
be left for dead造句

be left for dead造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:58:04


be left for dead造句

  • 1、Take the dead-letter drop, where an item can be left inconspicuously and securely for someone else to pick up.(把秘密情報(bào)投放點(diǎn)選擇在東西留在那里而不易被發(fā)現(xiàn)卻可以讓別人安全的取走的地方。)
  • 2、The whole commodity complex will be left dead in the water for the next ten years, the report said.(這份報(bào)告說:整個(gè)日用品產(chǎn)業(yè)在接下來的10年內(nèi)將被遺棄。)
  • 3、Rabbis often end a memorial service with, 'May his memory be for a blessing', i. e., what is the meaning of a dead person's life for those who are left behind?(Rabbis在葬禮結(jié)束時(shí)通常會(huì)說,“希望對(duì)他的懷念保佑我們”,一個(gè)往生的人的生活對(duì)在生的人有什么意義呢?) haO86.com
  • 4、In that piece of land, the dead countrymen will not be left alone, because at least we are praying for them, silence.(在那一片土地上,死去的同胞們不會(huì)孤獨(dú)無助,因?yàn)橹辽龠€有我們?cè)跒樗麄兤矶\、默哀。)
  • 5、Depending on the type, extent, and site of the burn, it may be left exposed, covered with a bandage, or excised to remove dead tissue in preparation for skin grafts.(根據(jù)燒傷的類型、范圍和部位來決定該如何處理,傷口可能應(yīng)任其曝露,或用繃帶包扎,或切去壞死的組織,準(zhǔn)備植皮。)

be left for dead基本釋義
