
(be) known as造句

(be) known as造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:23


(be) known as造句

  • 1、I didn't want to be known as that.(我可沒有想過讓大家那樣子了解我。)
  • 2、This design came to be known as the Oriental style.(這種設(shè)計后來被稱為東方風(fēng)格。)
  • 3、Mr Ouattara has decreed that his ragtag bunch of armed groups, previously known as the New Forces, should now be known as the Republican Forces, or FRCI.(瓦塔拉先生任命他的那些由下層社會居民組成的武裝團體(之前被稱作新勢力)為共和軍。)
  • 4、In British prisons, serving time in jail used to be known as "doing porridge", because a bowl of oatmeal was an inmate's regulation breakfast.(在英國監(jiān)獄,在獄中服刑曾被叫做喝粥,因為通常囚徒的早餐是一碗燕麥粥。)
  • 5、Stede Bonnet might be known as the baddest pirate captain of them all.(斯泰德·博內(nèi)可能是所有海盜船長中最壞的一個。)
  • 6、The theory, which would eventually come to be known as Moore's Law, was later revised and refined.(這個后來逐漸被稱為摩爾定律的理論后來再度被修改和改進。)
  • 7、He continued to publish it annually for about 25 years, and it came to be known as Poor Richard's Almanac.(此后25年間,他每年出版一本,這就是后來我們所熟知的《窮人理查德歷書》。)
  • 8、Found dead from heart problems caused from abuse of prescription drugs, Presley will always be known as the King of Rock 'n Roll.(普里斯利由于處方藥的濫用而引發(fā)的心臟病發(fā)作而亡,他將是人們心中永遠的搖滾之王。)
  • 9、On that basis, it is possible to state a number of project management "principles" to support what has come to be known as a project management body of knowledge.(在此理論基礎(chǔ)上,提出一些項目管理的“原則”用以支持那些我們所熟悉的項目管理知識體系是可能的。)
  • 10、However, if brewers wanted their Sake to be known as superior to most, they would submit a sample to the National Tax Office for sampling.(然而如果酒商們希望他們的清酒被認定為一級或特級的他們就得向國家稅務(wù)調(diào)查局提交樣品以供鑒定。)
  • 11、It was not until 1770 that the pastry came to be known as the croissant.(直到1770年,這種糕點才以牛角面包的名字流傳開來。)
  • 12、The invention came to be known as the Jacquard loom.(這項發(fā)明被命名為雅卡爾織布機。)
  • 13、The FN these days prefers to be known as the Republican Forces: it sounds more inclusive.(這幾天新軍喜歡被稱為共和軍︰聽起來涵蓋范圍更廣。)
  • 14、A market leader in any industry must have the mindshare of the customer and prospect base and be known as an innovator who offers high-quality products and services.(任何行業(yè)的市場引領(lǐng)者必須用客戶的眼光看事情,并且作為提供高質(zhì)量產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的革新者。)
  • 15、Types might be known as classes or entities in other modeling paradigms.(在其他建模范式中,類型可能稱為類別或?qū)嶓w。)
  • 16、Increasingly, companies are tapping into these desires directly through what has come to be known as "gamification": essentially, turning work into a game.(越來越多的公司直接通過所謂的“游戲化”來利用這些渴望:本質(zhì)上就是把工作變成游戲。)
  • 17、When Samsung came out with one of the first UMPCs (later to be known as Net Books) back in 2006, it tried a dual boot environment.(當(dāng)三星2006年推出它的第一部UMPC(就是后來的上網(wǎng)本)時,它嘗試了雙重啟動環(huán)境。)
  • 18、The idea of irreversibility in evolution stuck and came to be known as "Dollo's law".(進化中不可逆性的觀點得到了證明,并被稱為“多洛法則”。)
  • 19、These features allow AFS to be known as the granddaddy of distributed file systems even after so many years of development.(這些特性使得AFS被公認為是分布式文件系統(tǒng)的鼻祖,雖然AFS已經(jīng)開發(fā)了很多年。) hAo86.com
  • 20、It will be known as the sedan car at the time.(當(dāng)時,它將被稱為轎車。)
  • 21、"It used to be known as the big four. Not any more, " said Barry.(“‘四巨頭’這個稱呼曾經(jīng)被大家熟知,但不會再有了”巴里說道。)
  • 22、This day came to be known as the Day of Silence.(這一天被稱為是“沉默日”。)
  • 23、Bee pollen: This should actually be known as flower pollen, but honeybees are the ones to gather it, so we call it bee pollen.(蜂花粉:這實際上應(yīng)稱為花粉,但因為它是蜜蜂收集的,所以我們稱之為蜂花粉。)
  • 24、Dr Unger and Dr Scherer, who work at the University of Texas, in Dallas, have been reviewing the science of what has come to be known as metabolic syndrome.(一直以來,德克薩斯大學(xué)達拉斯分校的昂格爾博士和謝勒博士都在進行被稱為代謝綜合癥的科學(xué)研究。)
  • 25、Billionaire investor Warren Buffet might as well be known as the same for companies in crisis.(然而對于深陷危機的公司來說,億萬富翁沃倫·巴菲特也扮演著同樣的角色。)
  • 26、But owners Mike Freeland and Tessa Macintosh, who also own a nearby tourist lodge, happily played along with Suggestions that in future it would be known as Honeymoon island.(但是小島所有者邁克·弗里蘭和泰莎·麥金托什(同時擁有附近的一座旅游小屋)非常高興地參與,在將來這兒會被稱為“蜜月島”的建議。)
  • 27、If they do not, doctors' surgeries may be flooded with what have come to be known as the worried well, and regulation is sure to follow.(如果他們不這樣做,醫(yī)生的的診室里可能將充斥著將被診斷為恐懼癥的病理,而調(diào)控也肯定會跟進。)

(be) known as基本釋義