
be blessed with造句

be blessed with造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:58:28


be blessed with造句

  • 1、It comes from within, that much I know, and few people are lucky enough tobe blessed with it.(那是發(fā)自內(nèi)心的,而我知道,只有少數(shù)幸運(yùn)的人能得到這樣的幸福。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 2、It has been an honor to know each and everyone of you, may your lifebe blessed with health and happiness.(認(rèn)識你們每個人是我的榮幸,祝愿你們健康快樂。)
  • 3、When I'm feeling weak and my pain walks down a one way street, I look above and I know I'll alwaysbe blessed with love.(當(dāng)我感到脆弱使得我的痛苦在死胡同中徘徊,我仰視天空便可知道我總會得到愛的祝福。)
  • 4、And of Asher he said, let Asherbe blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil.(論亞設(shè)說,愿亞設(shè)享受多子的福樂,得他弟兄的喜悅,可以把腳蘸在油中。)
  • 5、May you alwaysbe blessed with good health.(愿你永遠(yuǎn)享有健康之福。)
  • 6、May theybe blessed with the full mercy of Haridasa Thakur!(愿他們獲得哈瑞達(dá)斯?塔庫爾的充滿仁慈的祝福。)
  • 7、My heart willbe blessed with the sound of music.(山巒喚起我心中的音樂。)
  • 8、May your lifebe blessed with joy, love and miracles.(愿你的生活與快樂、友愛和奇跡的祝福。)
  • 9、Let usbe blessed with glory as we cross the gate of hell!(在我們通過地獄之門時,愿榮譽(yù)保佑我們!)
  • 10、May yoube blessed with love and happiness forever!(愿你們永遠(yuǎn)相愛,幸福永遠(yuǎn)!)
  • 11、You willbe blessed with health and wealth by God, congregants are told, especially if you give generously.(聚會者被告知,信徒會受到上帝保佑,得到健康和財富,尤其是當(dāng)你慷慨捐贈。)
  • 12、May your days alwaysbe blessed with love!(愿你的日子總是充滿愛!)
  • 13、And I know I'll alwaysbe blessed with love.(我知道我會一直沐浴在愛中。)
  • 14、May this country alwaysbe blessed with prosperity.(愿上帝保佑這個國家永遠(yuǎn)繁榮昌盛。)
  • 15、I feel very fortunate tobe blessed with having you as a good friend.(我感到很幸運(yùn),能有福氣擁有像你這樣的好朋友。)
  • 16、Later on they wouldbe blessed with two daughters, Diane and Sharon.(后來,他們有了兩個女兒——黛安娜和莎倫。)
  • 17、be blessed with Wisdom, Love and Joy.(以智慧、愛和快樂祝福你。)
  • 18、But how could autumnbe blessed with such fruits?(可是秋天,哪能結(jié)出這樣的碩果?)
  • 19、May you find love and peace in your hearts and may yoube blessed with health and prosperity!(祝愿你能找到你心中的愛和平靜,希望你健康富足。)
  • 20、Those children who study abroad willbe blessed with an opportunity to experience a totally different culture.(4那些在外國學(xué)習(xí)的孩子將會有機(jī)會去體驗一種完全不同的文化。)
  • 21、I wish all those celebrating the New Year tobe blessed with peace, prosperity, and good health.(我希望所有這些慶祝新年的祝福與和平,繁榮和健康狀況良好。)
  • 22、The world is about tobe blessed with more Oprah, rather than less.(世界即將有更多的奧普拉,而非更少。)
  • 23、May yoube blessed with love and happiness forever!(愿你們永遠(yuǎn)相愛,永遠(yuǎn)幸福!)
  • 24、As long as we are pious enough and do exactly what the Buddha had taught us, we shallbe blessed with incredible mercy.(只要我們至誠真心的按照佛菩薩的教誨去做,一定能得到不可思議的佛力加持。)
  • 25、Two real friends, not necessarily the day and night to get along, but mustbe blessed with each other.(兩個真正的朋友,不一定是朝夕相處的,但一定是彼此祝福的。)
  • 26、May each and every one of yoube blessed with the company of true friends.(愿天下每個人都有真正的朋友相伴左右。)

be blessed with基本釋義

be blessed with

英 [bi: ?bles?d wie] 美 [bi ?bl?s?d w?e] 
幸運(yùn)地享有; 具有