
arctic (tern)造句

arctic (tern)造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:50:29


arctic (tern)造句

  • 1、The understanding is that the Arctic Tern is a migratory bird which is mainly found at the North Pole and surrounding regions.(據(jù)了解,北極燕鷗是候鳥,主要分布于北極及北極附近地區(qū)。)
  • 2、The arctic tern resists distraction because it is driven at that moment by an instinctive sense of something we humans find admirable: larger purpose.(北極燕鷗之所以能不受這一分神因素影響,是因為那時它被一種本能感覺所驅(qū)動著,這種本能令人類十分欽佩,它叫做:“更遠(yuǎn)大的目標(biāo)”。)
  • 3、New research has found that a seabird, the Arctic tern, flies more than 70,000 kilometers each year, the longest migration by any creature.(新的研究表明,一種叫做北極燕鷗的海鳥每年飛行路程超過70,000千米,是移動路程最長的生物。)
  • 4、An arctic tern on its way from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska, for instance, will ignore a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher's boat in Monterey Bay.(舉例來說,從火地島前往阿拉斯加的北極燕鷗會無視蒙特利灣觀鳥船送出的美味鯡魚。)
  • 5、An arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight from the extreme south of South America to the Arctic circle, will take no notice of a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher's boat along the way.(北極燕鷗在從南美洲的最南端飛往北極圈的路線全長2萬公里,但燕鷗這一路上都不會留意觀鳥船送來的散發(fā)臭味卻又可口的鯡魚。)
  • 6、The Arctic tern completes a round trip of 32, 000km; swallows, which have already deserted us, will now be sunning themselves in the southern tip of Africa.(北極燕鷗一次往返的距離達(dá)3.2萬公里,早已離開了我們的燕子現(xiàn)在正在非洲南端享受著太陽的溫暖。)

arctic (tern)基本釋義