
barbecue meat造句

barbecue meat造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:58:43


barbecue meat造句

  • 1、Fresh meat is a good dad guy Guangzhou food equipment co., Ltd. to build the barbecue brand, the company specialized in food technology and equipment development, production and brand promotion.(老爹烤肉是廣州好食佬食品設(shè)備有限公司打造的燒烤品牌,公司專門從事食品技術(shù)設(shè)備的研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)及品牌推廣。)
  • 2、Directly on the barbecue fire in the fish, meat and only occasional consumption of bacon.(直接在火上燒烤的魚、肉及熏肉只能偶爾食用。)
  • 3、Korean barbecue is a kind of seasoning beef meal, and stone pot bibimbap is made up of rice, meat and vegetables, adding paprika and garlic.(韓式烤肉是一種調(diào)味牛肉餐,石鍋拌飯則以米飯、肉和蔬菜為原料烹飪而成,并加入辣椒和大蒜調(diào)味。)
  • 4、Food pairing: it is suitable for meat with a heavier taste and barbecue.(配餐:適合搭配口感較重的肉類及燒烤。)
  • 5、There where barbecue mutton -chops for lunch, huge, savory hunks of meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal.(午餐是燒烤羊肉,香噴噴的大塊烤肉端咝咝作響,就象在炭火上的惡魔似的。)
  • 6、Barbecue the meat for five minutes.(把肉放在烤肉架上烤五分鐘。)
  • 7、When I eat barbecue I never buy: 10 Series lamb, five strings of meat, two strings of garlic, a bread, and a bottle of Tsingtao or Gill.(時(shí)候我吃烤肉我從來買:十串羊肉,五串肉,兩串大蒜,一個(gè)面包,還有一瓶青島啤酒或者扎啤。)
  • 8、On March 20, local residents in General Pico, Argentina created the world's largest barbecue banquet, making 13,713 kilos of meat.(3月20日,在阿根廷的皮科將軍鎮(zhèn),當(dāng)?shù)孛癖妱?chuàng)造了世界上最大的烤肉盛宴,烤制了13,713噸烤肉。)
  • 9、At a barbecue, meat is cooked over a small fire.(如果是燒烤,肉都是在小火上烤的。)
  • 10、This wine is table wine, in the consumption of Fried meat with barbecue this wine is most suitable, moderate drinking good for health!(此酒為佐餐酒,在食用燒烤煎炸肉類時(shí)配以此酒最為適宜,適量飲用有益健康!)
  • 11、Every night, my mother should get another few extra meat to it to eat, but this time on the White Tiger played it with relish to enjoy delicious barbecue.(每天晚上,媽媽都要額外再弄幾塊肉給它吃,而白虎此時(shí)就津津有味地享受起了那香噴噴的烤肉。)
  • 12、Food suggestion tie-in: appropriate and allbarbecue meat, pasta, roast rib and roasted chicken collocation to eat.(適宜與所有燒烤肉類、意大利面食、烤肋條以及烤雞肉搭配食用。)
  • 13、It has spicy barbecue sauce mixed with the meat.(它把燒烤的辣醬汁和肉混合了起來。)
  • 14、Because barbecue doesn't require expensive cuts of meat - why bother when you're just going to slather it in sauce and cook it 'til it falls off the bone?(因?yàn)闊静恍枰嘿F的切塊肉——你在肉上涂了一層層醬,燒到骨頭脫落,這不就行了?)
  • 15、Company "s professional nutritionist on the freshness of meat strict control on the marinade, sauces were well-prepared, precise control of the barbecue time."(公司的專業(yè)營養(yǎng)師對(duì)肉類的新鮮度進(jìn)行嚴(yán)格把關(guān),對(duì)腌料、醬料進(jìn)行精心調(diào)制,對(duì)燒烤時(shí)間進(jìn)行精確控制。)
  • 16、As the warm weather arrives, so does barbecue season—the time of year we like to enjoy the taste of grilled foods, especially meat.(天氣轉(zhuǎn)暖,燒烤季節(jié)也隨之到來——一年之中我們想要享受燒烤食物的滋味的時(shí)候,尤其是肉。)
  • 17、Thirty years ago, if you went to a multifamily barbecue, the host bought the meat at a butcher's shop.(30年前,如果你去參加家庭燒烤,那么主人得在屠夫的鋪?zhàn)永镔I肉。)
  • 18、An ideal combination would be. Grilled meat (barbecue) or selected cold cuts.(適合與燒烤或冷切食品搭配。)
  • 19、Ideal with pasta, cheeses andbarbecue meat.(適合搭配意大利面,奶酪,以及燒烤的肉類。) 【hao86.com好工具】

barbecue meat基本釋義
