
dance to jazz music造句

dance to jazz music造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:17


dance to jazz music造句

  • 1、The genres are many: classical music, orchestra, ballet (classic and opera), ethnic and modern dance, music concert, a special attention is dedicated to ethnic jazz.(有許多的流派:古典音樂,樂團(tuán),芭蕾(古典與歌劇),民族和現(xiàn)代舞蹈,音樂演唱會,一個特別注意的是,致力于民族爵士樂。)
  • 2、I am amazed it is a craze these days to dance to music of Jazz.(我很驚訝,這是一個熱潮,這幾天的跳舞音樂的爵士樂。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 3、Most has shocks the strength music is the rock and roll, most has the explosive force the dance is jazz, if then how put the rock and roll and jazz to be able?(最具震撼力的音樂是搖滾樂,最具爆發(fā)力的舞蹈是爵士舞,那么要是把搖滾樂與爵士舞放到了一起會怎樣呢?)
  • 4、Description: the moon dance piano bar, done every day by a foreign professional singers jam scene, only to jazz in Xi 'an? Blues music culture as the background music bar.(簡介:月亮舞鋼琴酒吧,由外國專業(yè)歌手每天做現(xiàn)場的即興演奏,是西安唯一的以爵士?布魯斯音樂文化為背景的音樂酒吧。)
  • 5、The snake, however, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!(然而那蛇卻還是緩慢地“舞動”著。顯然,它分辨不出印度音樂和爵士樂!)
  • 6、James is amazed it is a craze these days to dance to music of jazz.(詹姆斯感到很驚奇,如今伴隨爵士樂跳舞成為一種風(fēng)氣。)
  • 7、Rock, reggae, dance, jazz… up to 11 different music styles to enjoy, each one with different fitting instruments. Which one is your favourite?(搖滾,雷鬼舞、爵士…多達(dá)11種不同的音樂享受,每一個不同的擬合工具。哪一個是你最喜歡的?)
  • 8、A strenuous dance performed to quick-tempo swing or jazz music and consisting of various two-step patterns embellished with twirls and sometimes acrobatic maneuvers.(吉特巴舞一種緊張激烈的舞蹈,伴有快節(jié)奏的搖擺或爵士舞曲,由不同的兩步舞步組成,并有旋轉(zhuǎn)等裝飾性舞步,有時還有特技動作。)

dance to jazz music基本釋義