
bete noire造句

bete noire造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:57:18


bete noire造句

  • 1、And they will be united in cheering for whichever country is playing against japan-the Koreas'bete noire of history and their Shared rival in Asian football.(而且不論誰和日本——兩朝歷史上的共同死敵,亞洲足球的共同對手——碰頭,他們也都會攜手喝彩。)
  • 2、Biology and chemistry are mybete noire s.(生物學(xué)和化學(xué)是我最厭惡的兩個學(xué)科。)
  • 3、Apple'sbete noire in recent years has been timing inventory to meet demand.(蘋果公司近幾年最頭疼的問題是及時供貨以滿足市場需求。) Hao86.com

bete noire基本釋義

bete noire

英 [?bet ?nwɑ:(r)] 
