken in two.(印第安·喬的獵刀就放在旁邊,刀刃斷成了兩半。)
  • 5、The route passesclose by the town.(這條路離那座城鎮(zhèn)不遠。)
  • 6、They're bright because they'reclose by and contain lots of stars.(它們很明亮是因為它們在許多恒星的旁邊而且擁有那些恒星。)
  • 7、Our friends liveclose by.(我們的朋友住得不遠。)
  • 8、When the chimps sleptclose by, I stayed up in the mountains near them.(當大猩猩在附近睡覺的時候,我就會留在靠近它們的地方。)
  • 9、close by stood a boy who dashed his stick into a wet ditch.(身邊站著一個的男孩把棍子扔進了一條水溝里。)
  • 10、"So you think it's some large and powerful nationclose by?" asked Father.(“所以你認為是鄰近的哪個強大有力的國家干的?”父親問。)
  • 11、close by a big river, I am alive in my own country.(在一條大河附近,我在自己的田野里活著。)
  • 12、It also watches for what's called "close by hands", where both hands are close together near the top of the wheel, so the driver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time.(它還關(guān)注所謂的“近距離接觸”,即兩只手靠近方向盤頂部,這樣司機就可以一邊開車一邊用兩個拇指打字。)
  • 13、She looked up, and there was the swallow himself flyingclose by.(她抬頭一看,這正是那只小燕子剛剛在飛過。)
  • 14、The transaction is expected toclose by the end of the year.(該交易預計將在今年年底。)
  • 15、A few cars passedclose by me.(幾輛車從我近旁駛過。)
  • 16、I'd like toclose by first summarizing the assessment result.(首先,我想要通過總結(jié)評估結(jié)果來結(jié)束我的這篇文章。)
  • 17、He had a dirty little roomclose by the pigsty; and there he sat the whole day, and worked.(他有一間靠近豬圈的骯臟的小房間;他整天坐在那里工作。)
  • 18、Let'sclose by clarifying a couple of key issues.(讓我們通過澄清兩個關(guān)鍵問題來結(jié)束本文。)
  • 19、I've just come across the smell of it, and it'sclose by here, really quite close.(我剛剛聞到了它的味道,它就在附近,非常近。)
  • 20、The miller's house wasclose by, and the miller, you must know, had a very beautiful daughter.(磨坊主的房子就在附近,而且你得知道,磨坊主有一個非常漂亮的女兒。)
  • 21、He could smell something deadclose by, or maybe far away.(他能嗅到某種死物的氣味,很近,也許很遠。)
  • 22、For that minute, a blackbird sangclose by and round him.(在那時候,一只畫眉鳥在他身邊唱起來,并圍繞著他。)
  • 23、Look online and see if you can find somethingclose by.(上網(wǎng)去找找,看看在你附近能不能發(fā)現(xiàn)些成果。)
  • 24、Until just recently, most of us thought the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairlyclose by that flattened out over time.(直到最近,我們大多數(shù)人都以為這些沙子來自附近的一個古老山脈,它隨著時間的推移逐漸變得平坦。)
  • 25、The explosions seemed quiteclose by.(爆炸似乎就在近旁。)
  • 26、It is assumed they will be on site andclose by.(假設他們將在現(xiàn)場,離小組很近。)
  • 27、What can be the reason for such a crowdclose by the pigsty?(豬圈邊這么多人,是什么原因呢?)
  • 28、And so, let meclose by reminding you what got us here.(所以,讓我提醒大家并以此結(jié)束發(fā)言:是哪些東西使我們來到了這里。)

close by基本釋義

close by

英 [kl?uz bai] 美 [kloz ba?] 
在旁邊; 附近