
be in the hands of造句

be in the hands of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:58:03


be in the hands of造句

  • 1、Even so, some wonder if such matters ought tobe in the hands of unelected judges at all.(即便如此,有些人懷疑此類事件是不是就應(yīng)由非民選的法官掌控。)
  • 2、I'm sorry to hear this, I hope that he'llbe in the hands of God for the eternity where all will meet one day.(非常抱歉聽(tīng)到這個(gè)不幸的消息,我希望他去了極樂(lè)世界,在上帝那兒,最終我們都會(huì)在那里見(jiàn)面!)
  • 3、I willbe in the hands of the kite line to pass the leaves hands red with cold, her hands tightly clutched, facing the sky, quiet smile, red face, eyes closed, a happy face let me heartache.(我將手中的風(fēng)箏線遞到葉子手心里,她凍得發(fā)紅的小手緊緊地攥著,面朝天空,安靜的微笑著,紅撲撲的臉蛋,緊閉的雙眼,幸福的表情讓我心疼。)
  • 4、The future nearly seems tobe in the hands of the Asian countries, especially since most of them are growing rapidly (the South Asian "tigers" are a great example).(未來(lái)似乎已經(jīng)被亞洲國(guó)家握在手中,特別是當(dāng)他們都開(kāi)始快速增長(zhǎng)的時(shí)候(比如南亞的“老虎”們就是一個(gè)很好的例子)。)
  • 5、Two-thirds of Russians consider the concentration of power in Mr Putin's hands to be a good thing.(三分之二的俄羅斯人認(rèn)為權(quán)力集中于普京手中是一件好事。)
  • 6、In the future, therefore, oil production will be even more concentrated in the hands of the national firms of Russia and the Persian Gulf.(因此,未來(lái)的石油生產(chǎn)將會(huì)更加集中在俄羅斯金和波斯灣的國(guó)有石油公司手中。)
  • 7、At least one Chinese vessel is believed still tobe in the hands of the attackers.(至少一艘中國(guó)船仍然被相信是在這些進(jìn)攻者的掌握中。)
  • 8、When we trust in the hands of a greater power, our life's work can be truly beautiful.(當(dāng)我們相信更強(qiáng)大的力量,我們的生活才會(huì)真正美麗。)
  • 9、At least one Chellonese vessel is believed still tobe in the hands of the attackers.(至少有一艘神州船只已確定落入了襲擊者之手。)
  • 10、If you neglect both of these health care documents, your life mightbe in the hands of someone you don't trust.(如果你同時(shí)忽略了以上這兩份文件,你的生命就可能掌握在一個(gè)你不信任的人的手中。)
  • 11、To see him, I should say, that instead of rambling with his sweetheart on the hills, he ought to be in bed, under the hands of a doctor.(瞧著他,我得說(shuō),他不該陪他的心上人在山上閑逛,他應(yīng)該在醫(yī)生照料下,躺在床上。)
  • 12、Even today, although active badges and self-writing appointment diaries offer all kinds of convenience, in the wrong hands their information could be stifling.(即使在今天,雖然活動(dòng)徽章和自我記錄人物的日記提供各種方便,但是在不法分子手中,資料可能被扼殺。)
  • 13、Cyberspace is the common space of activities for mankind. The future of cyberspace shouldbe in the hands of all countries.(網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間是人類共同的活動(dòng)空間,網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間前途命運(yùn)應(yīng)由世界各國(guó)共同掌握。)
  • 14、Almost the entire commerce of the town seemed tobe in the hands of Chinese.(整個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)的商業(yè)差不多都掌握在中國(guó)人手里。)
  • 15、The return would be out of their hands, but tests suggest profits can be decent: 10% a year in one example.(他們難以控制收益,但是測(cè)試結(jié)果表明利潤(rùn)也相當(dāng)可觀:曾有組合達(dá)到10%的年收益率。)
  • 16、For the LORD your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.(因?yàn)橐腿A你神在你一切的土產(chǎn)上和你手里所辦的事上要賜福與你,你就非常地歡樂(lè)。)
  • 17、Life should be treated with special care like an egg in your hands. We should treasure every moment of sincerity and gratefulness because the best things will be gone very easily.(生活,就像手心里的雞蛋總是小心翼翼著,應(yīng)該珍惜著每一份真誠(chéng)與感動(dòng),好的東西最容易擦肩而過(guò)了。)
  • 18、The port of Sirte, close to the colonel’s home town, was said tobe in the hands of his foes.(而且,據(jù)說(shuō)據(jù)卡扎菲老家很近的Sirte港已經(jīng)落于其敵人之手。)
  • 19、Many of the component concepts outlined here will be part of the hands-on examples that follow, so keep them in mind!(這里描述的許多組件的概念將會(huì)是接下來(lái)展示的示例的一部分,所以請(qǐng)記住它們!)
  • 20、He's our trusted man; the REINS of good fortune willbe in the hands of one of our own.(他就是我們信賴的人;駕御好運(yùn)的韁繩,將把握在我們自己人中間的某一個(gè)人的手里。) haO86.com
  • 21、"My life is in the hands of God. Why should I be afraid?" she said.(她說(shuō):“我的生命掌握在上帝手中,我害怕什么呢?”)
  • 22、A chase mightbe in the hands of the crown.(狩獵地可能掌握在王室手中。)
  • 23、He seems for a moment to be again holding the fate of the country in his hands.(有那么一刻他似乎又把國(guó)家的命運(yùn)掌握在自己手中。)
  • 24、So how did the portrait come tobe in the hands of a leading Anglo-Irish family, and how did it go unnoticed?(肖像畫(huà)是怎樣會(huì)落到這個(gè)重要的英格蘭-和愛(ài)爾蘭的家人的手里以及它是怎樣會(huì)被人們所忽視的呢?)
  • 25、But when we trust in the hands of a Greater Power, our life's work truly can be beautiful.(但是,如果我們相信大師的力量,我們的生活就會(huì)變的非常美麗。)
  • 26、The breeze blowing over my face, a staggered season at the Youth passes as a fleeting wave… I willbe in the hands of the brush scattered, chaotic weather in the haze, the end is a silhouette.(晚風(fēng)拂過(guò)我的臉龐,一場(chǎng)錯(cuò)開(kāi)的花季,埋首煙波,似水流年。我將手中畫(huà)筆散落,亂了晴天里的陰霾,終是成了剪影。)

be in the hands of基本釋義