back off造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:58:56


back off造句

  • 1、No one is going to force children with preexisting conditionsback off their parents' health plans.(誰都不會(huì)強(qiáng)迫還未出世的后代取消自己父輩的醫(yī)療計(jì)劃。)
  • 2、They can tell the distance of various objects by how quickly the sound waves bounceback off them.(他們可以通過聲波反彈的速度來判斷不同物體之間的距離。)
  • 3、You can offer your help to others butback off if they appear to be offended by your persistence.(你可以向他人提供幫助,然而若他們因你的堅(jiān)持而感到被冒犯了,那么你還是放棄為好。)
  • 4、If you are getting less back than you put in over a considerable period of time,back off.(如果你在相當(dāng)長的一段時(shí)間內(nèi)獲得的回報(bào)比投入少,那么,趕緊撤退。)
  • 5、back off, sociologists, you can't access aggregate Facebook user data due to... privacy concerns, the company said.(退后,社會(huì)學(xué)家們,你們不能訪問Facebook用戶的聚合數(shù)據(jù)——因?yàn)樯婕半[私,該公司如是說。)
  • 6、Many educators have been searching for ways to tell parents when toback off.(很多教育人士都在思考怎樣告訴家長在什么時(shí)候該抽身。)
  • 7、back off: When talking to your parents is consistently difficult, sometimes the best solution is toback off.(退一步:當(dāng)跟你父母交談一慣是那么困難的時(shí)候,有時(shí)最好的解決辦法就是后退一步。)
  • 8、Tony immediately warns Nina about covering up for Jack, but she tells him toback off.(托尼立刻警告尼娜不要再為杰克打掩護(hù),尼娜卻要求托尼不要再咄咄相逼。)
  • 9、You can expect your mate to get fed up and make the choices for you orback off completely.(你的伴侶可能受不了你,而替你做選擇,或是完全不管了。)
  • 10、Or you couldback off to see the state, the country, the continent, even the globe itself.(或者你可以退回去看這個(gè)州、國家、大陸,甚至地球本身。) (好工具h(yuǎn)
  • 11、If interference is detected, theyback off and retry.(如果發(fā)現(xiàn)干擾,就會(huì)回退并重試。)
  • 12、To understand how diversified Foxconn's supply chain is, pry theback off a Nokia 1209 handset.(要明白富士康供應(yīng)鏈的多元化,只需回顧一下諾基亞1209手機(jī)。)
  • 13、But if theyback off and it suddenly surges, they will be blamed.(但如果他們讓步而病毒激增,那么專家會(huì)遭受指責(zé)。)
  • 14、back off on your mileage for a few days, and don't try to run through the pain. Give your legs a little time to mend.(幾天不要跑步,不要在疼痛時(shí)候跑,給你腿一些康復(fù)的時(shí)間。)
  • 15、Derridaderider thinks not: “Too late, much too late; there's no way Iran willback off now that it has got so close.(讀者“德里達(dá)嘲弄者”便持反對(duì)意見:“太晚了,實(shí)在太晚了。伊朗既然已經(jīng)如此接近目標(biāo),它不可能退卻。)
  • 16、They'd pick up the phone line and yell at prank callers. They'd show up at schools and tell some kids toback off.(過去,父親能夠?qū)Ω厄}擾她女兒的那些家伙,他們會(huì)拿起電話叫那些打電話來惡作劇的人小心點(diǎn),他們會(huì)出現(xiàn)在學(xué)校讓那些家伙離他們女兒遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)。)
  • 17、Shine one in someone's face, and your target should immediately get the message that it's time toback off.(對(duì)著人臉部一閃,你的目標(biāo)會(huì)馬上收到撤退時(shí)間的情報(bào)。)
  • 18、If youback off, give them some time, and live your life, you'll be doing yourself a big favor in more ways than one.(而如果你能夠退一步,給你們彼此一點(diǎn)時(shí)間,好好地過你目前的生活,將會(huì)更有利于你們的關(guān)系。)
  • 19、"It's harmless because the amount people use is self limiting," she says. "peopleback off when they feel jittery."(“它是無害的,人們飲用的量是有限的,”她說,“當(dāng)人們感覺神經(jīng)過敏的時(shí)候自然會(huì)停止引用?!?
  • 20、Theresistance is the voice in the back of our head telling us toback off, becareful, go slow, compromise.(阻抗是我們腦后傳來的那個(gè)聲音,告訴我們退縮、小心、慢行、妥協(xié)。)
  • 21、After successful deployment, a domain configuration is readback off of the device to create a DomainVersion object.(配置成功之后,一個(gè)域配置被從設(shè)備讀回來創(chuàng)建一個(gè)DomainVersion對(duì)像。)
  • 22、You couldback off to see the state, the country, the continent, even the globe itself.(你可以退一步去看看這個(gè)州、這個(gè)國家、這個(gè)大陸,甚至這個(gè)地球本身。)
  • 23、Clinton had toback off when Tenet threatened to resign.(但因特尼特以辭職相威脅,克林頓不得不就此罷手。)
  • 24、If shedoesn't like something, thenback off, but don't hesitate to live out your fantasy.(要是她不喜歡什么,那就拋開那不談,但是為了實(shí)現(xiàn)你的美夢(mèng),不要猶猶豫豫。)

back off基本釋義

back off

英 [b?k ?f] 美 [b?k ?f] 