
(be) full of造句

(be) full of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:23


(be) full of造句

  • 1、Our view of the early Universe may be full of mysterious circles — and even triangles — but that doesn't mean we're seeing evidence of events that took place before the Big Bang.(我們對早期宇宙的觀察也許充滿了神秘的圓環(huán)——甚至是三角形——但那并不意味著我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了宇宙大爆炸之前發(fā)生的事件的證據(jù)。)
  • 2、When you do sports, you will be full of confidence.(你做運動的時候會充滿信心。)
  • 3、This is the biggest lurve thaing out there, and of course it will be full of your sweet breath.(它絕對是這個世界上最大的愛心,里面還充滿了你香甜的氣息。)
  • 4、Meanwhile, her tender and romantic feelings raise her imagination high, enabling her work and performances to be full of color.(同時內(nèi)心深處的柔情以及浪漫給予了她豐富的想象力,使她的創(chuàng)作及表演欣賞起來有趣而不乏味。)
  • 5、Then each of them took off his saddle-bag, which seemed to Ali Baba to be full of gold and silver from its weight.(然后他們每一個都拿下了他的鞍囊,阿里巴巴從他們的重量看出每一個都裝滿了金子和銀子。)
  • 6、Those old makeup containers may be full of more than just powder, they could be harboring dangerous bacteria.(這些舊容器里不僅僅裝著粉末狀的化妝品,也藏著危險的細菌。)
  • 7、A Leader Must be a Good Problem Solver: No matter how well thought out, the road to realizing a vision will be full of potholes.(領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者必須會很好地解決問題:無論想得有多好,實現(xiàn)目標(biāo)的道路總是會充滿著坑坑洼洼。)
  • 8、My back always hurt afterwards, and I'd be full of bundles.(我渾身上下都是背包,過后我的背部總是受傷。)
  • 9、If it feels good, do it – Life can be full of feel good things so don't be afraid to try something silly or fun.(喜歡的事就去做。---生活應(yīng)該充滿快樂。所以不必害怕去嘗試好玩或者在別人看來很傻的事。)
  • 10、Silk Street used to be full of fakes and imitations.(秀水街原來都是假貨和仿制品。)
  • 11、Even readers familiar with the first article will find this one to be full of additional, useful information.(即使您熟悉原來的文章,也可在這篇文章中找到其他非常有用的信息。)
  • 12、The city will be full of visitors.(這個城市會擠滿了游客。)
  • 13、May your life be full of healthy pleasures.(祝你的生活充滿健康愉快。)
  • 14、You may be full of great ideas, but exactly how do you get people to buy into them?(你也許有很多好點子,但是要怎樣讓人們來買你的點子呢?)
  • 15、Megan's mother Jane expresses bewilderment that her daughter should develop this illness at such a young age. 'young people should be full of life, free from worries.(梅根的母親簡對她的女兒在這樣小的年紀(jì)就得了這樣的疾病感到困惑。“年輕人應(yīng)該充滿生命力,無憂無慮?!?
  • 16、He also said everyone I'd meet would be full of shit.(他還說我將遇到的每個人都是十足的混蛋。)
  • 17、It is not a pleasant ride because the train can be full of people.(這不是一個愉快的車程,因為火車?yán)飻D滿了人。)
  • 18、Your life will be full of amazing adventures and events that will make every day memorable.(你的生活將充滿了各種驚奇的冒險讓每天都非常難忘。)
  • 19、Working, meeting, dealing, entertaining, negotiating and corresponding with colleagues or clients from different cultures can be full of obstacles.(工作,會議,商務(wù),娛樂,談判以及和同事通信或是同另種文化下的雇員交流都充滿障礙。)
  • 20、Everyone knows the guy is a klutz and that any computer of his would be full of glitches.(大家都知道那個人笨手笨腳的,他的電腦肯定有一堆小毛病。)
  • 21、Moments will be full of discovery and fulfillment: the messages, the awareness, the blessings, and the abundance that are constantly surrounding us-in this very moment-will glow with significance.(每時每刻都將充滿發(fā)現(xiàn)和滿足:那些總是圍繞著我們的啟示,領(lǐng)悟,福祉和滿足——就在此刻——將會煥發(fā)出意義。)
  • 22、Their promises turned out to be full of sham and hypocrisy.(他們的許諾到頭來全是空的、騙人的。)
  • 23、The Internet can be full of dark, scary people who prey upon people's naivety and innocence.(互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上可能充斥著各種陰森恐怖的人,他們專門利用人們的天真無邪。)
  • 24、While the news may be full of stories of an economic downturn, remember that markets are cyclical and will recover.(雖然你聽到的消息可能都是經(jīng)濟衰退,也要記住市場是循環(huán)的,復(fù)蘇一定會到來的。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 25、They will be full of energy.(他們可是充滿著活力喲。)
  • 26、Precisely because the Internet has made information so plentiful, your own team is likely to be full of ideas that should be tapped into.(正是因為互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使得資訊如此豐富,你自己的團隊中很可能充滿了應(yīng)該加以利用的觀念。)
  • 27、The world seems to be full of experts on my life who like to tell me what I should be doing.(這個世界似乎到處都是關(guān)于我生活的專家,他們總是試著告誡我“應(yīng)該”做什么,“不應(yīng)該”做什么。)

(be) full of基本釋義