
be made up of造句

be made up of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:42


be made up of造句

  • 1、The shape canbe made up of lines, polygons, and curves.(該形狀可由直線、多邊形和曲線組成。)
  • 2、The GQ logo willbe made up of multiple pictures of men.(這個紳士季刊的標志將由多幅男士圖片組成。)
  • 3、The UI in an application canbe made up of different frameworks.(應用程序中的UI可由不同架構(gòu)組成。)
  • 4、Because your life shouldbe made up of happiness.(因為快樂才是你的人生。)
  • 5、This is because objects maybe made up of other objects.(這是因為對象可能是由其他對象構(gòu)成的。)
  • 6、All data in a CouchDB database is stored in a document, and each document canbe made up of an undefined number of fields.(CouchDB數(shù)據(jù)庫中的所有數(shù)據(jù)都儲存在一個文檔中,并且每個文檔可以由未定義的字段組成。)
  • 7、Any rule mustbe made up of productions.(任何規(guī)則都必須由產(chǎn)品組成。)
  • 8、Maybe that's the way life is. Life canbe made up of a variety of unrelated things.(生活也許本來就是這樣的,是由各種看來完全無關(guān)的事拼湊而成。)
  • 9、The SPAR maybe made up of a number of modules connected to one another primarily via overlapping shear webs.(該桁梁可以由主要通過重疊的抗剪腹板彼此相連的多個模塊構(gòu)成。)
  • 10、The public fine art curricular structure shouldbe made up of fine art theory, fine art criticism, fine art appreciation and studio part.(我國普通高校公共美術(shù)課程結(jié)構(gòu)應該由美術(shù)史、美術(shù)評論、美術(shù)鑒賞和美術(shù)技能與實踐四個模塊構(gòu)成。)
  • 11、A document is considered tobe made up of a number of topics, each with its own information type.(文檔被看作是由一些主題組成,每個主題都有自己的信息類型。)
  • 12、The interior of the cave appears tobe made up of geometric crystal formations, so Craig and his team began by researching various rock formations.(洞穴的內(nèi)部由棱角分明的晶體巖石組成,因此克雷格和他的團隊開始尋找這些巖石。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 13、For example, a table couldbe made up of cylinders for legs and a box for the top.(例如,桌子是由圓柱體的腿和長方體的頂組成的。)
  • 14、Will the resulting solidbe made up of crystals or not?(得到的固體是不是結(jié)晶而成的呢?)
  • 15、The partitioning key shouldbe made up of columns that often participate in a GROUP BY clause.(分區(qū)鍵應該由常用于GROUPBY子句的列組成。)
  • 16、I always think that a great conversation shouldbe made up of equal sharing by both parties.(我總是在想,好的談話應當是由雙方共同分享組成的。)
  • 17、Article 3. The IMCF is tobe made up of obligated shares and voluntary shares.(第三條國際貨幣合作基金由責任繳款和自愿繳款兩部分形成。)
  • 18、Article The board of directors of a limited liability company shallbe made up of to persons.(第四十五條有限責任公司設(shè)董事會,其成員為三人至十三人。)
  • 19、I want my staff tobe made up of excellent workers.(我希望我的員工都非常出色。)
  • 20、The bridge willbe made up of two layers, however, so there are some options for nervous visitors.(這座橋?qū)⒂蓛蓪訕?gòu)成,因此那些緊張的游客也就多了一些選擇。)
  • 21、A message canbe made up of one or more parts.(消息可以有一個或者多個part組成。)
  • 22、The proof shouldbe made up of certain necessary factors, so the structure of the proof comes into being.(刑事證明應由一定要件構(gòu)成,因而形成證明結(jié)構(gòu)。)
  • 23、A message in the document binding style must simplybe made up of well-formed, namespace-qualified XML.(文檔綁定樣式中的消息必須僅僅由形式良好、名稱空間限定的XML組成。)
  • 24、For example, a primary key for a table containing names mightbe made up of both the first and last names as well.(例如,含有名稱之資料表的主索引鍵可能由第一個和最后一個名稱組成。)
  • 25、Rockets canbe made up of multiple sections, known as stages, each of which contain an engine and can be jettisoned when their fuel runs out.(一枚火箭可能會由多個部分組成,每一個部分稱作一級,每一級又包含各自的引擎。當某一級的燃料耗盡時就回自動脫離火箭。)
  • 26、However, in the big city, people live in the forest whichbe made up of cement and steel.(然而,在大城市,人們生活在森林里,是由水泥和鋼鐵。)
  • 27、In the new monitor system, the Computer Integrated Manufacturing system canbe made up of stratified central control.(在新系統(tǒng)中,采用分層式集中控制的方法,構(gòu)成了計算機集成制造系統(tǒng)。)

be made up of基本釋義

be made up of

英 [bi: me?d ?p ?v] 美 [bi med ?p ?v] 
由 ... 構(gòu)成; 由 ... 組成