
at a crossroads造句

at a crossroads造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:50:32


at a crossroads造句

  • 1、One day, they encountered a womanat a crossroads and asked her how to get to the next town on their itinerary.(有一天,他們在十字路口碰到一個(gè)女人,問她怎樣去預(yù)定路線中的下一個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)。)
  • 2、An accident happenedat a crossroads a few metres away from bank.(在離一家銀行幾米處的一個(gè)交叉路口發(fā)生了車禍。)
  • 3、Yet, the second largest economy in the world is nowat a crossroads.(然而,這個(gè)世界第二大經(jīng)濟(jì)體正處于緊要關(guān)頭。)
  • 4、"Art isat a crossroads," he said.(藝術(shù)正處以一個(gè)十字路口。)
  • 5、But today, we standat a crossroads of history with the chance to move decisively in the direction of peace.(但今天,我們正站在歷史的交叉路口,有機(jī)會(huì)向和平的方向果斷邁進(jìn)。)
  • 6、But with the entry of the iPad, the e-reader market isat a crossroads.(然而iPad的憑空殺出令電子閱讀器市場徘徊在十字路口。) Hao86.com
  • 7、I am sure you will here, I did not get in a corner, never lookat a crossroads where we are.(我相信你一定在這里,在一個(gè)我不曾到達(dá)的角落,在一個(gè)我們目光不曾交匯的地方。)
  • 8、The company was clearlyat a crossroads.(這個(gè)公司顯然正處于緊要關(guān)頭。)
  • 9、He came to a haltat a crossroads fifty yards further on.(他在50碼遠(yuǎn)的十字路口停了下來。)
  • 10、And reproductive specialists find themselvesat a crossroads, searching for new ways to boost success.(而且生殖專家發(fā)現(xiàn)他們自己正處在一個(gè)十字路口,即尋找新的方法來提高成功率。)
  • 11、"Rethinking the MBA: Business Educationat a crossroads." By Srikant Datar, David Garvin and Patrick Cullen.(《對MBA教育的再思考:處于十字路口的商業(yè)教育》達(dá)塔爾、大衛(wèi)·加文及帕特里克?庫侖合著,哈佛商業(yè)出版社;400頁,39。)
  • 12、Benedict told the crowd that the world isat a crossroads.(教皇對在場的人說,世界處在一個(gè)十字路口。)
  • 13、There happened to be a traffic accidentat a crossroads.(碰巧在一個(gè)十字路口發(fā)生了一起交通事故。)
  • 14、China isat a crossroads.(中國正處于一個(gè)十字路口。)
  • 15、As many commentators have rightly observed, the euro experiment isat a crossroads.(正如許多評論人士所準(zhǔn)確觀察到的那樣,歐元實(shí)驗(yàn)正處在一個(gè)十字路口。)
  • 16、I know. But I stoodat a crossroads.(我知道的??墒俏覅s站在十字路口。)
  • 17、The world isat a crossroads.(世界走到了十字路口。)
  • 18、But school was about to start, and we found ourselvesat a crossroads.(但是學(xué)校要開學(xué)了,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)自己置身十字路口。)
  • 19、You are nowat a crossroads.(現(xiàn)在你正處在十字路口。)
  • 20、Thee accident took placeat a crossroads.(車禍發(fā)生在十字路口。)
  • 21、This is a rare alignment, unfolding from 2010-2014, that reflects humanityat a crossroads.(從2010-2014年開展,使你置于人性的十字路口。)

at a crossroads基本釋義