be free造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:58:11


be free造句

  • 1、If this could be fulfilled, my life wouldbe free of care.(如果這能實(shí)現(xiàn),我的生活就無(wú)憂無(wú)慮了。)
  • 2、No, I'm sorry he won'tbe free tomorrow.(不,對(duì)不起,他明天沒(méi)空。)
  • 3、I won'tbe free Friday morning. I'll be seeing a friend off.(星期五早上我沒(méi)空,我要給一位朋友送行。)
  • 4、It was vital that the elections shouldbe free of coercion or intimidation.(至關(guān)重要的是,選舉中不得有脅迫或威逼。)
  • 5、I'llbe free then.(到那時(shí)我就自由了。)
  • 6、The manager willbe free soon—you can wait for her here.(經(jīng)理很快就有空了—你可以在這里等她。)
  • 7、Pies can'tbe free any more.(果派不會(huì)再免費(fèi)了。)
  • 8、The marriage was a failure and they both wanted tobe free of it.(這段婚姻是個(gè)失敗,他們倆都想從中解放出來(lái)。)
  • 9、Some critics say it is a luxury and shouldn'tbe free to families able to pay.(一些批評(píng)者說(shuō),這是一種奢侈品,不應(yīng)該免費(fèi)提供給有能力支付的家庭。)
  • 10、If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good, they would cease tobe free.(如果人們堅(jiān)持要擺脫自力更生的負(fù)擔(dān)和對(duì)共同利益的責(zé)任,那他們將不再是自由的。)
  • 11、Men are not saints; how can theybe free from faults?(人非圣賢,孰能無(wú)過(guò)?)
  • 12、Haslam has said colleges wouldbe free to opt in or out of the out souring plan, which has not been finalized.(哈斯拉姆表示,各大學(xué)可以自由選擇參加或不參加“外包計(jì)劃”,它還沒(méi)有得到最終確定。)
  • 13、Women shouldbe free to dress and act as they please.(女人應(yīng)該有自由隨自己的意愿著裝和行事。)
  • 14、Museum's special exhibition area will nowbe free of charge.(博物館的特別展覽區(qū)現(xiàn)在免費(fèi)開(kāi)放。)
  • 15、As compensation, your meal willbe free.(作為補(bǔ)償,您的餐費(fèi)是免費(fèi)的。)
  • 16、Taylor was a slaveholder. But he believed that both California and New Mexico shouldbe free states.(泰勒是一位奴隸擁有者。但他認(rèn)為加利福尼亞和新墨西哥都應(yīng)該是自由州。)
  • 17、I want her tobe free and happy as a bird!(我要她像小鳥一樣自由快樂(lè)!)
  • 18、I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life andbe free.(我沒(méi)有雄心大志,只求自由自在地過(guò)幸福生活。)
  • 19、Once you enter the university, you willbe free to study whatever interests you.(一旦你進(jìn)入大學(xué),你可以自由學(xué)習(xí)任何你感興趣的東西。)
  • 20、People shouldbe free to express their individuality.(人們應(yīng)該自由表現(xiàn)自己的個(gè)性。)
  • 21、She several times emphasizes this need for protection, need tobe free from being torn down from people around them.(她多次強(qiáng)調(diào)這種保護(hù)的需要,需要從周圍的人那里解放出來(lái)。)
  • 22、This is why they mustbe free.(這就是為什么他們必須是免費(fèi)的。)
  • 23、Fiat Auto, which will remain in the holding company, willbe free to gain scale from mergers or partnerships with other car firms and to raise capital.(在未來(lái)仍作為控股公司的菲亞特汽車將自由地通過(guò)與其他汽車公司合并或合作擴(kuò)大規(guī)模,并籌集資金。)
  • 24、The government says the state owns the shoreline and swimming shouldbe free.(政府表示,海岸線歸國(guó)家所有,游泳應(yīng)該免費(fèi)。)
  • 25、Would yoube free?(你有空嗎?)
  • 26、I think museums and art galleries should allbe free to the public.(我認(rèn)為博物館和美術(shù)館都應(yīng)該對(duì)公眾免費(fèi)開(kāi)放。)
  • 27、If we cut it, the kite willbe free and fly even higher.(如果我們剪斷它,風(fēng)箏就會(huì)自由,飛得更高。)
  • 28、Her parents had yearned tobe free to practise their religion.(她父母曾渴望能自由信奉他們的宗教。)

be free基本釋義