
be related to造句

be related to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:57:55


be related to造句

  • 1、The rate at which an animal aged was once believed tobe related to its size.(動物衰老的速度曾經(jīng)被認為是與其體型大小相關(guān)的。)
  • 2、But this addition willbe related to design rather than analysis.(但這種添加與設(shè)計而不是分析有關(guān)。)
  • 3、The answer need notbe related to your project.(答案不一定必須與你的項目有關(guān)。)
  • 4、Decide in advance, for instance, which products each additional item canbe related to.(預(yù)先決定,例如,附加商品可以與哪款產(chǎn)品聯(lián)系起來。)
  • 5、The new pandemic H1N1 actually turns out tobe related to previous pandemic strains.(新的流行性的H1N1實際上已經(jīng)變得和以前的流行的變種有關(guān)系。)
  • 6、The result of such expressions will always be the same, and it won'tbe related to the current node.(這類表達式的結(jié)果將始終是相同的,并且不會關(guān)聯(lián)到當(dāng)前節(jié)點。)
  • 7、There's a sound rule for reporting weather events that maybe related to climate change.(在報道與氣候變化有關(guān)的天氣事件時有一條明智的規(guī)則。)
  • 8、Depression seems tobe related to an imbalance of certain chemicals in your brain.(抑郁癥似乎與大腦中某種化學(xué)物質(zhì)的不平衡有關(guān)。)
  • 9、The sentences within each paragraph shouldbe related to a single topic.(每個段落中的句子應(yīng)該與一個主題相關(guān)。)
  • 10、The anti-Semite's outlook shouldbe related to that of the Negrophobe.(反猶太人的觀點應(yīng)該與黑人恐懼癥的觀點有關(guān)。)
  • 11、The second technique relies on evoked potentials, which are electrical brain responses that maybe related to a particular stimulus because of where they originate.(第二種技術(shù)依賴于誘發(fā)電位;根據(jù)它們的源頭,誘發(fā)電位是一種可能與特定的刺激相關(guān)的腦電反應(yīng)。)
  • 12、However, the increased risk couldbe related to the fact that tall women just have farther to fall.(然而,還有可能是由于高個子再摔倒的時候跌落距離會更遠,從而導(dǎo)致更高風(fēng)險性。)
  • 13、The only stipulation is that the topic you choose mustbe related to your studies.(唯一的要求是你選的題目必須與你的研究科目有關(guān)。)
  • 14、More research is needed to determine how GI problems maybe related to PDD.(需要更多的研究來確定胃腸道問題怎樣和pdd有相關(guān)?)
  • 15、That something seems tobe related to an enzyme called catalase.(這種物質(zhì)似乎與一種名叫過氧化氫酶的酶有關(guān)。)
  • 16、It also mightbe related to the presence water and water ice.(它也可能與曾經(jīng)出現(xiàn)過的水和水冰有關(guān)。)
  • 17、Innovative science produces new propositions in terms of which diverse phenomena canbe related to one another in more coherent ways.(創(chuàng)新科學(xué)會產(chǎn)生新的命題,使不同的現(xiàn)象以更連貫的方式相互關(guān)聯(lián)。)
  • 18、If an application is under-loaded, the maximum pause time willbe related to the maximum response time.(如果應(yīng)用程序工作負載不足,則最大暫停時間將與最大響應(yīng)時間有關(guān)。) Hao86.com
  • 19、I'm not exactly sure what she does there, but it seems tobe related to humorous poems.(我并不確切地知道她在那里做什么,但似乎與幽默詩歌有關(guān)。)
  • 20、so the conclusion shouldbe related to capital resources.(所以結(jié)論應(yīng)該和資本資源有關(guān)。)
  • 21、Remember that NFS performance problems might notbe related to your NFS subsystem at all.(請記住,NFS性能問題可能與您的nfs子系統(tǒng)根本沒有任何關(guān)系。)
  • 22、Remember that NFS performance problems might notbe related to your NFS subysystem at all.(請記住,NFS性能問題可能與您的NFS子系統(tǒng)根本沒有任何關(guān)系。)
  • 23、Not all code changes have tobe related to a user story, I just did that in all my examples for clarity.(不是所有的代碼變更都必須與某個用戶故事相關(guān)的,在例子中,我只是為了描述的清晰才這樣做。)
  • 24、Another suggestion is that the color mightbe related to ice with high levels of metallic compounds, including copper and iron.(另一種說法是,這種顏色可能與冰中含有的大量金屬化合物有關(guān),包括銅和鐵。)
  • 25、In the future, pay increases willbe related to productivity.(以后,工資的增加將和業(yè)績掛鉤。)
  • 26、A product canbe related to other products for various reasons.(由于各種原因,某個產(chǎn)品會關(guān)聯(lián)到其他產(chǎn)品。)
  • 27、The only press I would get wouldbe related to the good things I'd do with that campaign money.(唯一的能見到我的新聞報道將是有關(guān)我把參加競選的錢花在善事的報道。)

be related to基本釋義

be related to

英 [bi: r??le?t?d tu:] 美 [bi r??let?d tu] 

與。。。有關(guān), 和。。。有聯(lián)系, 和。。。有親戚關(guān)系