
be short for造句

be short for造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:57:51


be short for造句

  • 1、While not too bad for a short conversation, for something longer, it will be a real performance problem.(雖然對于較短的對話影響不大,但是如果對話很長,性能問題就顯現(xiàn)出來了。) hAo86.com
  • 2、However short our friend lifespan would be for new friends, we should always try to keep in touch with our old friends.(不論我們新朋友的生命周期有多短暫,我們應該一直試著同老朋友們保持聯(lián)系。)
  • 3、Sunrise rays are short-lived and can be rewarding to spot for Moon enthusiasts with telescopes.(這種光線存在時間很短,是對用望遠鏡觀察月球的愛好者的酬賞。)
  • 4、In the short term, companies would be grateful for any equity capital they could raise from retail investors, so they could bolster their balance-sheets.(短期看,公司會為從散戶那里籌集的股票資產感到欣慰,所以他們可以強化他們的資產負債表。)
  • 5、For example, we think that short boys can't possibly be good basketball players.(例如,我們認為矮的男孩不可能成為好的籃球運動員。)
  • 6、There will always be a handful of urgent and important issues that arise, causing our schedules to be chaotic for short periods.(總是會有一大堆緊急而且重要的事情發(fā)生,使得我們的時間表短時間內產生混亂。)
  • 7、The vehicle Antilock Braking System (be short for ABS) has been widely applied on the vehicles, in order to improve the safety.(為提高汽車行駛安全性,制動防抱死系統(tǒng)(簡稱abs)在汽車上得到了廣泛應用。)
  • 8、S-EVwouldbe short for seawater electric vehicle, only of course you're not dumpingbuckets of seawater into your car, you're driving a fuel cell EV (FCEV) thatruns on hydrogen derived from seawater.(S-EV是海水電動車的簡稱,當然,你不是要將海水倒在車里,而是因為你駕駛的燃料電池電動車(FCEV)的燃料來自于海水。)
  • 9、The quote should not be binding and only be valid for a short period of time.(報價不應該是固定的,應該只在短期內有效。)
  • 10、Constructive Disengagement - Full engagement is using all of your resources and can only be maintained for a short burst.(建設性脫離-全部參與是使用你的所有資源,并只能維持短期突發(fā)。)
  • 11、For those that can't be here, I thought I'd share the prep questions and my short answers with you.(對那些無法到場的人,我覺得我應該分享這些準備的問題,并附上簡短的回答。)
  • 12、The electric company, whose monopoly may be short lived, has suddenly mopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman.(這家電力公司的壟斷地位可能是短暫的,但突然之間,它要用戶等半天才能找到修理工。)
  • 13、Since the defragment operation may run quickly, especially for smaller tables, the defragment information may be available for only a short period of time.(由于碎片整理操作可能運行得很快,特別對于小表更是如此,所以只能在很短的時間內看到碎片整理信息。)
  • 14、A country lacking short-term liquidity would be loth to approach the IMF for a loan under the "stand-by arrangement", the mainstay of the IMF's crisis lending.(一個缺乏短期流動性的國家可能不愿向國際貨幣基金組織尋求“備用信貸協(xié)議”——IMF危機貸款的中流砥柱。)
  • 15、Van Persie, Diaby and Eduardo we believe have a little, little, little chance but they could allbe short for Tuesday.(范佩西,迪亞比和愛德華多,我們相信他們只有很小,很小,很小機會,但是他們都可能在周二比賽無法出場。)
  • 16、The life of constant short term challenges will be rewarding and balanced for you.(短期目標所構成的生活將會非常值得,而且對你來說很均衡。)
  • 17、Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts.(第一,沒有任何成就是可以在短時間內達到的,而是需要持續(xù)的勤奮工作和努力。)
  • 18、The website must be delivered in a short time frame, no time for training.(而這個網(wǎng)站又必須在短時間內交付,沒有時間進行培訓。)
  • 19、Other ideas would be to record a short video for them using a camera and leaving it for them at the breakfast table.(別的念頭比如用相機為他們錄一小段錄相,放在餐桌上,這樣子他們吃早餐時能看到。)
  • 20、Sunshine will be in short supply for the west coast.(西海岸將不會有充足的陽光。)
  • 21、As a result, job status queries may be incorrect for a short time.(結果是,在短時間內作業(yè)狀態(tài)查詢可能會不正確。)
  • 22、He said they should only be available with a prescription and for short-term use.(邁克洛夫教授指出,漱口水應需處方才能購買,而且建議只能短期使用。)
  • 23、A property can even be "milked" for short periods of time by deferring maintenance, but that is not a wise long-term strategy.(房地產的款項甚至可以通過推遲保養(yǎng)而暫為“挪用”,可這從長期來講,卻不是一個明智的策略。)

be short for基本釋義

be short for
