
be attributed to造句

be attributed to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:58:29


be attributed to造句

  • 1、This canbe attributed to several factors.(這可以歸因于幾個因素。)
  • 2、Both events canbe attributed to the same large-scale pattern of atmospheric circulation.(這兩件事的原因可以歸結(jié)為是相同的大規(guī)模的大氣環(huán)流模式。)
  • 3、They cannotbe attributed to people not having had time to adjust their views.(他們沒有把此歸因于人們沒有時間來調(diào)整他們的觀點。)
  • 4、Other liquidators have since died but their deaths could not necessarilybe attributed to radiation exposure.(其他清理者后來死亡,但死因不一定就是因暴露于輻射。)
  • 5、The catalogue of health plusses can't allbe attributed to regular dogwalking however.(然而這一切并不能都歸功于日常的溜狗。)
  • 6、Price movements, even rapid and large ones, can usuallybe attributed to the fundamentals of supply and demand.(價格的運動,即使是迅速且大幅度的,也可歸因于基本的供給和需求。)
  • 7、An estimated 24% of the global burden of disease and 23% of all deaths canbe attributed to environmental factors.(估計24%的全球疾病負擔(dān)以及23%的所有全球死亡可能歸咎于環(huán)境因素。)
  • 8、Much of these price drops canbe attributed to over development during the boom.(這些價格的下降大部分可以歸因于在經(jīng)濟繁榮時期的過度開發(fā)。)
  • 9、This distinction is important because each step in a use case scenario mustbe attributed to an actor.(這個區(qū)別很重要,因為用例場景中的每個步驟都必須歸因于操作者。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 10、The health benefits of lavender oil for the skin canbe attributed to its antiseptic and antifungal properties.(薰衣草油對皮膚的改善作用主要歸功于它防腐和殺菌的特性。)
  • 11、Although some of this canbe attributed to a higher income, Manton believes it is mainly because educated people seek more medical attention.(雖然部分原因可以歸結(jié)為較高的收入,但曼頓認為這主要是因為受過教育的人會尋求更多治療。)
  • 12、Those excesses cannotbe attributed to any single nation.(這些缺乏節(jié)制的問題不能歸咎于某一個國家。)
  • 13、Great interest is tobe attributed to this atom model.(這個原子模型引發(fā)了極大的興趣。)
  • 14、So a major portion of the performance improvement canbe attributed to the pre-allocation of the pages in DMS.(所以,性能提升的很大一部分要歸功于DMS上頁的預(yù)先分配。)
  • 15、The V-shaped recovery cannotbe attributed to sales: GDP growth has been tepid.(企業(yè)利潤的V型復(fù)蘇并不能歸因于它們銷售業(yè)績的增長:GDP增長依舊乏力。)
  • 16、More than 80% of those cases canbe attributed to contact with contaminated water and a lack of proper sanitation.(這些病例的80%以上可歸因于接觸了受污染的水和缺乏適當(dāng)?shù)男l(wèi)生設(shè)施。)
  • 17、In part, this stress canbe attributed to the overlords' failure to adjust to a rapidly expanding economy, but the stress was also due to factors beyond the overlords' control.(在一定程度上,這種壓力可以歸結(jié)為霸主未能適應(yīng)快速擴張的經(jīng)濟,但這種壓力也是由霸主無法控制的因素造成的。)
  • 18、To a large extent, this canbe attributed to the fact that not everybody has the same opportunities.(這在很大程度上可以說是由這樣一個實事造成的,即不是每個人都有同樣的機會。)
  • 19、Part of the active user drop can alsobe attributed to the attrition rate on any given DPAR over time.(部分活動用戶的減少也歸結(jié)于隨時間的推移在任何給定dpar上的損失率。)
  • 20、On a global level, tens of thousands of lung cancer deaths annually canbe attributed to radon.(在全球,氡每年可造成數(shù)萬例肺癌死亡。)
  • 21、Surprisingly few extinctions of indigenous species canbe attributed to competition from introduced species.(令人驚訝的是,本土物種的滅絕很少歸因于外來物種的競爭。)
  • 22、A lot of waste canbe attributed to waiting.(有大量的消耗時間可以歸因于等待。)
  • 23、Extrapolating from his latest findings, he reckons about 80% of these deaths mightbe attributed to smoking.(從他最近的發(fā)現(xiàn)推斷,他估計大約80%的這類死亡可能歸因于吸煙。)
  • 24、Of 53 goals scored in the group stage, 23 couldbe attributed to a greater or lesser extent to goalkeeper error.(小組賽一共打進了53粒進球,其中的23粒都歸功于門將犯下的或大或小的失誤。)
  • 25、Only 24 percent of the increase couldbe attributed to earlier age at diagnosis.(另外,只有24%的患者屬于早期診斷。)
  • 26、France's bad luck at the World Cup should partlybe attributed to disharmony inside the team.(法國隊在世界杯的失利在部分程度上要歸咎于球隊內(nèi)部的不合。)
  • 27、Some of this canbe attributed to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors looked out for one another, she says.(她說,這其中的一部分原因可以歸結(jié)于鄰里之間會互相照顧的傳統(tǒng)社區(qū)的解體。)
  • 28、About 3.2 million deaths annually canbe attributed to insufficient physical activity.(每年大約有320萬例死亡可歸因于運動不足。)

be attributed to基本釋義