
be careful with造句

be careful with造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:58:25


be careful with造句

  • 1、When we go to the beach next time, we shouldbe careful with our garbage.(當(dāng)我們下次去海灘的時(shí)候,我們應(yīng)該妥善收拾好自己的垃圾。)
  • 2、Dobe careful with this feature, however.(但是一定要小心對(duì)待這個(gè)特性。)
  • 3、I told him that was my job, tobe careful with descriptions.(我告訴他我的工作就是小心處理我要描寫的東西。)
  • 4、Alwaysbe careful with shell expansion and variable names.(始終要謹(jǐn)慎使用Shell擴(kuò)展和變量名稱。)
  • 5、We'll have tobe careful with money but that doesn't mean (that) we can't enjoy ourselves.(我們必須精打細(xì)算,可也并不是說我們就不能過得快樂。)
  • 6、be careful with daily use.(日常使用時(shí)要小心。)
  • 7、Next time when we go to the beach we shouldbe careful with our garbage.(下次我們?cè)偃ズ┑臅r(shí)候,我們要記住妥善收拾好自己的垃圾。)
  • 8、be careful with those swords!(小心那些劍!)
  • 9、While this is a powerful instrument,be careful with that perceived simplicity.(盡管這是個(gè)強(qiáng)大的工具,但對(duì)于這種可察覺的簡單性要保持警惕。)
  • 10、Dobe careful with the experiment you're doing.(在實(shí)驗(yàn)中切不可粗心大意。)
  • 11、be careful with that.(要小心。)
  • 12、be careful with those firecrackers!(小心那些爆竹!)
  • 13、be careful with sizes and units: the filesystem should not be longer than the LV!(請(qǐng)注意大小和單位:文件系統(tǒng)不應(yīng)該比LV大!)
  • 14、The concept of frugality is tobe careful with your money.(節(jié)儉的意思是要省錢。)
  • 15、You have tobe careful with your motorcycle and always wear your helmet.(騎摩托車一定要小心,一定要帶頭盔。)
  • 16、We're newcomers here and mustbe careful with what we do.(我們新來乍到,得注意自己的一舉一動(dòng)。)
  • 17、This doesn't mean you have to cut out this delicious Japanese food together, but you do have tobe careful with your choices.(這并不是說你必須把這種美味的日本食物一起去掉,但是你必須謹(jǐn)慎選擇。)
  • 18、be careful with that sharp axe.(那把斧子很鋒利,你要當(dāng)心。)
  • 19、A: We need tobe careful with these electric outlets.(A:我們要小心這些電源。)
  • 20、Where you mustbe careful with dump is in restoring data.(使用dump時(shí)必須小心的地方是還原數(shù)據(jù)。)
  • 21、You shouldbe careful with David. He's very sensitive.(你和大衛(wèi)相處要小心點(diǎn),他非常敏感。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 22、be careful with what you say; watch your words.(小心你說的話;小心你的文字。)
  • 23、be careful with queues at the checkouts.(排隊(duì)結(jié)賬時(shí)要小心。)
  • 24、I shouldbe careful with each bank's different trade execution.(我要注意每個(gè)銀行不同的交易流程。)
  • 25、be careful with that —it cost a lot of money.(小心別弄壞那東西,它可值錢了。)
  • 26、We need tobe careful with the idea that artistic development occurs in a straight line, from simple to complex representations.(我們需要注意這個(gè)觀點(diǎn),即藝術(shù)的發(fā)展是在一條直線上發(fā)生的,表現(xiàn)形式從簡單到復(fù)雜。)
  • 27、be careful with your messages.(要注意您的消息。)
  • 28、Even at that, you shouldbe careful with who you are exchanging messages.(即便如此,你也要謹(jǐn)慎對(duì)待交流郵件的另一方。)

be careful with基本釋義

be careful with

