
be hard on造句

be hard on造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:58:08


be hard on造句

  • 1、For example, if we find it difficult to graciously accept compliments, this is probably a sign that we tend tobe hard on ourselves.(比如,如果我們發(fā)現(xiàn)自己很難心安理得地接受贊美,這就可能是我們對(duì)待自己太苛刻的信號(hào)了。)
  • 2、Looking at a computer screen all day can be very hard on the eyes.(成天盯著計(jì)算機(jī)屏幕可能會(huì)對(duì)眼睛造成嚴(yán)重?fù)p害。)
  • 3、But running can alsobe hard on your body.(但是,跑步也可以令你的身體受傷。)
  • 4、JEFF: I know, Mom, but it's going tobe hard on you.(杰夫:我知道,媽媽,但是這太難為你了。如果有個(gè)護(hù)士幫助你就好多了。)
  • 5、Being a writer can alsobe hard on the back; ask Philip Roth who often works at a stand-up desk.(當(dāng)作家也對(duì)脊背不好;關(guān)于這一問題,可以問問飛利浦·羅絲。他經(jīng)常在一張?zhí)刂频墓ぷ髋_(tái)前站著寫作。)
  • 6、(be hard on) Nowadays, some parents are hard on their sons and daughters, asking them to learn English, to learn to play the piano, to learn painting, and to learn many other things as well.(現(xiàn)在有些家長(zhǎng)對(duì)子女要求太高,要他們學(xué)英語,學(xué)鋼琴,學(xué)畫畫,什么都要學(xué)。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 7、And students canbe hard on themselves in judging such behavior.(而學(xué)生們?cè)谠u(píng)論這類行為時(shí)有時(shí)對(duì)自己過于苛求。)
  • 8、I was so happy when I came to know about this though it wouldbe hard on my company's part as well as there were many jobs pending that time.(當(dāng)我知道的時(shí)候,我感到非常高興。雖然對(duì)公司來說會(huì)有一些麻煩,而且還有許多待完成的工作。)
  • 9、Many psychotropic drugs have the unfortunate side effect of weight gain, and that canbe hard on your self-esteem.(許多精神性藥品都會(huì)導(dǎo)致服用者體重的增加,而體重的增加又會(huì)影響自尊心。)
  • 10、This, as you can imagine, can sometimesbe hard on others, and we have to remind ourselves it's a good thing!(因此,你可以想像,周圍的別人怎么能忍受得了,我們必須不斷提醒自己,這是件好事??!)
  • 11、This canbe hard on our teeth, Keep tools such as scissors or pliers handy to do the dirty work and let you maintain good dental health.(這些都會(huì)傷害到我們的牙齒。讓剪刀或者鉗子各司其職,讓我們保持健康的牙齒吧。)
  • 12、She's attractive woman. Don'tbe hard on her.(她是個(gè)有吸引力的女人,不要難為她。)
  • 13、The first few years of business start up canbe hard on family life.(剛開始幾年的創(chuàng)業(yè)生涯可能會(huì)給家庭生活帶來十分不好的影響。)
  • 14、Don'tbe hard on yourself: There is always a tendency for you to heap the causes of the strain in the relationship on yourself.(別難為自己:你會(huì)傾向于把導(dǎo)致關(guān)系緊張的原因歸結(jié)在自己身上。)
  • 15、"No one else to—well, I mustn'tbe hard on you," said the Rat with forbearance.(“沒有別人——好吧,我不能對(duì)你要求太高。”水鼠寬宏大量地說。)
  • 16、Don'tbe hard on the Bonny lass.(別對(duì)這個(gè)漂亮的小姑娘這么兇吧。)
  • 17、As you see, this relationship couldbe hard on everybody's nerves unless you or your lover has a large number of water or earth planets in your horoscopes.(如你所見,這段關(guān)系可能會(huì)很艱難,除非你或者你的情人在你的星座方面有許多水象或者土象星座在你的星盤里。)
  • 18、The legal process canbe hard on anyone who goes through it, and the last four years have been challenging for all of us here at Microsoft — and for me personally.(經(jīng)歷法律程序?qū)τ谌魏稳硕远际瞧D難的。過去四年無論對(duì)微軟全體員工還是我個(gè)人而言都是具有挑戰(zhàn)性的。)
  • 19、Don’tbe hard on yourself.(別為難自己。)
  • 20、Life on the road can be very hard.(流浪生活會(huì)非常艱辛。)
  • 21、You're not perfect, and you tend tobe hard on yourself because of it.(你不是完美的,你往往是對(duì)自己最大努力,因?yàn)樗?
  • 22、It's easy to get caught up in stress and tobe hard on yourself when it comes to work, finance, and relationships, but the best way to stay happy and healthy is to lighten up a little bit.(面對(duì)工作、經(jīng)濟(jì)問題和人際關(guān)系時(shí)很容易有壓力而且對(duì)自己有高要求,但是保持愉快和健康最重要的方法就是放輕松些。)
  • 23、All of our products willbe hard on quality, service, price and delivery, and to let the world with friends.(我們的全部產(chǎn)品將努力在質(zhì)量、服務(wù)、交期、和價(jià)位上讓全世界朋友滿意。)
  • 24、The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded with success in the end.(學(xué)生們一直在努力學(xué)習(xí)功課,他們的努力終將獲得成功。)
  • 25、I think he didn't mean tobe hard on you.(我看他并不是有意使你為難。)
  • 26、Now that you are always playing games online instead of studying, I feel like your mom are supposed tobe hard on you. You deserve it.(既然你總是上網(wǎng)玩游戲而不是學(xué)習(xí),我覺得你的媽媽就應(yīng)該對(duì)你嚴(yán)格。這是你應(yīng)得的。)

be hard on基本釋義

be hard on

英 [bi: hɑrd ?n] 美 [bi hɑ?(r)d ɑn] 
對(duì) ... 苛刻; 使 ... 極為難堪