
ballpoint pen造句

ballpoint pen造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:58:48


ballpoint pen造句

  • 1、It's easy to write on this white strip using an ordinaryballpoint pen, pencil, or felt-tip marker.(可以很容易地用一般圓珠筆,鉛筆,或氈尖在這條白色標(biāo)記帶上做標(biāo)記。)
  • 2、Practical and stylish, this unique accessory is both aballpoint pen and a USB key.(這款適用與時髦兼?zhèn)涞莫毺嘏滹棧仁菆A珠筆,也是USB回憶鑰匙。)
  • 3、I changed the ink cartridges in myballpoint pen.(我換了圓珠筆里的墨水芯。)
  • 4、To keep your house mouseproof , check all small openings with aballpoint pen. If it fits the hole, it will let mice in.(要使你的房子里沒有小老鼠,用圓珠筆來檢查下所有的小洞。如果圓珠筆能放進(jìn)去的話,那小老鼠就可能鉆進(jìn)去。)
  • 5、High-strength precision rollingballpoint pen Tsui, fluent writing.(高強度精密滾動走珠筆咀,能流暢的書寫。)
  • 6、Whoseballpoint pen is This?(這是誰的圓珠筆?)
  • 7、The clerk paused,ballpoint pen frozen in midair, and looked up as though she had not heard right.(那名辦事員愣住了,拿著原珠筆的手也不動了。她抬頭看著我,好像沒有聽清楚我說什么似的。)
  • 8、You can try out thisballpoint pen.(你可以試試這支圓珠筆。)
  • 9、The blueballpoint pen is mine.(藍(lán)色的圓珠筆是我的。)
  • 10、The stethoscope is older than the x-ray, theballpoint pen, Popular Science and pretty much everything else in your doctor's office.(聽診器比X射線、圓珠筆、《大眾科學(xué)》以及你醫(yī)生診所里絕大部分物件還要古老。)
  • 11、To the propelling pencil there is a matchingballpoint pen with a smooth rotary action.(對于活動鉛筆有一個匹配的平穩(wěn)旋轉(zhuǎn)動作圓珠筆。)
  • 12、Always use a blackballpoint pen.(總是用黑色圓珠筆。)
  • 13、I rummaged all the drawers before I found myballpoint pen.(我翻遍了所有的抽屜才找到我的圓珠筆。)
  • 14、Aballpoint pen has a 1 metal ball at its 2 tip.(原子筆的筆尖有一顆金屬球。)
  • 15、Is this a mechanical pencil or aballpoint pen?(這枝是自動鉛筆還是原子筆?)
  • 16、It was only blue ink (ballpoint pen) on slightly yellow paper.(這僅是用藍(lán)色的原子筆畫在淡黃色的紙上而已。)
  • 17、Roll-on deodorant uses the same technology as theballpoint pen.(Roll-on除味劑采用的技術(shù)和圓珠筆一樣。)
  • 18、Ink can be pretty tough to get out, but mostballpoint pen ink stains come out with lots of persistence and patience.(墨跡很難清除,不過,只要有足夠的恒心與耐心,大部分圓珠筆印跡都是可以清除的。)
  • 19、What do you think of this kind ofballpoint pen?(你認(rèn)為這種圓珠筆怎么樣?)
  • 20、The diary comes complete with a goldballpoint pen.(該日記本還配有一支金圓珠筆。)
  • 21、Weird Fact: a mouse can fit through a hole the size of aballpoint pen.(怪異的事實:能鉆進(jìn)圓珠筆洞大小的老鼠。)
  • 22、I took aballpoint pen and punched a hole in the carton.(我拿了一支圓珠筆在紙板箱上戳了個孔。)
  • 23、Do you have a spareballpoint pen I can borrow?(你有多余的一支圓珠筆可以借給我嗎?) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 24、Theballpoint pen was invented by Biro.(圓珠筆是由拜羅發(fā)明的。)

ballpoint pen基本釋義

ballpoint pen

英 [?b?:l?p??nt pen] 美 [?b?l?p??nt p?n] 
