
bald eagle造句

bald eagle造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:35


bald eagle造句

  • 1、Though once quite large , the population of thebald eagle across North America has drastically declined in the past forty years.(在過去四十年里穿越北美的禿頭鷹數(shù)量已經(jīng)急劇減少,但是它們曾經(jīng)數(shù)量眾多。)
  • 2、Species like thebald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared.(象白頭鷹、游隼和鶚(一種魚鷹)等鳥種幾乎絕種。)
  • 3、Fortunately, in 1972, a law was passed to ban DDT, which saved thebald eagle from total wipeout.(幸運(yùn)的是,在1972年,通過了一項(xiàng)禁止使用DDT的法律,使禿鷹免遭滅頂之災(zāi)。)
  • 4、You are not going to see abald eagle?(你不是要看到禿頭鷹了吧?)
  • 5、The park is also home to many different types of wildlife including black and grizzly bear moose golden andbald eagle bighorn sheep mountain goat and whitetail and mule deer.(公園也是各式各樣野生生物的家,包括黑熊、灰熊、大角鹿,金鷲、白頭鷹、大角羊、山羊、白尾鹿和黑尾鹿。)
  • 6、When the Endangered Species Act was signed in 1973, it was expected to protect charismatic fauna such as thebald eagle and Yellowstone's grizzly bears.(當(dāng)1973年《瀕危物種法案》簽署時,人們期望它能保護(hù)一批引人注目的動物,如禿頭鷹和黃石公園的北美灰熊。)
  • 7、Benjamin Franklin disliked the choice of thebald eagle as the national bird, and it was in a letter to his daughter, in 1784, that he proposed putting the Turkey in its place.(本杰明·富蘭克林就不喜歡把禿頭鷹作為國鳥,他在1784年給女兒的信中表明用火雞取代禿頭鷹的想法。)
  • 8、Why not a horse, or a beetle, or abald eagle?(為什么不是一匹馬,不是一個甲蟲或者是一個禿頭的老鷹呢?)
  • 9、Engraving provides a clean, crisp outline resulting in beautiful concrete images like those shown above,bald eagle or colorful butterfly.(雕刻提供了一個干凈,清晰的輪廓像上面這些漂亮的具體的形象造成的,白頭海雕或五顏六色的蝴蝶。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 10、Thebald eagle is a large, powerful, brown bird with a white head and tail.(白頭鷹體形很大,動作有力,羽毛呈灰色,腦袋和尾巴呈白色。)
  • 11、When our foreign press plane arrived in San Rico, we were greeted by a cheering crowd and a marching band, and even abald eagle.(當(dāng)外報記者搭乘的飛機(jī)到達(dá)圣黎各時,迎接我們的是歡呼的人群和行進(jìn)中的樂隊(duì),甚至還有一只禿頭鷹。)
  • 12、When our foreign press plane arrived in San Rico, we were greeted by a cheering crowd and a marching band. There was even abald eagle.(當(dāng)外報記者搭乘的飛機(jī)到達(dá)圣黎各時,迎接我們的是歡呼的人群和行進(jìn)中的樂隊(duì),甚至還有一直禿頭鷹。)
  • 13、Water quality has improved. Some fish populations look healthier. Thebald eagle once again nests nearby.(水質(zhì)得到了改善,魚的數(shù)量也大大提高,禿鷲又開始在附近筑巢了。)
  • 14、The greatbald eagle opened his eyes and flapped his wings to start a new day.(大鷹睜開它的眼睛,拍打它的翅膀,開始了新的一天。)
  • 15、The Braves are planning to send abald eagle in flight as part of the pregame ceremonies for the night game.(作為當(dāng)晚賽前儀式的一部分,勇士隊(duì)正籌劃放飛一只禿鷹。)
  • 16、If it were dropped from the Endangered Species List, thebald eagle would still be a threatened species.(如果禿鷹從瀕危物種名單上除名,它仍然是一個受到威脅的物種。)
  • 17、Some fish populations look healthier. Thebald eagle once again nests nearby.(一些魚類看起來更健康。禿鷲再次在附近筑巢。)
  • 18、A deer fawn apparently dropped by abald eagle onto a high-voltage line was behind a power outage this week in western Montana, a Northwestern Energy official said.(一頭顯然被白頭鷹掉在一條高壓電線的幼鹿是本周西蒙大拿州停電的原因,西北能源公司一名職員指出。)
  • 19、Adrian: (Covers ears) she may sing like a nightingale but she sounds like abald eagle. SSH, SSH!(阿德·里恩:(掩蓋耳朵)她可能唱得像夜鶯一樣動聽,只是聲音像白頭鷹,噓噓!)

bald eagle基本釋義

bald eagle

英 [b?:ld ?i:ɡl] 美 [b?ld ?iɡ?l] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):bald eagles
