
be drunk with造句

be drunk with造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:58:15


be drunk with造句

  • 1、With 97% of the world's water too salty to be drunk or used in agriculture, the worldwide supply of water needs careful management, especially in agriculture.(由于世界上97%的水含鹽量過高,不能飲用或用于農(nóng)業(yè),全世界的水供應(yīng)需要謹(jǐn)慎管理,特別是在農(nóng)業(yè)方面。)
  • 2、Prison Break actor Lane Garrison should be charged with manslaughter and drunk driving for a car crash that killed a teenage passenger and injured two others, police said.(警方稱,《越獄》的男星萊恩·?辿]后駕車釀成車禍,導(dǎo)致車上一名少年死亡,兩人受傷。他會(huì)因過失殺人罪被起訴。)
  • 3、Dry and easy to drink, lively and charming, this is a fruity wine with a floral scent and a hint of lemon, the Macon Villages should be drunk chilled and rather young.(此酒是干型且容易飲用的葡萄酒,酒體活潑且迷人,是一款充滿花香、散發(fā)隱約檸檬味的果味濃郁的葡萄酒,十分適合葡萄酒初級(jí)愛好者,此款酒適合在年輕的時(shí)候冰鎮(zhèn)飲用。)
  • 4、According to the new amendment, drunk driving, with or without traffic offences, will be punished.(根據(jù)新的修正案,無論有沒有造成交通違規(guī),酒后駕車都要受到處罰。)
  • 5、The mother walk through to took a look you, wrinkly the eyebrows lambaste, drunk with wine of you heard at all and be like dead a person.(媽媽走過去看了看您,皺著眉頭大罵起來,醉酒的您根本沒有聽見,像死人似的。)
  • 6、When David took out a crystal ball that could be predicted for the future, they saw a drunk, with a cloak in his hand, and he took his cloak and took the money from the shop.(大衛(wèi)拿出了可以預(yù)測未來的水晶球,他們看到了一個(gè)醉漢,手里拿著斗篷,他披上斗篷拿走商店的錢,別人卻沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 7、Liquor lonely in the brain, only a group of people drunk with the kind of common shared the pain of each cup of liquor continue, will be a little less sad fact;(酒的寂寞在腦中,酒醉只是一群人共同的有著的那種共同的痛苦,每一杯酒下去,其實(shí)悲傷都會(huì)少一點(diǎn);)
  • 8、It may be brunk solely of drunk with other beverage. It can be used as the best substratum of spirit.(伏特加是一種純凈酒,它可以單獨(dú)飲用或者混合飲用,也可以作為各類飲料酒的最好酒基。)
  • 9、Can be drunk as an aperitif, during a meal or with fruit style dessert.(此酒適宜做開胃酒、餐中酒或者配水果味甜點(diǎn)。)
  • 10、Scarlett, looking at him with the affectionate contempt that mothers feel for small swaggering sons, knew that he would be very drunk by sundown.(思嘉用母親對一個(gè)自命不凡的兒子那樣既鐘愛了又藐視的神情看著他,眼看到日落時(shí)他又要喝得酩酊大醉了。)
  • 11、It seems strange to me that Nerflin, a barkeep known by everyone within a day's ride of here, and proprietor of a well-established inn - would be talking with an old drunk about murders and plots.(我覺得奇怪的是耐法林,就算是距這里一天路程的地方,也誰都認(rèn)識(shí)的酒保,并且是很有名氣的旅店經(jīng)營者——會(huì)和一個(gè)老酒鬼談?wù)撁孛苤\殺。)
  • 12、The present invention belongs to the field of tea technology. Its main technique is characterized by providing pure, clean and health tea which can be drunk by mixing it with boiling water.(本發(fā)明屬茶葉技術(shù)領(lǐng)域,需要解決的技術(shù)問題是提供純凈衛(wèi)生的茶葉,主要技術(shù)特征在于創(chuàng)造加工過程產(chǎn)品純凈衛(wèi)生,用途供開水沖泡飲用。)
  • 13、That would be one of the wild nights he needed even once in a while, to get drunk with his friends, and he didn't want a wife along then.(除夕之夜乃是他每隔一段時(shí)間就需要來一次的狂歡之夜,同他的朋友一起喝得醉醺醺的;)
  • 14、If you are caught in the act, you will be slapped with a fine and possibly charged with being 'drunk in public.(如果你被當(dāng)場抓住,那么你就會(huì)被狠狠地罰一筆錢,罪名是當(dāng)眾醉酒。)
  • 15、"No," John said, "but perhaps you should dilute your alcoholic drinks with water." It's hard to be a diligent listener when you're drunk.(“不會(huì),”約翰說,“但也許你該在你含酒精的飲料中加水稀釋后再喝,喝醉了酒就很難再當(dāng)盡職的聽眾了?!?
  • 16、HEROD: it may be he is drunk with the wine of God.(他肯能是被上帝的酒灌醉了。)
  • 17、Type "drunk" and the name of pretty much any animal into YouTube and you'll be rewarded with hilarious footage of inebriated beasts.(只要在YouTube上輸入“喝醉”以及任何動(dòng)物的名字,就會(huì)搜出一大堆的動(dòng)物醉酒視頻。)
  • 18、Keemun Black Tea can be drunk alone or with milk or sugar.(祁紅茶最宜于清飲,但也適于加奶加糖調(diào)和飲用。)
  • 19、One should always be drunk. That's all that matters... But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk.(每個(gè)人都應(yīng)該經(jīng)常沉醉,沉醉于葡萄酒,沉醉于詩歌,沉醉于美德。無論沉醉于什么,只要沉醉就好。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、That is a river trained to be free and easy by the Kazakh grasslands with their blazing sun and piercing frost, and those who have drunk of its milky waters have been subtly changed.(那是一條被酷暑嚴(yán)寒的哈薩克草原養(yǎng)育得自由自在的大河啊,原來它把喝過它水乳的人都悄悄地改變了。)
  • 21、But an intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend his time with fools.(不過,聰明人和傻瓜泡時(shí)間,有時(shí)就不得不喝醉。)

be drunk with基本釋義