
be guilty of造句

be guilty of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:58:09


be guilty of造句

  • 1、First, they said, he could notbe guilty of treason against Virginia, because he was not a citizen of Virginia.(他們說,第一、他不應(yīng)該受到背叛維吉尼亞罪的指控,因?yàn)樗揪筒皇蔷S吉尼亞公民。)
  • 2、Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shallbe guilty of the body and blood of the lord.(因此,無論什么人若用不合適的態(tài)度吃主的餅,喝主的杯,就是得罪主的身體、主的血了。)
  • 3、In the same way, we can allbe guilty of peace.(以同樣的方式,我們也都對和平有罪。) haO86.com
  • 4、Lisa NEVER said or hinted that Michael maybe guilty of the horrible accusations thrown at him.(對于扣在邁克爾頭上那些駭人的指控,麗莎在從未說過、或者暗示過他也許有罪。)
  • 5、Indeed, we believe that if you're not thinking about such collaboration, you'll soonbe guilty of strategy malpractice.(事實(shí)上,我們相信,如果你還沒有在考慮這種合作,你很快就要為戰(zhàn)略失誤而悔恨不已。)
  • 6、Of course, having joined another standards committee myself, I suppose I too will soonbe guilty of participating in feature creep.(當(dāng)然,我本人也加入了另一個標(biāo)準(zhǔn)委員會,恐怕不久也會因?yàn)樯婕疤匦缘谋对龆械叫呃⒘恕?
  • 7、Far better that species should go extinct, than anyonebe guilty of "cultural imperialism".(最好還是把那些特殊的飲食習(xí)慣消滅,這樣誰也不會說誰是文化帝國主義了。)
  • 8、Hence it is not likely that it wouldbe guilty of the gross errors imputed to it.(因此,不太可能,這將是犯了嚴(yán)重錯誤歸咎于它。)
  • 9、They know that this empty-handed and willbe guilty of malfeasance, to cut thousands of knives.(他們知道這樣空手而回,定犯欺君之罪,要千刀萬剮。)
  • 10、This completely because of his belief in the support, and so will notbe guilty of.(這完全因?yàn)樗行叛鲈谥?,所以并不會?nèi)疚。)
  • 11、In the process of gaining our rightful place we must notbe guilty of wrongful deeds.(在獲取我們的權(quán)利空間的過程中,我們必須不內(nèi)疚于錯誤的行為。)
  • 12、The finder of a wallet who takes it home maybe guilty of theft.(將所撿錢包拿回家者可能被控盜竊。)
  • 13、And third, he could notbe guilty of murder, because he had killed only in self-defense.(第三、他不能接受謀殺的指控,因?yàn)樗麣⑷酥皇菫榱俗孕l(wèi)。)
  • 14、If a single drop of blood falls, you willbe guilty of murder!(如果有一滴血流出來,你將被控以謀殺罪!)
  • 15、They think Mr Green maybe guilty of "aiding and abetting, counselling or procuring misconduct in a public office".(警察認(rèn)為格林先生可能會被判為“在公職上協(xié)助、教唆、慫恿或促成不正當(dāng)行為”的罪名。)
  • 16、Deep down, we sense that we speak, disparagingly, of a "simpleton." Nobody wants tobe guilty of "simplistic" thinking.(內(nèi)心深處,我們感覺到這一點(diǎn),我們輕蔑地談到頭腦簡單的傻瓜。沒有人愿意被認(rèn)為是頭腦簡單。)
  • 17、You may evenbe guilty of one or two yourself.(你甚至可能也犯了一兩個錯誤。)
  • 18、It is really too great a violation of decency, honour, and interest, for him tobe guilty of it.(這件事太不顧羞恥,太不顧名譽(yù)和利害關(guān)系了,他不會這樣膽大妄為。)
  • 19、Tobe guilty of Acedia it is not necessary to be physically sluggish at all . You can be as busy as a bee .(犯下這種“怠惰”的罪行和生理上的怠惰沒有太多的關(guān)系,你甚至可能像一只蜜蜂那樣忙碌,日程表排的滿滿的,在會議和派對之中周旋不停。)
  • 20、First of all a negative one, my friend: it would neverbe guilty of affectation.(首先是一個否定的,我的朋友:它永遠(yuǎn)不會有矯揉造作的罪過。)

be guilty of基本釋義

be guilty of

英 [bi: ?ɡilti ?v] 美 [bi ?ɡ?lti ?v] 
