
be short of造句

be short of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:57:50


be short of造句

  • 1、Mongolia may stillbe short of neighbours, but the whole world wants to be its friend.(蒙古仍然可能會(huì)缺少鄰國(guó),但整個(gè)世界都希望成為其友邦。)
  • 2、The lesson from that crisis was never tobe short of reserves.(那次危機(jī)的教訓(xùn)就是永遠(yuǎn)不要碰到外匯儲(chǔ)備不夠用。)
  • 3、Jerky word is tobe short of calcium likely.(抽筋的話有可能是缺鈣。)
  • 4、So schools will alwaysbe short of money.(因此,學(xué)校將永遠(yuǎn)是缺錢。)
  • 5、be short of clinical pharmacist make it difficult to conduct clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care in hospital.(解決臨床藥師缺乏的問題是臨床藥學(xué)與藥學(xué)監(jiān)護(hù)工作的關(guān)鍵,也是醫(yī)院藥學(xué)工作模式轉(zhuǎn)變的關(guān)鍵。)
  • 6、But so far this year, there has been no sign of the typical seasonal increase-prompting oil traders to worry that when winter sets in, the world willbe short of oil.(但今天到目前為止,還沒有跡象表明有任何的季節(jié)性的增長(zhǎng)——這讓石油經(jīng)銷商擔(dān)心這個(gè)冬天石油會(huì)短缺。)
  • 7、You maybe short of money or feel deprived in some other, less tangible way.(你有可能缺少金錢,或者感到缺少別的什么不確切的東西。)
  • 8、Even so, emerging-market Banks will stillbe short of capital.(盡管如此,新興市場(chǎng)銀行仍將缺少資本。)
  • 9、Want to enter this special room, must have two requirements: The fortune of a huge sum and exalted social class, bothbe short of one cannot.(要想進(jìn)入這個(gè)非凡場(chǎng)所,必須具備兩個(gè)條件:巨額的財(cái)富和高尚的社會(huì)地位,兩者缺一不可。)
  • 10、If carry momentum is big,be short of zincic more, when perspiring because of the man, than feminine loss more zinc.(如果運(yùn)動(dòng)量大,缺鋅更多,因?yàn)槟腥顺龊沟臅r(shí)候,比女人損失更多的鋅。)
  • 11、Otherwise you'llbe short of money all term.(否則你整個(gè)一學(xué)期都將缺錢。)
  • 12、Any work can notbe short of setting conditions.(任何工作都離不開給定條件。)
  • 13、Donald always seems tobe short of cash and make a habit of lurching from one misadventure to the next.(唐納德似乎總是缺錢,總是遇到習(xí)慣地遇到一個(gè)接一個(gè)得倒霉事。)
  • 14、This is a shock task. It'll be no good tobe short of hands.(這是一項(xiàng)突擊任務(wù),人少了不濟(jì)事。)
  • 15、You can discard loser in the side suit that the dummybe short of.(你可以墊掉明手所缺少的旁套花色中的輸張。)
  • 16、In China, this is said tobe short of serious lack of common sense of the magical state, which is particularly important, and even valuable.(在中國(guó)這個(gè)據(jù)說嚴(yán)重短缺乏常識(shí)的神奇國(guó)度,這一點(diǎn)尤其重要,甚至顯得可貴。)
  • 17、But at least he will notbe short of advice.(但至少他不會(huì)缺少建議。)
  • 18、Both is the requirement that assures to build project record quality,be short of one cannot.(二者是保證建設(shè)項(xiàng)目檔案質(zhì)量的必要條件,缺一不可。)
  • 19、If you are versatile, then you'll neverbe short of conversational topics.(如果你有多種學(xué)問,那么你談話時(shí)就不會(huì)缺少話題了。)
  • 20、Pay in cash be out of cashbe short of cash.(付現(xiàn)金無現(xiàn)金缺少現(xiàn)金。)
  • 21、Time and space supplement each other,be short of one cannot.(時(shí)間和空間相輔相成,缺一不可。)
  • 22、After the beginning of the knot melon can notbe short of water, and with the increase in the number of nodes, the corresponding increase in the amount of water.(開始結(jié)瓜后就不能缺水了,而且隨著結(jié)瓜的增多,澆水量也相應(yīng)增大。)
  • 23、I seem tobe short of funds tonight.(今晚我的錢好像不夠。)

be short of基本釋義

be short of

英 [bi: ??:t ?v] 美 [bi ??rt ?v] 
缺少; 不到; 不夠