
as far as one is concerned造句

as far as one is concerned造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:30


as far as one is concerned造句

  • 1、So far as the present students are concerned, is it a good or bad thing to set English as one of the mandatory subjects for college students?(至于目前的學(xué)生而言,它是一個好事還是壞事設(shè)置英文為大學(xué)生強(qiáng)制性議題之一?)
  • 2、Since your queue manager trusts the vendor's ca, the forged certificate and the legitimate one with the same DN are identical as far as the queue manager is concerned.(由于您的隊列管理器信任該提供商的CA,就所涉及的隊列管理器來說,具有相同dn的偽造證書和合法證書完全相同。)
  • 3、They may be there forever as far as any one of us is concerned… and forever is a long, long time.(就我們?nèi)魏我粋€人來說,它們也許會永遠(yuǎn)存在……永遠(yuǎn)是很長很長的時間。)
  • 4、As far as a person of bad taste is concerned, life means seeking for physical incentives, of which money is usually counted as No. One.(就品味差的人而言,生活意味著尋找感觀刺激,通常把錢擺在第一位。)
  • 5、There is one more thing you should look at as far as PHP in concerned.(就php而言,還有一件事需要考慮。)
  • 6、The only exception, really the only one, as far as I'm concerned, comes from someone, who is at least or maybe more famous than all above mentioned, Audrey Hepburn.(唯一的例外,我能想到的真正的唯一的例外,是至少和上述其他所有女人一樣或者更加著名的---奧黛莉赫本。)
  • 7、One can use the Requirements Elicitation Success Measurement checklist to identify where your project stands as far as the success of the requirements elicitation is concerned.(可以使用需求捕獲列表來驗證你的項目在需求捕獲方面進(jìn)展如何。)
  • 8、As far as I am concerned, clearing objectives is the most important one.(就我而言,明確目標(biāo)是最重要的因素。)
  • 9、Among three kinds of binders, CMC should be the most proper one to produce formed activated carbon as far as engineering is concerned.(在所考察的幾種粘接劑中,從工程角度考慮羧甲基纖維素是比較好的一種粘接劑。)
  • 10、As far as the fund is concerned, "We are looking to spearhead a major shift in how resources are allocated to our generation, because no one from above is going to do it," he says.(就基金而言,“在將資源分配給我們這一代的重大轉(zhuǎn)變中,我們希望充當(dāng)先鋒,因為之前還沒人打算做這件事,”他強(qiáng)調(diào)道。)
  • 11、One thing is like another as far as the application of the idea is concerned.(從應(yīng)用這觀念的角度來講,每一樣?xùn)|西彼此并無不同。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 12、Finally, it points out that, as far as wide open receiver is concerned, to suppress or reduce the spurious response is one of the most important tasks in designing a superheterodyne receiver.(最后指出對于寬開接收機(jī)而言,抑制或減少虛假響應(yīng)是設(shè)計超外差接收機(jī)的重要任務(wù)之一。)
  • 13、Please know that as far as I'm concerned, every one of these questions and answers is a matter between Elin and me. These are issues between a husband and a wife.(但是請大家明白,上述的所有問題,都是我和艾琳,一對夫妻間的私事。)
  • 14、As far as the Frenchman is concerned, Steve Bruce's team are one of the top-flight's most improved teams.(而這位法國人所擔(dān)心的,布魯斯的球隊是英超提高最大的球隊之一。)
  • 15、But as far as the single California mother is concerned, she's only one kind of crazy - baby crazy.(這位加利福尼亞的單身媽媽只是一種狂熱癥,那就是對孩子的瘋狂。)
  • 16、As far as I am concerned, on the one hand, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory.(就我而言,一方面,在營養(yǎng)方面,快餐遠(yuǎn)非令人滿意。)
  • 17、As far as skulls are concerned, there is one confounding variable: climate.(至于說到頭骨,這里有個容易混淆的變化因素:氣候。)
  • 18、Protein technology has advanced dramatically over the years, and now there are many products that can help you accomplish job one as far as nutrition is concerned.(現(xiàn)在的蛋白產(chǎn)品科技讓人眼花繚亂,有各種類型的產(chǎn)品可以幫助你快速的完成營養(yǎng)獲取。)
  • 19、As far as I am concerned, the former one is more favorable.(至于我擔(dān)心的是,前一個是比較有利的。)
  • 20、One of the greatest joys as a child is discovering a cartoon that is virtually perfect in every way as far as you are concerned.(作為孩子其中一個最大的樂趣就是發(fā)現(xiàn)卡通,幾乎是十全十美,只要您關(guān)注。)
  • 21、As far as the removal of small inclusions is concerned, the AC magnetic method is a favorable one because its removal efficiency has less dependence upon the particle size.(就小尺寸夾雜物的分離而言,交變磁場法相對較好,因為其去除效率對顆粒尺寸的依賴性較小。)
  • 22、Certainly. No one can match us as far as speed is concerned.(當(dāng)然。就速度而言,目前沒有那個廠家能和我們相比。)
  • 23、One of the challenges for firms in customer migration situations is that the firm may not know when the relationship is over (as far as the customer is concerned).(對處于客戶遷移情況下的公司的一個挑戰(zhàn)是公司不知道關(guān)系什么時候結(jié)束(就客戶而言)。)

as far as one is concerned基本釋義