
be secreted from造句

be secreted from造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:57:52


be secreted from造句

  • 1、The secondary envelope may be deposited on the primary envelope surface and it is formed by the substances secreted from the granules cells.(初級卵膜源于卵母細(xì)胞,次級卵膜由晚期濾泡細(xì)胞分泌形成。)
  • 2、The xanthan gum is the extracellular polysaccharide secreted by xanthomonas campestris from wild rape. It can be produced by fermentation with starch or glucose as the carbon source.(黃原膠是野油菜黃單孢菌分泌的胞外多糖,可用淀粉或葡萄糖為碳源發(fā)酵生產(chǎn)。) hAo86.com
  • 3、Secreted protein can be harvested from cells culture medium directly and repeatly.(而分泌型蛋白則可以反復(fù)從培養(yǎng)細(xì)胞的上清中直接獲取。)
  • 4、The down-regulating of the immunosuppressors secreted from colorectal tumor cells may be one of anti-tumor action mechanisms of traditional Chinese medicines.(下調(diào)腫瘤細(xì)胞免疫抑制分子的分泌,應(yīng)是中藥制劑發(fā)揮抗瘤效應(yīng)的機(jī)制之一。)
  • 5、The biological ways are to make use of characteristics that secretion secreted from some microorganisms can dissolve the aluminosilicates, and then the silicon may be removed from bauxite.(生物方法則利用一些微生物的分泌物能夠溶解鋁硅酸鹽礦物的特性,將鋁土礦中的硅脫除。)

be secreted from基本釋義