
be terrified of造句

be terrified of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:57:48


be terrified of造句

  • 1、You are terrified of your own children since they are natives in a world where you will always be immigrants.(你們被自己的孩子嚇壞了因?yàn)樵谶@個(gè)世界上他們是土著而你們永遠(yuǎn)是外來著。)
  • 2、Mythbusters host , adam savage ( terrified of spiders ) bravely put his entire arm into a perspex box filled with what seemed to be hundreds of the spider version of daddy long legs.(一個(gè)“神秘的小家伙”節(jié)目的主持人,亞當(dāng)。撒瓦格(他害怕蜘蛛),他勇敢地把他一只胳膊,伸進(jìn)一個(gè)裝滿了看起來象是有成百只的“長腿爸爸”的透明塑料箱子里。)
  • 3、They know that if they suddenly come up in front of us, we should be very terrified.(他們知道如果他們突然出現(xiàn)在我們面前,我們應(yīng)該很害怕。)
  • 4、Then I said to you, "do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them."(我就對你們說,不要驚恐,也不要怕他們。)
  • 5、So, if a meteor helped to wipe out the dinosaurs, does this mean we shouldbe terrified of the skies today?(那么,既然可能是隕星造成了恐龍的滅絕,今天的我們是否應(yīng)該對天空心存懼意?)
  • 6、When I was in high school I used tobe terrified of my girlfriend's father, who I believe suspected me of wanting to place my hands on his daughter.(念中學(xué)時(shí),我很怕我女友的父親。我相信他總懷疑我要對他女兒毛手毛腳。)
  • 7、Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy31:6).(你們要堅(jiān)強(qiáng)勇敢;不要害怕,也不要因他們畏懼,因?yàn)橐腿A你的神與你同去;他決不撇下你,也不離棄你。(申命記31:6)。)
  • 8、Is gradual, he after decease came together colossal Numbers of epigones, big influence, let ten palace gentleman the king be all terrified of matchless.(漸漸的,他身后聚集了大批追隨者,勢力之大,讓十殿君王都忌憚無比。)
  • 9、Years from now, when I am in my 50s and need to visit a doctor, I will be terrified by the prospect of being treated by the person who walks through the door.(多年以后,當(dāng)我50歲需要去看醫(yī)生,我會(huì)被進(jìn)門的人(醫(yī)生)嚇到。)
  • 10、So the child, who was greatly terrified at the idea of going to the spring at night, took great care that water should never be lacking in the house.(那孩子每次想到要在黑夜里摸到泉邊取水,便膽戰(zhàn)心驚,所以她非常留意,從不讓東家缺水。)
  • 11、If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways.(如果你處在追求完美的壓力下,你會(huì)害怕在最公開的情況下失敗。)
  • 12、For European bankers terrified of being forced to raise long-term debt in choppy markets, that should be some relief.(由于歐洲的銀行家害怕被迫在動(dòng)蕩不安的市場上高筑長期債務(wù),這應(yīng)該可以起到一些緩解作用。)
  • 13、'It's going to be terrifying, and at the test screening they had, apparently people were leaping out of their seats terrified, so I think it's just going to be a really, really good movie.'(整部片子很恐怖,而且在試映現(xiàn)場,真的有人被嚇得從椅子上跳起來,所以我想這應(yīng)該會(huì)是一部非常不錯(cuò)的電影。)
  • 14、Investors seem to be terrified. But of what?(投資者們似乎被嚇壞了,可是是什么引起的呢?)
  • 15、Children with school phobia willbe terrified of going to school and will be facing prolonged periods at home.(有上學(xué)恐懼癥的小孩子會(huì)對上學(xué)感到害怕而不愿意離家。)
  • 16、Mr. Bear : Of course, if the plane stops running along the way he'll be terrified.(熊先生:當(dāng)然,假如飛機(jī)中途停下來,他會(huì)很害怕的。)
  • 17、Don'tbe terrified of the difficulties. Try your best.(別怕困難,盡你的最大努力。)
  • 18、But each generation grows up into respectable parents, ready to be terrified to death of the next one.(但是每一代都成長為受人尊敬的父母,都會(huì)由于下一代的死亡而膽戰(zhàn)心驚。)
  • 19、Yet far from being terrified, wouldn't it be nice to share some of what you have with them?(然而,非但不要被嚇破了膽,難道和它們分享一點(diǎn)你所擁有的空間不是令人愉快的事情么?)
  • 20、"Of course, Ron, but people are terrified," Mr. Weasley replied, "terrified that they will be next to disappear, their children the next to be attacked!"(“當(dāng)然有,羅恩,但是人們很害怕,”韋斯萊先生回答,“害怕自己成為下一個(gè)失蹤者,害怕自己的孩子下一個(gè)就遭到襲擊!”)
  • 21、Be prepared for anything to happen because it can, whether it is something you desperately want or are terrified of.(為任何可能的事情做好準(zhǔn)備,無論是你期望的還是你懼怕的。)
  • 22、If you are afraid of difficulty, you might be even terrified of failure.(假如你害怕困難,你甚至可能對失敗產(chǎn)生恐懼心理。)
  • 23、In our ten years of war two deviations often arose with regard to the strategic defensive; one was to belittle the enemy, the other was tobe terrified of him.(在我們的十年戰(zhàn)爭中,對于戰(zhàn)略防御問題,常常發(fā)生兩種偏向,一種是輕視敵人,又一種是為敵人所嚇倒。)
  • 24、She's terrified, and she may not be in a state of mind to take in the oncologist's reassurance that A.L.L. is "often curable."(她被嚇壞了,也沒有心思聽腫瘤學(xué)家說什么“急性淋巴細(xì)胞白血病經(jīng)??梢灾斡钡脑捔恕?
  • 25、Ron maybe terrified of the giant spider in the movie, but Rupert had no fear of the "real-life" spider: it was cardboard!(羅恩在電影里被大蜘蛛嚇到了,但是魯伯特卻一點(diǎn)也不怕這個(gè)拍攝時(shí)的“真正”的蜘蛛,因?yàn)槟瞧鋵?shí)是個(gè)紙板!) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 26、If we knew about the real facts and statistics of mortality, we'd be terrified.(如果我們了解真實(shí)情況和死亡率的數(shù)字,我們會(huì)被嚇倒。)

be terrified of基本釋義

be terrified of

[bi: ?ter?fa?d ?v] 
害怕 ...; 恐懼 ...